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Using offshore resources, for beginners

The Mike Ames Recruitment Show

Release Date: 01/25/2024

What characteristics make a great recruiters (and how can you tell) show art What characteristics make a great recruiters (and how can you tell)

The Mike Ames Recruitment Show

What makes a great recruiter and how can you discover whether the person you’re interviewing is one or not? That’s the theme of today'sMike Ames Recruitment Show. Over the years I’ve employed well over 100 recruiters and estimate I’ve interviewed over 1000. I’ve learned some very hard lessons along the way (some cost me a lot of money). But I believe it comes down to a handful of characteristics and some key interview questions to bring them out. So we start by exploring the characteristics I believe all great recruiters have. Then we give you some questions that you can ask in...

Unlocking the Power of True Networking show art Unlocking the Power of True Networking

The Mike Ames Recruitment Show

If the gods decreed all the possessions I'd gathered over the years were to be taken off me, except for one thing it would be this. My network, because with that intact I could get all my other assets back over time. That's the power of a strong network - it makes it easier and quicker to get things done. The problem is, the concept of modern networking has been so watered down that it's hardly recognisable now. In this #MARShow we intend to put that right. I'll be showing you what Real Networking is, not the "attending events and swapping business cards" version that appears popular today....

How to attract and retain the best recruiters show art How to attract and retain the best recruiters

The Mike Ames Recruitment Show

Would you like to know what you have to do to recruit and retain the best recruitment talent out there? If so, check this out. Lysha Holmes (www.linkedin.com/in/lyshaholmesr2r) is our guest on this week’s show. She is a skilled and experienced rec-to-rec professional who has many years’ experience of recruiting recruiters. On the show we focus on drawing upon her vast knowledge and experience in 4 areas: - ❶ What is the market like for hiring recruiters and which direction is it going? ❷ What do agencies have to offer to attract the best recruiters? ❸ What are the common reasons...

5 Time Management Tips for Busy Recruiters show art 5 Time Management Tips for Busy Recruiters

The Mike Ames Recruitment Show

One of the biggest complaints I get from recruitment leaders is “I don’t have enough time to do everything”. If this is you, this show is for you.  In the fast-paced world of recruitment, time is our most valuable asset, but the modern world conspires against us. Countless emails flooding your inbox, a never-ending to-do list, firefighting, BD, client care and supporting your team – how can you fit everything in? In this edition of the Julia Doherty is going to be sharing five proven and practical tips tailored specifically for busy recruiters to achieve more results in less...

How to value and sell your recruitment company show art How to value and sell your recruitment company

The Mike Ames Recruitment Show

When you run a recruitment firm the dream is to sell it but, how likely is this to happen and how much will it be worth? In this episode of the #MARShow we will answer both questions. We’ll also share the characteristics of recruitment companies that are particularly attractive to potential buyers. Well, when I say “we” I mean our special guest, Carl Swansbury, founder and Head of Corporate Finance of corporate finance house Ryecroft Glenton Corporate Finance. Carl has bought and sold dozens of recruitment companies on behalf of his clients, so he knows a thing or two about it. In the...

How to build and monetise a business network show art How to build and monetise a business network

The Mike Ames Recruitment Show

This is for anybody who hates attending networking events or feels they don’t get very much from them. The good news is they are optional. A Real Network is a group of people who are willing and able to help you in your personal, and professional lives. Real Networking is the act of building and maintaining that network. But why bother? Because getting introductions and finding help when you need it, are the easiest ways to grow your business. When I started in recruitment, I was on the phone all the time, but my boss (who never made cold calls) had a steady stream of leads phoned in to him....

CASE STUDY: MBO and running a rec firm without commission show art CASE STUDY: MBO and running a rec firm without commission

The Mike Ames Recruitment Show

Ever considered an MBO as either an exit strategy, or as a way of taking over the firm from your boss one day? Well, our next guest is Alan Shave who several years ago, successfully completed an MBO with his colleagues. The process of a MBO is more complicated than many believe and is fraught with danger on both sides. But Alan and his team steered their way through successfully, and now the business is flourishing. He will talk us thru the process, explain the dangers to watch out for and give as many useful pointers as he can. However, that’s not all. Alan’s company has a very low...

Get more high quality candidates show art Get more high quality candidates

The Mike Ames Recruitment Show

Probably the most common obstacle to growing a recruitment company right now is a lack of suitable candidates. Just imagine how much more money you could make if you could find more talent and then place them (the easy part). In this #MARShow our guest is marketing expert, James Whitelock who specialises in marketing techniques to attract candidates. During the show, James shares the methods he uses with his clients, to attract more placeable candidates. Amongst other things we discuss: - ✅ How to make your agency more attractive to candidates. ✅ The best way to reach and communicate with...

AIDA – most powerful sales/marketing technique ever show art AIDA – most powerful sales/marketing technique ever

The Mike Ames Recruitment Show

Imagine you had a magic wand that instantly made you better at sales pitches, calls, emails, presentations, proposals et al. There is, and it’s called AIDA. AIDA is a simple technique you can use when you want somebody (who doesn’t know you very well) to do something you want. Hence, it’s brilliant in all things sales and marketing. Anytime you have a “call to action” you want people to accept, AIDA is there for you. It stands for: ✅ Grab ATTENTION ✅ Create INTEREST ✅ Build DESIRE ✅ Agree to ACTION. AIDA was invented by Elias St.Elmo Lewis in 1913 so it’s stood the test of...

Tactical and Strategic BD for recruiters (and why you need both). show art Tactical and Strategic BD for recruiters (and why you need both).

The Mike Ames Recruitment Show

Recruiters, did you know there are two kinds of BD: strategic and tactical. You need both, they’re very different and most recruiters only do tactical. This show is on this subject but let me quickly explain the difference between the two. TACTICAL BD Is either, “giz a job” or “I’ve got this great candidate…” by message or phone. In other words vacancy scraping or candidate speccing. You need this because when done properly it can make money in the short term. But there are 5 drawbacks with tactical BD: - ❶ It rarely wins high value clients who value their agencies. ❷ It’s...

More Episodes

We all want to improve our profitability and one way to do this is build offshore people into your team, but how do you do this successfully?

Well, that’s the topic of our next Mike Ames Recruitment Show: offshoring for beginners.

It’s also for those who’ve tried it, and it didn’t work out.

On this, we’ll be exploring the reasons offshore projects often fail, so you can avoid them yourself.

Like most things, there’s a way to approach using offshore people that will significantly increase your chances of success.

So, we’ve invited Ketan Gajjar, (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ketangajjar/) founder and MD of RPO Arena to share the secrets of a successful outsource project.

This is what we cover: -

❶ Why offshoring often fails to work.

❷ Tasks and roles you can move offshore and the results you can expect.

❸ The commercial arrangements.

❹ How to measure and manage offshore people.

❺ Taking the first steps.

With harder times expected, now is a great time to embrace offshore and see how it can support your business.

When done properly, you not only get great results for less cost, but getting experienced people is considerably easier than finding equivalent people in the UK.