The 406 Podcast
Today’s episode was inspired by Debbie- a long time acquaintance who I did not realise was a listener of the podcast. I recently received a random text from her asking about how come there were no new episodes, and that is how I came to invite her and her serial entrepreneur friend Peiying on the show. In this episode, we talk about Peiying’s journey from being an engineer to opening her own beauty salon, and what various aspects of hustling life is like for her as a female entrepreneur. Enjoy!
info_outlineThe 406 Podcast
In this episode recorded back in September of 2020, I am joined by familiar voices Linda and Roberto and together we introduce our friend Jon who will be featuring frequently in future episodes. Today’s conversation takes us through a wide range of topics and digressions such as how money is viewed in different cultures, JOMO, assimilating in Singapore, our collective plans to retire in Mazatlan and the NLB.
info_outlineThe 406 Podcast
This episode was actually recorded some weeks back but our main topic of discussion turned out to be one of the talking points of this election season-- the education system here in Singapore. “Is every school a good school?” What is the difference between a “good” school and a “less good” one anyway? As two people who have journeyed through Singapore’s education system starting in supposed “neighbourhood schools”, Mae Hwee and I reflect on all of these questions and more in this episode o
info_outlineThe 406 Podcast
In today’s episode, we talk about how she found her way from Sina Loa, Mexico, to Singapore in 2017 and why she is extremely grateful to her 2017 self for making it happen. We also catch up on how circuit breaker was for her-- what it was like moving in with her Singaporean boyfriend’s family within 5 weeks of meeting him (we also talk about how they met, of course!), how she felt when the extension was announced and the experience of being away from family during such times.
info_outlineThe 406 Podcast
In today’s episode I had heaps of fun chatting with old friend Mae Hwee and her boyfriend Geoff. They spoke to me from California where they are currently sheltering in place . We talked about why they do theoretical physics, the similarities (or maybe one similarity) between theoretical physicists and artists, the significance of putting a man on the moon, and a buncha other stuff.
info_outlineThe 406 Podcast
In today’s episode, I speak to Suan, or I guess, Dr… Suan now? Originally from Malaysia and first trained as a political scientist, she has just(!) finished her PhD in the field of public health here in Singapore. I talk to her about her educational journey through different schools and education systems in different countries, how she found her way to public health in Singapore, and what the future is looking like for her amidst all of this uncertainty in the world.
info_outlineThe 406 Podcast
In today’s episode, I speak to my friend Bryce. We talk everything from his unconventional reasons for going to medical school, about how his journey to his PhD was complicated by the most unexpected of things, and hear about some of the hoops he has had to and is still jumping through in order to manage working on a PhD while doctoring. We also talk about how COVID-19 has impacted his wedding, the delivery of his new bed, and whether or not to send non-existent kids to “good” primary schools.
info_outlineThe 406 Podcast
In today’s episode, I talk to an old friend Yiwei who gave me an uncharacteristic call one day. It was wonderful news, but with her husband working overseas, and her parents also living outside Singapore, she was pregnant and quite alone here in Singapore during this circuit breaker. In this episode, I get a glowing character review, we talk about 远亲不如近邻, about how she made it through her first trimester all while working while studying for her MBA.
info_outlineThe 406 Podcast
Allan is originally from San Francisco, USA, and came to Singapore more than ten years ago for love. In this episode, we talk about how that all happened, and why he is still here braving the heat an circuit breaker, despite the marriage not working out.
info_outlineThe 406 Podcast
Roberto is originally from Sina Loa, Mexico, and came to Singapore four years ago to do his PhD. In this episode, we talk about some of his experiences so far, including getting evicted from his dorm room which because a quarantine facility amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, and why he would really like to settle here in Singapore.
info_outlineWhat a time to be alive in Singapore eh? It’s been a historic and almost inspirational few days. Today’s episode was actually recorded some weeks back but our main topic of discussion turned out to be one of the talking points of this election season-- the education system here in Singapore. “Is every school a good school?” What is the difference between a “good” school and a “less good” one anyway? As two people who have journeyed through Singapore’s education system starting in supposed “neighbourhood schools”, Mae Hwee and I reflect on all of these questions and more in this episode of the 406 Podcast.