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The 7 Hardest - Come Alive

Cup of Soul Podcast

Release Date: 06/17/2024

God Asks Us To Give Away Life show art God Asks Us To Give Away Life

Cup of Soul Podcast

When you find a good deal on something, what is one of the first things you want to do? You want to tell everyone! You are excited and you want others to experience that same joy and save, right? And on the opposite side, how does it feel when someone shares a good deal with you? You are appreciative and thankful that they thought of you to share.    Now think about that same thing in terms of life. Your life. Eternal life. What are you sharing when it comes to God? Are you sharing the life that He gave you, or walking about spiritually. dry and depleted? The people...

The 7 Hardest - Come Alive show art The 7 Hardest - Come Alive

Cup of Soul Podcast

When was the last time you felt your heart beat so fast that you could barely catch your breath?  That you were so excited about something that you could not sleep? When you felt truly alive? Each day God gives us the opportunity to come alive with Him. To put down our selves, the things that we strive for on our own, and live the life that was promised to us.  In this last chapter of The 7 Hardest Things, we are going to talk about how it all comes together.  Everything that God asks us to do rests on this one question....... and you need to listen to find out what it is!...

ReTreat Required show art ReTreat Required

Cup of Soul Podcast

When was the last time you got away? “I can’t be gone for a whole weekend. Who will take the kids to football pracitice?” “My husband hates it when I’m gone. It’s not worth the hassle and it the last day of school.” “It’s out of my comfort zone and a little scary.” We have a hundred reasons why we shouldn’t go to the women’s retreat. Some years the voices win out, and we stay home. Later, when we hear the glowing reports from others about how wonderful it was, we feel a pang of regret, but it doesn’t last long. “Oh well,” we say, “maybe next year.” Other times...

The Sixth Hardest Thing - Lead/Follow-  Who Wants to Be a Lemming? Part 4 show art The Sixth Hardest Thing - Lead/Follow- Who Wants to Be a Lemming? Part 4

Cup of Soul Podcast

Do you know what a lemming is? A little animal who somehow gets in his mind a weird compulsion. And then all of them get it. They go headlong on a journey toward the sea. Over the mountains they go. Across the rivers they go. Through the woods they go, on and on until they get to the sea. Then they all jump in and drown. They're doing everything to get there—then that's it. Have you ever felt like that before - you start following something or someone not really sure why? And then when you pause for a minute realize this could not be further from what God has planned for you.   This...

The Sixth Hardest- Followship - Part 3 show art The Sixth Hardest- Followship - Part 3

Cup of Soul Podcast

  👉🏽Without followers what is the purpose of a leader?            When was the last time you thought about the kind of follower you are? What does your followship look like? In this week's episode we are talking about what it means to be a TRUE follower of Christ and how that looks in our daily lives - at work, at church and in our homes. Time to go to the Lord to fill us up and to be where we are supposed to be! “If I had to reduce the responsibilities of a good follower to a single rule, it would be to speak truth to power.”  — Warren...

THE SIXTH HARDEST - THE 6 R's of Leading show art THE SIXTH HARDEST - THE 6 R's of Leading

Cup of Soul Podcast

As a women,  we wear lots of hats in which we are call to lead. We are capable people. However, we must be able to lead ourselves first- in order to fulfill what God has planned for our lives, we must submit to his way of doing things. In Chapter 6, we are reading about God asking us to lead and follow. Understanding that not only are we called to do both, but we are equipped to do both. To try and separate them does not work as they need one another.  This week’s podcast, we are going deeper in Leading- get an extra cup, We will be taking six qualities of LEADership-and ...

The Sixth Hardest LEAD/FOLLOW show art The Sixth Hardest LEAD/FOLLOW

Cup of Soul Podcast

Are you ignoring something God wants you to do out of fear of rejection or scrutiny? Ask the Lord to help you determine if and when he wants you to lead.       This week's hardest thing that God asks a woman to do is lead AND follow. When you think of being a leader, what characters come to mind? What attributes demonstrate good leadership? Do you think of yourself as these things? Well it is time Sisterfriends! In this episode we are going to look how God demonstrates being a leader and shows what it means to be a follower - at the same time .And the delicate balance of them...

The Fifth Hardest- God is Everything Part 2 show art The Fifth Hardest- God is Everything Part 2

Cup of Soul Podcast

  God is….  When we say that God is, we must first identify who he is. . Then, what he is to us personally. For me I would like to say that he is my everything. Saying that is a powerful statement that sums up my life. To proclaim that he is my everything is the result of him meaning nothing to me at some point in my life. That may sound harsh because it startled me as I was writing.  To even think that my everything now meant nothing prior to the point of accepting Jesus (change) into my heart. It brings me to wonder how I even made it to the place of him being my everything...

The Fifth Hardest Thing-Holding On and Letting Go show art The Fifth Hardest Thing-Holding On and Letting Go

Cup of Soul Podcast

  One of the hardest lessons we have to face, which we try to deny, is that we are in control of so little in our lives. Life is really one change after another. One thing that doesn’t change, however, is God’s truth that guides us. I’m grateful for the steady hand His Word offers when the roller coaster of life takes us on one ride after another. Oftentimes we will receive advice to "hold on" when it is time to be safe and "let go" when things aren't good for us. Each one of those is centered around what is comfortable. Now go here, what has God asked you to hold on to? To let go...

Integrity show art Integrity

Cup of Soul Podcast

This week's episode -  Let me ask you the same question Job’s wife asked, “Do you still hold fast to your integrity?” (Job 2:9 NKJV). When the world around you becomes corrupt, do you cling to purity? When life gets tough and temptations come, do you remain firm in your principles? Do you still trust God? Will you swerve in your commitments or persist in your faith?        Honesty. Goodness. Character. Righteousness. Goodness. All of these words are connected to a much heavier word -- Integrity. What we discovered is that integrity is a matter of the heart. It...

More Episodes

When was the last time you felt your heart beat so fast that you could barely catch your breath? 

That you were so excited about something that you could not sleep? When you felt truly alive? Each day God gives us the opportunity to come alive with Him. To put down our selves, the things that we strive for on our own, and live the life that was promised to us.

 In this last chapter of The 7 Hardest Things, we are going to talk about how it all comes together.

 Everything that God asks us to do rests on this one question....... and you need to listen to find out what it is!

This week's question- “Our Christian walk should never be stagnant. The crucial question for us is this: Which direction are we moving? Are we moving forward or are we moving backward?”

Scripture References:

1 Corinthians 15:22

Romans 6:23

Genesis 18-19

2 Corinthians 5:15

Romans 6:12-13