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120 - Master the Mundane

The Graffiti Machine

Release Date: 04/25/2024

137 - Good show art 137 - Good

The Graffiti Machine

Jocko Willink has this thing where he says "good" when presented with any issue. It's about finding the good in every situation. It can seem nearly impossible at times, especially when the situation is really bad. However, it's often possible to find some kind of positive outcome in most things. At the very least, you can find growth in adversity. I find that when I'm extra stressed out, taking a minute to be grateful for the adversity really takes the edge off.

136 - Nothing Lasts show art 136 - Nothing Lasts

The Graffiti Machine

It may sound negative to think about things being temporary, but I find it makes me appreciate things much more. If our pets, loved ones, belongings, our lives were not temporary, it would be easy to be complacent. Let's get the most out of the time we have.   You can also check out this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/O5LC97BZNwU

135 - Why not you? show art 135 - Why not you?

The Graffiti Machine

In the age of social media and endless highlight reels we have access to, it's easy to think, "I wish I had that" or "I wish I could do that," etc. From a lecture by Jim Rohn, he asked a very powerful question, "Why not you?"   Think about it. Why can't you have those things? Why can't you do those things? If someone else was able to achieve it, you might be able to as well. You have the capacity to drastically change your life if you're willing to put in the effort.

134 - Effort Over Outcome show art 134 - Effort Over Outcome

The Graffiti Machine

This episode dives into the concept of doing the work for its own sake, drawing inspiration from Steven Pressfield's The War of Art. It emphasizes the importance of showing up every day and committing fully to the task at hand, regardless of the outcome. Whether it's sweeping floors, building a business, or pursuing personal growth, the focus is on consistent effort and mindfulness. By detaching from results, one can stay grounded, avoid burnout, and eventually reach meaningful achievements—sometimes even beyond the original goals. It’s about putting in the work, day in and day out, and...

133 - Resolve show art 133 - Resolve

The Graffiti Machine

I got the guy's name wrong in the video, it's Jim Rohn. I saw a clip of his video that talked about resolve defined as keeping the promise to yourself to never quit. It got me thinking about a bunch of different things along these lines.

132 - Earn Your Keep show art 132 - Earn Your Keep

The Graffiti Machine

Running a graffiti supply business, I frequently get asked for free products in exchange for exposure. The problem? 99.9% of the time, the person asking hasn’t put in the work to make the exchange mutually beneficial. They haven’t built a following substantial enough to make a real impact.   The lesson here is clear: opportunities like this exist, but they require effort before the deal makes sense. There are no free rides in this world, and those unwilling to put in the work upfront will miss out on the opportunities available to those who do.   You can also watch this episode...

131 - Scarcity Mindset show art 131 - Scarcity Mindset

The Graffiti Machine

If hearing about other people's wins makes us feel bad about our own position, it could be a sign of a scarcity mindset. There seems to be something in us that, when we see others winning, we feel like it may take away from us.   This mindset may be a remnant from early human days when resources were harder to come by. Nowadays, there's enough to go around, and someone else's win doesn't mean we're going to lose.   Additionally, hating on someone for winning might put the energy out there that we don't like winning. Even if it's directed at someone else, it may be hindering our...

130 - Never Give Up? show art 130 - Never Give Up?

The Graffiti Machine

Most have probably seen that illustration of the guy walking away from digging, with diamonds just inches away. He gave up just before hitting it big. The idea of pushing forward versus quitting can be complicated. "Never give up" is not a be-all-end-all.   There could easily be another version of this illustration showing miles of rock with no diamonds at all. He could dig for the rest of his life and never accomplish anything. Maybe the idea of never quitting is more about not giving up on something you believe in just because it's hard.   Even then, you could decide to never quit...

129 - Low Frequency Moments show art 129 - Low Frequency Moments

The Graffiti Machine

Sometimes, it may feel like the way we feel at any given time defines who we are. Statements like "I'm an anxious person" or "I'm a stressed-out guy" do not capture our whole reality. Instead of thinking of ourselves as these things, we should realize that they are just moments. We are not inherently anxious or stressed-out people; we experience anxiety and stress, as well as other low-frequency states. Remember that we also exist in high-frequency states, like happiness.   This podcast is also on YouTube if you're interested in checking that out. https://www.youtube.com/@busmsk

128 - One more shot! show art 128 - One more shot!

The Graffiti Machine

Sometimes it takes just one more effort for everything to change. Many people have experienced struggles, only to have one moment, meeting, phone call, or social media post transform their lives. With this in mind, the more attempts you make, the greater your chances for success. It might be the thousandth try that succeeds, but it took the 999 failures or misses to get there. These episodes along with other content are now on YouTube if you want to check out video versions. https://www.youtube.com/@busmsk

More Episodes
How to you treat the mundane tasks in your life? It's often easy to half-ass the basic tasks that seem meaningless, but how does that look to those around you? How does it look to your own subconscious?
There are lots of phrases that talk about this kind of thing. How you do one thing is how you do everything comes to mind. If we half-ass one thing because we think it isn't important, we're probably coming up short in other areas.
Life is full of mundane tasks. Doing them well raises our standards and influences all aspects of life.