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Get The STUCK OUT Episode 4

Get The STUCK Out

Release Date: 09/03/2020

Short #5: 4 Ways to Boost Mood and Help Prevent Depression show art Short #5: 4 Ways to Boost Mood and Help Prevent Depression

Get The STUCK Out

We've all heard about exercise for preventing cardiovascular disease and weight gain. But where is the conversation about lifestyle modification to prevent conditions like depression? We have more than enough data to recommend diet, exercise, sleep and mindful interventions, and given the incredible damage to our health posed by conditions like depression, I think it's high time we give preventive mental health the attention it deserves. Here's the latest research on science-backed ways to boost mood and prevent depression that we should all be aware of. Note: The information presented above...

Short #4: Plant Polyphenols for Brain Health show art Short #4: Plant Polyphenols for Brain Health

Get The STUCK Out

There are thousands of molecules found in plants that are now known to impact everything from inflammation to the gut microbiome. They're called "polyphenols" and they may help explain why eating more whole plant foods is linked to better overall and brain health. For more, check out my website at Austinperlmutter.com

Short #3: 3 Keys To Brain Foods For Brain Health show art Short #3: 3 Keys To Brain Foods For Brain Health

Get The STUCK Out

All of us hear about “superfoods” and amazing vitamins and minerals that will fix everything from poor memory to our mood. But what does the science say about the traits of the top foods for brain health? Here are some top takeaways: • Food turns into the building blocks for our brains, so eating more high-quality foods may be a good recipe for a higher-quality brain • Foods that are rich in polyphenols and antioxidants may be especially excellent for brain wellness (these are found in higher levels in herbs and spices!) • Certain fats (omega-3s in particular) seem to be key to brain...

Short #2: Brain Energetics, Mitochondrial Health, Metabolism and Lifestyle show art Short #2: Brain Energetics, Mitochondrial Health, Metabolism and Lifestyle

Get The STUCK Out

Get the Stuck Out Shorts   Your brain uses more energy (by weight) than any other organ in the body. Your 86 billion neurons each contain up to a million mitochondria, responsible for generating power to keep your thoughts and consciousness running. When things go wrong, we may be at higher risk for brain diseases. So how does this complex system work, and what might we be able to do to improve it? Dr. Austin Perlmutter explains.    For a comprehensive + user friendly take on brain energy, Dr. Chris Palmer's "Brain Energy" book is great! #metabolism #brainhealth #brain...

Short #1: Sugar, Erythritol and Brain Health show art Short #1: Sugar, Erythritol and Brain Health

Get The STUCK Out

A recent study finds that erythritol may be bad for brain health. But how does sugar impact the brain overall, and what does the research say about sugar alternatives? Should we eat more honey? How does the microbiome factor in? For a nuanced conversation specific to the recent erythritol study, check out my blog at austinperlmutter.com/blog 

#16: Serotonin and Depression show art #16: Serotonin and Depression

Get The STUCK Out

Depression is a worldwide issue experienced by hundreds of millions. For years, the main theory of what was going wrong in the brain focused on the neurotransmitter serotonin. This theory is called the serotonin hypothesis, and it's based on a number of data points. But recently, researchers have questioned whether serotonin plays a central or even a major role in depression at all. In this episode, I explore: -The current landscape of depression -The serotonin hypothesis and issues with it -The recent publication "The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the...

#15: Fix Your Gut, Fix Your Health with Dr. Will Bulsiewicz show art #15: Fix Your Gut, Fix Your Health with Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

Get The STUCK Out

In this episode of Get the STUCK Out, Dr. Will Bulsiewicz (Dr. B) explores the role of gut health on diseases like autoimmunity, allergy cancer and inflammation. We talk about the best diets to support gut health, and how the microbiome shapes us. We compare different diets (e.g keto and more plant based) for their effects on health and talk actionable strategies to improve gut health.  You can find out more about Dr. B's new book on his website, theplantfedgut.com.  For more tips and science on how to get your brain and body unstuck, join the thousands receiving my newsletter at...

#14: The Brain Benefits of Nature show art #14: The Brain Benefits of Nature

Get The STUCK Out

How does nature influence our brain function?

#13: Does COVID-19 Infect the Brain? show art #13: Does COVID-19 Infect the Brain?

Get The STUCK Out

Deep dive episode!

#12 - Austin Perlmutter MD: Neuroplasticity, Depression, Psychedelics and Diet show art #12 - Austin Perlmutter MD: Neuroplasticity, Depression, Psychedelics and Diet

Get The STUCK Out

In this episode, learn:

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In this overview episode, I begin to dive into the ways that what we take as true can be distorted, fabricated, or otherwise replaced by fiction. Examples I cover include popular social myths, the way that our medical research can be flawed, and the way our psychological operating system tends to distort truth.