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012 - How To Catch BIG Carp From Gravel Pits with Dave Lane

Gardner Tackle Podcast

Release Date: 10/05/2021

04 -Adrift with Gaz Fareham show art 04 -Adrift with Gaz Fareham

Gardner Tackle Podcast

Welcome to the new series of Gardner Tackle Podcasts hosted by Simon Hartop. In this episode we were delighted to have Gaz Fareham visit our podcast studio and talk about his childhood introduction to angling with his father, university days and how his carp angling worked around studying and his passion for not only big carp, but also the rivers and specimen chub.  Gaz has ventured into europe on many occasions and talks about some of his exploits as well as the start of the Subsurface publication and writing his own book - Adrift. 

03 -Stories from the Thames with John Gard show art 03 -Stories from the Thames with John Gard

Gardner Tackle Podcast

02 - Rig development with Steve Renyard show art 02 - Rig development with Steve Renyard

Gardner Tackle Podcast

01 - Angling Mindset with Alan Stagg show art 01 - Angling Mindset with Alan Stagg

Gardner Tackle Podcast

Gardner Tackle Podcast - New series with Simon Hartop show art Gardner Tackle Podcast - New series with Simon Hartop

Gardner Tackle Podcast

Welcome to the new series of Gardner Tackle Podcasts hosted by Simon Hartop. Over the coming months many of the countries top anglers will be visiting the Gardner Tackle studio. Anglers not only from the world of carp fishing, but also specimen angling. This really is a series of podcasts with something for everyone that focuses on what seperates these influencial anglers - in both approach and thinking.  Episode 01 is due for release very soon!

014 - Wraysbury Giants with Sir Pete Springate show art 014 - Wraysbury Giants with Sir Pete Springate

Gardner Tackle Podcast

014 - Wraysbury Giants with Sir Pete Springate. It was an absolute pleasure to welcome Sir Pete Springate into the studio. A founding father of the big carp scene, a pioneer, and outdoors man in the truest sense. Pete is a man that likes to keep himself out of the limelight, so it was great to have the opportunity to sit down and find out where it all began for him, his fishing in recent years and of course his iconic captures of some true Wraysbury Giants!

013 - The Art Of Surface Fishing with Matt Eaton show art 013 - The Art Of Surface Fishing with Matt Eaton

Gardner Tackle Podcast

013 - The Art Of Surface Fishing with Matt Eaton. Welcome to the Gardner Tackle Podcast. Hosted by James Clarke. Come Spring and Summer, surface fishing becomes the major part of team member, Matt Eaton's angling approach. It can not only be an enjoyable way of angling, but when approached correctly can be an extremely effective method of catching carp. Sit back and soak up Matts tips to improve your surface angling!

012 - How To Catch BIG Carp From Gravel Pits with Dave Lane show art 012 - How To Catch BIG Carp From Gravel Pits with Dave Lane

Gardner Tackle Podcast

012 - How To Catch BIG Carp From Gravel Pits with Dave Lane.

011 - How To Catch River Carp With Craig Smithson show art 011 - How To Catch River Carp With Craig Smithson

Gardner Tackle Podcast

011 - How To Catch River Carp With Craig Smithson. Welcome to the Gardner Tackle Podcast. Hosted by James Clarke.

010 - Life Beyond Carp Farming with Viv Shears show art 010 - Life Beyond Carp Farming with Viv Shears

Gardner Tackle Podcast

010 - Life Beyond Carp Farming with Viv Shears.

More Episodes

Welcome to the Gardner Tackle Podcast. Hosted by James Clarke.

We are delighted to announce, none other than Dave Lane has joined Gardner as a consultant! We grabbed some of Dave's time to sit down with him to discuss all things - big pit carping! Finding out why this style of angling makes him tick and how he goes about preparing and tackling these larger waters with often a low stock of carp!