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Episode 37 - Expert opinion: The History of Mass Surveillance, with Andreas Marklund

Clear and Present Danger - A history of free speech

Release Date: 12/30/2019

Episode 41 - Free Speech and Racial Justice: Friends or Foes? show art Episode 41 - Free Speech and Racial Justice: Friends or Foes?

Clear and Present Danger - A history of free speech

This episode will focus on what role the dynamic between censorship and free speech has played in maintaining and challenging racist and oppressive societies. The episode will use American slavery and segregation, British colonialism, and South African apartheid as case studies.  

Special Edition - Suzanne Nossel show art Special Edition - Suzanne Nossel

Clear and Present Danger - A history of free speech

In this Special Edition, we will zoom in on current challenges to free speech – specifically in the US. With me to discuss this timely subject, I have  CEO of PEN America, Suzanne Nossel, who has just published her new book Dare to Speak: Defending Free Speech for All.

Special Edition - Daphne Keller & Kate Klonick show art Special Edition - Daphne Keller & Kate Klonick

Clear and Present Danger - A history of free speech

“Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal” read a recent Atlantic article, that stated that “governments must play a large role in these practices to ensure that the internet is compatible with a society’s norms and values.” 

Special Edition - Dunja Mijatović show art Special Edition - Dunja Mijatović

Clear and Present Danger - A history of free speech

Since the coronavirus became a pandemic, governments around the world have adopted a wide range of measures affecting basic human rights. This includes many of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe all of whom are legally bound by the European Convention on Human Rights.

Special Edition - Monika Bickert show art Special Edition - Monika Bickert

Clear and Present Danger - A history of free speech

The Coronavirus has disrupted life as we know it. And the Internet overflows with torrents of data, news and updates about the ongoing crisis. But in parallel with the corona pandemic, WHO has warned of an “infodemic” of mis- and disinformation spreading through social media and messaging apps.

Episode 40 - The Age of Human Rights: Tragedy and Triumph show art Episode 40 - The Age of Human Rights: Tragedy and Triumph

Clear and Present Danger - A history of free speech

In this episode we will explore:

Episode 39 - The Totalitarian Temptation – Part II - Der Untergang show art Episode 39 - The Totalitarian Temptation – Part II - Der Untergang

Clear and Present Danger - A history of free speech

Weimar Germany was deeply conflicted about the value of free speech. On the one hand, freedom of expression was constitutionally protected. On the other hand, the constitution allowed censorship of cinema and “trash and filth” in literature.

Episode 38 - The Totalitarian Temptation – Part I show art Episode 38 - The Totalitarian Temptation – Part I

Clear and Present Danger - A history of free speech

In this first of a two-part episode on totalitarianism in Communist Russia, Fascist Italy, and Nazi Germany, we will focus on the rise of communism and Italian fascism and the effects of these ideologies on free expression. Hopefully this journey into the darkest of pasts will help shed light on how to grapple with one of democracy’s eternal and inevitable dilemmas: What should be the limits of free speech?  

Episode 37 - Expert opinion: The History of Mass Surveillance, with Andreas Marklund show art Episode 37 - Expert opinion: The History of Mass Surveillance, with Andreas Marklund

Clear and Present Danger - A history of free speech

In this episode, we discuss the history of mass surveillance and its consequences for freedom of expression and information. With me is Andreas Marklund who is the head of research at the ENIGMA Museum of Communication, in Copenhagen.

Episode 36 - Expert opinion: Thomas Healy on how Oliver Wendell Holmes changed the history of free speech in America show art Episode 36 - Expert opinion: Thomas Healy on how Oliver Wendell Holmes changed the history of free speech in America

Clear and Present Danger - A history of free speech

In this conversation, professor Thomas Healy explains how Wendell Holmes changed his mind on free speech and laid the foundation for the current strong legal protection of the First Amendment. Thomas Healy is a professor of law at Seton Hall University School of Law and the author of the award-winning book “The Great Dissent: How Oliver Wendell Holmes Changed His Mind--And Changed the History of Free Speech in America”. 

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In 2013 the NSA contractor Edward Snowden sent shockwaves through the American government when he leaked information exposing a number of vast mass surveillance programs providing the US Government and allies access to global digital communication networks. The harvesting of data has been aided by the vast data collection by big Tech Companies like Google and Facebook whose business model relies on knowing more about their users then their users know about themselves. The combination of state and corporate mass surveillance of the digital sphere has obvious consequences for both freedom of expression and information. Private conversations are rarely ever truly private and the centralization of communication platforms allows both governments and corporations to censor and control the flow of information. This development has changed public perception of the digital age from one of unlimited freedom, promise and possibilities to cynicism, fear and paranoia. But the age of mass surveillance was not ushered in with the Internet. In fact just as today mass surveillance was dominated by the leading liberal democracy of its day, when Great Britain laid the foundation at the outbreak of World War I. And as in the 21. century the issues that drove the push for mass surveillance and censorship at scale was national security and fears of extremism, disinformation and propaganda.

With me to discuss the history of mass surveillance and its consequences for freedom of expression and information is Andreas Marklund who is the head of research at the ENIGMA Museum of Communication, in Copenhagen.

In this conversation we will explore:

  • How Britain built a system of mass surveillance through controlling and tapping global communication cables during WWI
  • How Britain´s interception of the so-called Zimmerman telegram changed the course of history
  • How “fake news” and propaganda became a main concern and cause for censorship and manipulation of information by governments
  • How news agencies like Reuters became involved in this communication war through the influence of the British Ministry of Information
  • How telephone communications were systematically surveilled and censored in Scandinavia
  • How mass surveillance and censorship justified by war became useful tools for more general surveillance
  • How the development of radio caused panics among governments who could no longer control or access the flow of information across borders?
  • How Nazi Germany exploited mass surveillance “to give the government…such far-reaching insight into the thoughts, feelings, and aspirations of the entire German people as had never been known in all history”.
  • The similarities and differences between the mass surveillance systems built during WWI and those of today
  • How mass surveillance differs in democracies and totalitarian states
  • Whether mass surveillance is an inevitable part of modern life even in liberal democracies

Why have kings, emperors, and governments killed and imprisoned people to shut them up? And why have countless people risked death and imprisonment to express their beliefs? Jacob Mchangama guides you through the history of free speech from the trial of Socrates to the Great Firewall.

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