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A Theological Hot Potato

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Release Date: 05/08/2024

Tattoos, Transgenderism, and Slavery show art Tattoos, Transgenderism, and Slavery

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary discusses a short video clip where a grandmother says that she supports hormone blockers for young people, including her own granddaughters, but opposes tattoos because they're "permanent." This astounding ignorance reveals how people seldom connect what they believe about one thing and how it affects (and contradicts) other things.

Review: Gentry's Review: Gentry's "Divorce of Israel"

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary discusses the now available two-volume commentary on the book of Revelation by Dr. Ken Gentry. It is called The Divorce of Israel: A Redemptive-Historical Interpretation of Revelation. Gary discusses what he likes about it and how it will most likely be received by those who agree and those who don't. 

The Two Witnesses show art The Two Witnesses

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary answers a listener question about the two witnesses from Revelation 11. Are these actual people, or groups of people, or something else? There is of course an Old Testament applicability to these witnesses and we must not ignore the OT requirement in interpreting Revelation 11, as well as the rest of the book.

The Gospel is The Gospel is "Not American"

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Pastor Loran Livingston makes an encore appearance, this time griping about what he calls the "disgusting" Trump Bible, which includes the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Gary weighs in on Pastor Livingston's claim that Earth is not his home, as well as his own thoughts about adding extra material to printed Bibles. Gary's first response to Pastor Livingston's sermon is here:

Is Evangelicalism Political? show art Is Evangelicalism Political?

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary continues speaking on the muzzling of Christians. Evangelicals in particular, are targeted as being political by the Left, although this is seldom the actual case. Evangelicals should be political to the extent that the Bible speaks about political issues (which it clearly does), but this doesn't define them as being "political."

The Continuing Failure of White Flag Theology show art The Continuing Failure of White Flag Theology

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary discusses several recent news stories about Christians trying to have "dialogues" with leftists about various topics. These types of "sit-downs" are always initiated by non-Leftists and never accomplish anything but further accommodation on the Right.

Trying to Connect Ezekiel with Matthew show art Trying to Connect Ezekiel with Matthew

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary continues responding to a recent sermon by Jack Hibbs about the "end times." Pastor Hibbs try to connect Ezekiel with Matthew as if they are both speaking of the same events. This is not how exegesis, hermeneutics, or history is done. Pastor Hibbs is trying to connect biblical dots with a preconceived future interpretation.

Truly I Say To You show art Truly I Say To You

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary responds to a recent video sermon by Pastor Jack Hibbs on Matthew 24 and asks "how close are we to the end?" Hibbs makes important hermeneutical points about reading this chapter through the eyes and understanding of Jesus' first century audience, but then quickly veers away from it.

Atheism is a Religion show art Atheism is a Religion

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary comments on several recent news stories about people railing against Christianity. Consistent atheism is a misnomer and no one actually follows their "Imagine no god above us" worldview. They all borrow aspects of what they like from the Christian worldview to prop up their own. 

Politics is Politics is "Of This World"

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary responds to a video from a pastor who claims "politics are not spiritual because they are of this world." He refers to voting as a privilege that isn't related to Christians being "spiritual." Not only does he misunderstand what spiritual means, he also misunderstands what politics are and why we must be involved.

More Episodes

Gary concludes his response to a recent Wallbuilders show with Mark David Hall on the influence of R.J. Rushdoony. As a historian, Mark David Hall doesn't appear to have done much research at all on Rushdoony. However, there is a simpler answer: many others have also professed ignorance of his writings (on nearly everything) in order to distance themselves from his theonomic and theocratic views.