Five Minute Life Hacks
Use this quick meditation practice after each day to process the energy and emotions of the day.
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In this episode we talk about what happens to the body when you travel and the reason we get insight. I also give you my best practical tip for allowing your body to get insights on a daily basis. Listen to processing meditation here. Follow me on IG on TikTok.
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After a one year hiatus, Five Minute Life Hacks is back. Are you giving your brain enough time to rest? In this episode, we're walking and talking about the different types of mental rest and how letting your mind wander is part of rest. I also give you practical steps you can take to allow your mind to rest. For more information checkout
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As we reflect on 2022, we might feel a bit of a disconnect. While this year hasn't necessarily been bad, maybe it's even been great, something has felt eerie about it. As a collective we've had more ailments, been more stressed and more down than in previous years but why? We've been through a huge traumatic pandemic but we don't always acknowledge how it continues to affect us. Are we gaslighting ourselves? In this episode, we talk about this posssibility and how it can be affecting us as a society as well as a few tips to move past it. Listen, share, discuss, enjoy!
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You know the benefits but you can't seem get yourself to start a consistent practice even for 5 minutes. Meditation can change your life but why does sitting still feel so hard? In this episode we talk about my journey with chronic daily anxiety and how I was able to cure it with meditation. We also talk about a few steps you can take to start meditating today.
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Just when you think you are feeling at peace and in flow with your wellness routine the holidays come and wreck havoc. Here are a few tips on making the most of the holidays without getting a holiday hangover.
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If we don't give ourselves the love we need, how can we expect it from others? These daily Confidence Boosting Affirmations will help build self love. Do these every day for best results.
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This daily 3 min confidence boosting meditation will help you feel more attractive and sexy. You can practice this at any time during the day.
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Feeling yourself isn't vain because when you look good you feel good and vice versa. This episodes speaks on those sometimes lengthy periods of time when you are in a vanity funk. Natalia shares her personal confidence rut and lists the steps you can take to start feeling yourself again today! Like, share, enjoy.
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The platform has changed and so has the way we use it. I get asked this question so frequently that I decided to start a conversation and also share how I use Instagram in a way that works for me to give the most inspiration and not mess with my mental health. Like, share, enjoy :)
info_outlineAre you looking for love? Do you love yourself? Do you REALLY love yourself though? Are you trying to distract yourself by finding someone else to complete you? Well if you answered ANY of those questions then I think you will find this episode interesting. And Yes, you read that right, I discovered the key to finding love and it is actually a simple answer but it takes a lot of work. The key to finding love is making sure you love yourself first AND before you swipe away thinking 'Oh no, not another one of those posts,' I want you to think about why 'self love' is such a catchphrase right now. It's because a lot of us don't really know what it is like to really love and care for ourselves, it is a life long process but if done right will bring in a multitude of love into our lives because after all if you don't love yourself how can you expect someone else to love you? In this episode I give you a checklist you can implement today to love yourself and as a result prepare you for finding love. Listen, enjoy, share and rate :)