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054 - Denzel Washington

G&T with Greta & Taylor

Release Date: 11/05/2021

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G&T with Greta & Taylor

The Secret of Kells (2009) and Wolfwalkers (2020)   We had a weird time at Poor Things, and decided to pivot from talking about Yorgos Lanthimos, as previously announced. We're glad we did, cause these Tomm Moore movie absolutely rule.

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G&T with Greta & Taylor


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G&T with Greta & Taylor

Tammy (2014) and The Heat (2013). 

074 - Hayao Miyazaki show art 074 - Hayao Miyazaki

G&T with Greta & Taylor

Greta and Taylor have NO IDEA how to speak about the cinema of Hayao Miyazaki, but they sure do give it a try!

2023 in Review show art 2023 in Review

G&T with Greta & Taylor

In which we talk about our favorite movies and performances of the year 2023 across a variety of cateogories. 

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G&T with Greta & Taylor

Movies about scientists!!!

072 - Jack Black show art 072 - Jack Black

G&T with Greta & Taylor

Ring-gig-goo-ging gig-goo-gig-goo-ging! It's our Jack Black episode! We'll talk King Kong and Bernie, what makes us comtinue to love Jack Black, and run down our top 5 Jack Black performances. It all culminates in our most bizarre episode selection process EVER! Enjoy!

Commentary 003 - Inception show art Commentary 003 - Inception

G&T with Greta & Taylor

This commentary was recorded in March of 2023. Please excuse the very dated references found therein. 

071 - Park Chan-wook show art 071 - Park Chan-wook

G&T with Greta & Taylor

In which we discuss two horny movies with creepy uncles. We also talk a bunch about Scream.  Next time: King Kong (2005) and Bernie (2012)

Special: Our Favorites of 2022 show art Special: Our Favorites of 2022

G&T with Greta & Taylor

Greta and Taylor discuss their favorite movies, scenes, and performances of the film year 2022 across a variety of categories. Seeya next time. 

More Episodes

What more needs to be said? It's Denzel Washington! Two cool movies. Callbacks to other movies we've covered! The cancellation of PBS's "Arthur." Greta hates Meryl Streep. All this and more!

Next time: Get Out (2017) and Ma (2019)

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