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Paul Ruane, Brand expert talks about the art and craft of branding

Win Happy Podcast

Release Date: 05/10/2024

Micheál Sheridan, Gentleman and Friend - We will miss you show art Micheál Sheridan, Gentleman and Friend - We will miss you

Win Happy Podcast

I am heartbroken to hear about the passing of my friend of the . We hadn’t been in touch for quite a while and despite the connected world we live in today I had never realised that he was sick. My sincere condolences to his family and friends and I hope they will take some comfort from the huge difference he made to so many when he was with us. Micheál was one of the very early guests of the Win Happy podcast and this is the recording of our conversation back in October 2018. Micheal, you total gentleman, we will miss you.     by Email Greg with feedback or suggested guests:...

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Win Happy Podcast

On today’s podcast I chatted with former journalist and radio producer, , a new senior member of the communications team. Christine has a big story, from cheffing to 20 years of journalism, from Ireland to New Zealand and back, with lots of diverse experience gained along the way. Among other things she chatted about the huge role of parents, the changing media landscape, roller skating and why we should not “shrink to fit” Enjoy the show!   by Email Greg with feedback or suggested guests:  

Andrew Dewar of Five Year You, chats about living the life you wish for show art Andrew Dewar of Five Year You, chats about living the life you wish for

Win Happy Podcast

On today’s podcast I chat with Andrew Dewar the serial entrepreneur, Thetahealer and co-founder of . Andrew, who grew up with a sister with severe autism, lived in a constant state of stress and the very worst nearly happened when she actually tried to kill him. This traumatic experience had a huge impact on his life and it is only in the last few years after much therapy that he has rediscovered the real Andrew, Inspired by his own transformation, he co-founded Five Year You, whereby people are helped to create the version of themselves that they wish to be. This conversation was very...

Paul Ruane, Head of Brand with Fuzion talks about getting your brand right show art Paul Ruane, Head of Brand with Fuzion talks about getting your brand right

Win Happy Podcast

In part two of a two part podcast with , the Head of Brand with who talks about the whole process of branding and how it works. He also talks about rebranding, when it is recommended and why he felt it was necessary to rebrand Fuzion and how he went about this. Even though the chat got a bit “nerdy” at times for anyone in business this is a valuable conversation. Enjoy the show!     by Email Greg with feedback or suggested guests:  

Paul Ruane, Brand expert talks about the art and craft of branding show art Paul Ruane, Brand expert talks about the art and craft of branding

Win Happy Podcast

On today’s podcast I chatted with , the Head of Brand with who is responsible for the “hot off the press” rebrand of the agency. Graphic Designers are a strange breed and in this episode I try to get to know Paul a little bit better and also to find out what he means when he talks about “your brand” and why it matters so much. Enjoy the show!     by Email Greg with feedback or suggested guests:

20 years of Eazy City with Julia Lynes show art 20 years of Eazy City with Julia Lynes

Win Happy Podcast

Running your own business for 20 years is a fantastic achievement. When you run your own business and Covid throws a huge spanner in the works and you decide to grab that “opportunity” to emigrate to the United States with two children while pregnant, people might think you were nuts!! On today’s podcast I chat with the co-founder of and , who has done exactly that.   Speaking from her home in Florida, Julia share her personal and business story including the challenge of running a business from a different continent and how she will be celebrating the 20 year milestone this...

From singing for your supper to career coaching with Valerie O’Hanlon show art From singing for your supper to career coaching with Valerie O’Hanlon

Win Happy Podcast

On today’s podcast I chatted with , Career Coach and founder of . In a way Valerie was her own first client as she took her own career direction into her own hands and stopped what she was doing to go out on her own. “It’s not worth it to be miserable” she says, and as a career coach she helps people who might be stuck in a rut to make the necessary changes and end this misery. We chatted about her own colourful life and career, and why she called her own business after a special character in her favourite Christmas Movie! Enjoy the show...     by Email Greg with feedback...

Meraki - Creating with Love and Soul show art Meraki - Creating with Love and Soul

Win Happy Podcast

On today’s podcast I chatted with two inspirational women who both gave up their full time jobs to follow their respective dreams, and now they find themselves selling their products alongside each other in a new pop up shop. Martyna Potocka, originally from Poland started her baby gifting business, two years ago. Sue Kumar from India started her jewellery business, , over a year ago. Meraki is the very special new pop up shop in the Winthrop Arcade in Cork City where they sell their products alongside other like minded craftspeople. Make sure you pop in! Enjoy the show   This podcast...

The adventures of Vanessa Conneely show art The adventures of Vanessa Conneely

Win Happy Podcast

On today’s podcast I had the pleasure of the company of much travelled media professional, . Vanessa is a warm and fascinating character whose love of her profession and her curiosity has taken her all over the world, living in interesting places and working across all types of media. She chats about her life and career, about the changes in media and where she feels it is going  and the amazing story of adopting a six year old boy from India. And yes, we did talk about St.Patrick’s Day and what it means to be Irish abroad. Enjoy the show!   This show has been produced by , a...

Andy Mackin- From 21 years in the Irish Navy to global success with the Mackin Group show art Andy Mackin- From 21 years in the Irish Navy to global success with the Mackin Group

Win Happy Podcast

On today’s podcast I chat with , the CEO of the , a global success story headquartered in Cork. When a trial with Torquay United didn’t end the way he had hoped he was delighted to join the Irish Navy and ended up serving for 21 years. The retired Andy, at just 39 started his own health and safety consultancy and with an ethos of hard work and customer service, door after different door opened for him, and he now runs a huge global business.  Andy chats about the switch from a regimental life to private business, his core values, the wisdom of treating people well, his ambitions and...

More Episodes

On today’s podcast I chatted with Paul Ruane, the Head of Brand with Fuzion who is responsible for the “hot off the press” rebrand of the agency.

Graphic Designers are a strange breed and in this episode I try to get to know Paul a little bit better and also to find out what he means when he talks about “your brand” and why it matters so much.

Enjoy the show!


 Podcast Production by Greg Canty

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Email Greg with feedback or suggested guests: [email protected]