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George H Lewis, Astrologer - The Myth of The Solar Eclipse

Growth Guide

Release Date: 04/08/2024

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Growth Guide

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Growth Guide

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Growth Guide

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Growth Guide

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Growth Guide

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Growth Guide

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George H Lewis back on the show to share about the upcoming total solar eclipse in Aries sweeping across the United States on April 8th. It's effects will be felt before and after the event and it will set the tone for the year ahead. Eclipses happen in an 18 year cycle and bring the same energetic story with them. This event happens on the new moon which presents a massive opportunity for growth, catalyzation, and transformation in our individual and collective lives. We'll get intothis one is ripe for shedding old stories that no longer serve and stepping into our soul purpose. This will be the last total solar eclipse visible from the United States until 2044. This eclipse will also last much longer because the moon happens to be so close to the earth.

George comes with a rich bag of knowledge, drawing from his time as a Court Painter to the Sultan of Oman, his time living with Bedouin tribes in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen and Oman where he was taught to deeply know and read the stars. Studying Archetypal Astrology in New York City under the supervision of mentors, including Monty Taylor and the infamous Frank Andrews who was Princess Grace and John Lennon’s psychic. With them he trained in numerous overlapping disciplines including Ancient Hellenistic Astrology, Tarot and Palmistry. George is here to equip you with everything you need to know as the eclipse has the ability to reveal and obscure. A lot of that is actually up to us which is why it is best to be prepared to take advantage of this powerful event.

Unbuckle your mind, and open your heart, it's grow time!

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