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Establishing, Nurturing, and Guiding My Home

Fourthstream - Finding Hope

Release Date: 05/07/2024

Connecting With My Spirituality show art Connecting With My Spirituality

Fourthstream - Finding Hope

As we have discussed briefly before, humans are in many ways easily understood and in other ways quite complicated. When the complexities of body, mind, soul, and spirit are parsed - we are a complex network of emotion, thoughts, and heart. Somewhere in the middle of us is the core - our soul identities which are made in the image of our infinite Creator. Every century has contained men and women who strive to find meaning for our existence. We have many names for where this desire originates - but for us it seems that the soul is our connecting place with God. Our souls are locked within...

Combatting Timidity, Fear, and Identity Issues show art Combatting Timidity, Fear, and Identity Issues

Fourthstream - Finding Hope

As we discuss making our lives count we are addressing some of the key things God reveals in His Word concerning what He values - and what is most effective for us personally. This chapter highlights the potential impact of being timid, how fear sabotages us, and why our God identities are so powerful in keeping perspective for our lives. Being made in the image of God is a privilege not even angels share (1 Peter 1:12) so it is important we give attention to this, even though we are besieged and many are even crushed by what happened in Eden. This chapter follows consideration of our...

My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses show art My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Fourthstream - Finding Hope

Personal transparency is something we are often engaged in - and we mostly keep this to ourselves, right? When contemplating our strengths and weaknesses we are dealing with some of the most personal attributes of who we are. Burnadette and Dave dig into this and discuss the personally helpful reality of being transparent with our Father Creator. Most of us don't want to be arrogant, or conversely, succumb to self criticism which buries the part of us that is our soul. How do we celebrate our strengths with humility, or embrace our weaknesses honestly to help us live where we know our...

Establishing, Nurturing, and Guiding My Home show art Establishing, Nurturing, and Guiding My Home

Fourthstream - Finding Hope

This chapter of God's Man/God's Woman gives a very personal inside look into how both Brent and Dave's families feel about home life. Even a modest numbered family has many moving parts and a complexity of relationships. Husband to wife. Wife to husband. Dad to daughter. Mom to son. Dad to son. Mom to daughter. Brother to sister. You get the idea. Add to this other immediate family and our close social networks, let alone the influence of school, the internet, and certain invasive structures, and guiding a home can be a real challenge, right? Brent and Dave believe that our children and...

Finding and Cultivating Solid Relationships show art Finding and Cultivating Solid Relationships

Fourthstream - Finding Hope

The book is now available on Amazon in both printed and Kindle formats. We are awaiting final approval on the audio version as well. Exciting! Brent and Dave's purpose for this book is to clearly and succinctly help encourage your success in the core links to building an effective bridge between your God-life and your people life. In this episode Dave and Burnadette review cultivating solid relationships and what it looks like to build strong. It would be great if all our people interactions went perfectly, but we all know this is not realistic. But by applying God's principles to...

What Is It I Want? show art What Is It I Want?

Fourthstream - Finding Hope

In chapter three Brent and Dave discuss personal vision and target acquisition. To know where you are heading and to be able to take steps to hit the mark. This is a big deal when it comes to being satisfied not only with where your life goes, but how you get there. Brent's insights here are awesome and his analogy of river travel is extremely helpful as you chart an effective course of action to succeed: heart and soul. We outline three specific targets which can help you focus your efforts, and explore why the how matters. This is great outline for personal vision - one you can adapt...

Leveraging the Mind, Heart, Soul, and Conscience show art Leveraging the Mind, Heart, Soul, and Conscience

Fourthstream - Finding Hope

We now spend a little time talking about leveraging our mind, body, heart and conscience for our personal success. Because we are made in the image of our Creator, we have vast capacities as well as remarkable uniquenesses. While God gets credit for our design, we have the privilege of deciding what we are going to do with it. Seriously. Brent and Dave begin conversations about the strengths and vulnerabilities of these capacities. Each area allows us to go more deeply into what makes life count. We have chosen five areas of thoughts for this leveraging chapter, with the hope we all will...

What Are the Good Questions? show art What Are the Good Questions?

Fourthstream - Finding Hope

The best questions take us deeper. Seriously. Life is supposed to be fun and satisfying, but it should also be filled with substance and meaning. Relationships. Work. Accomplishments. Personal growth. Being at peace. This podcast episode investigates the good questions that will get us where we want to go. Brent outlines three very central queries which will help us succeed. √   Can I say I am good with who I am and how I am living? √   Are you and I good - are things right between us? √   And most importantly, am I good with God? When we take an honest look at...

New Book Coming: God’s Man/God’s Woman show art New Book Coming: God’s Man/God’s Woman

Fourthstream - Finding Hope

Every Jesus follower wants to see God's Kingdom grow. Deeper conversation, personal meditation, Jesus discipleship, and sheltering others are all a part of making our lives count. Brent Harris and Dave Nadler combine their gifts and experiences to bring clarity to how your life can build organic spirituality, as we follow the true Leader of all human souls. Brent's careers in the military, law enforcement, and business bring leadership insights that will focus your road to spiritual success. Dave has worked to bring about Kingdom outreach to our city and beyond. Together with Brent's wife...

Joining Other Kingdom Allies show art Joining Other Kingdom Allies

Fourthstream - Finding Hope

What if you could be taught by Jesus Himself AND Grow deeper roots - at your own pace - with a clear plan? 1000 KINGDOM ALLIES at fourthstream.com In our lifetime it is possible to deeply impact hundreds of souls. If we understand and embrace Jesus' example and invite Him to be the guide and power of our lives, this can definitely happen through us. Different than mere attendance participation, this is personal, spiritual engagement with other hearts and souls. It is what Jesus did. For instance, Burnadette and I disciple about a dozen people at any one time. These are those who choose to...

More Episodes

This chapter of God's Man/God's Woman gives a very personal inside look into how both Brent and Dave's families feel about home life. Even a modest numbered family has many moving parts and a complexity of relationships. Husband to wife. Wife to husband. Dad to daughter. Mom to son. Dad to son. Mom to daughter. Brother to sister. You get the idea. Add to this other immediate family and our close social networks, let alone the influence of school, the internet, and certain invasive structures, and guiding a home can be a real challenge, right?

Brent and Dave believe that our children and grandchildren are our responsibility to mentor, guide, and encourage. Together with Brenda and Burnadette, we do our best to make it count on behalf of our kids and grands. At BrentHarrisBooks.com you will find several audio interactions between Brenda, Burney, Danielle, and Rachel Leigh.

Part of our watchfulness involves fueling the learning process - with values, character, and truth. Part of this can be appropriately challenging the status quo as we practice proven strategies for family life. Let's take an honest look at realistic family life. Great stuff!

You can find a Strong Homes course here with posts, conversation guides, and many audio clips. The complete course is found under - wait for it - courses! We have some combined experience in the ups and downs of family life. And here is some great music to teach your kids wisdom principles at home (with kids singing the songs in the lower portion of the player).

Let's make it count!
Brent, Brenda, Dave, and Burnadette