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Bava Metzia 77 - May 15, 7 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran

Release Date: 05/15/2024

Bava Metzia 95 - June 2, 25 Iyar show art Bava Metzia 95 - June 2, 25 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran

This week's learning is sponsored by Helen Danczak in loving memory of Lucille Fliegler on her yahrzeit. "Thinking about her warmth and her love of family. We honor her memory with our learning." This week's learning is sponsored by Rachel Savin in honor of the upcoming marriage of her daughter Lior to Daniel this Thursday. The various halakhot about a borrower (sho'el) that are not explicitly mentioned in the Torah are derived from rabbinic interpretations and extrapolations from the biblical text. First, the borrower's responsibility for items that are captured. While the Torah...

Bava Metzia 94 - Shabbat June 1, 24 Iyar show art Bava Metzia 94 - Shabbat June 1, 24 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran

Today's daf is sponsored by Ruth Leah Kahan, Jessica Shklar, and Emily Michelson in loving memory of their mother, Kadimah Michelson, Kadimah bat haRav Avraham Tzvi Bentzion v'Chaya, on her 6th yahrzeit. "May her memory be a blessing." What is considered circumstances beyond one's control that a shomer would be exempt from? One animal attacking or two animals?  Does it depend on what type of animal? One can stipulate that one will be a shomer but will not be obligated to pay according to the Torah laws. How is this different from a condition that goes against Torah law that is not a valid...

Bava Metzia 93 - May 31, 23 Iyar show art Bava Metzia 93 - May 31, 23 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran

Today's daf is sponsored by Becki Goldstein in honor of a double family simcha. "My cousin became a kalla and her brother and sister-in-law, Rabbi Zvi and Laurie Engel are celebrating the bat mitzvah of Aderet Bina in Chicago. During these trying days, we are grateful for the loving kindness bestowed on us all. May we continue to learn and grow together and see soon geula shleima. Mazel tov!" The Gemara concludes that it is a tannaitic debate whether the worker's rights to eat on the job are considered an added wage or a gift awarded by the Torah. Is one who guards a field considered...

Bava Metzia 92 - May 30, 22 Iyar show art Bava Metzia 92 - May 30, 22 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran

Today's daf is sponsored by the Hadran Women of Long Island in honor of the birth of a granddaughter to our friend and co-learner Tzippy Wolkenfeld, born to her children Hannah and Jacob Finkel. "May the new princess grow l'Torah, l'chuupa ul'maasim tovim and may the joy of her arrival be a harbinger of smachot for all." Is a worker limited to being able to eat only up to the value of the worker's wages? Tana kama and the rabbis permit this, but Rabbi Elazar Chasama does not. The Gemara offers three possible suggestions to explain the disagreement between tana kama and the rabbis. Is the...

Bava Metzia 91 - May 29, 21 Iyar show art Bava Metzia 91 - May 29, 21 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran

If someone rents an animal and muzzles it while it is threshing, they must receive lashes as punishment and also compensate the owner for the food the animal should have eaten while working. The Gemara questions how this can be allowed since it appears to be a double punishment, and the court cannot give one a double punishment for one action. Abaye, Rava and Rav Papa each suggest a possible answer. Rav Papa rules on two unrelated issues - one prohibiting baking bread that is dairy or meat, and another prohibiting putting a male and female animal of different species in the same pen to prevent...

Bava Metzia 90 - May 28, 20 Iyar show art Bava Metzia 90 - May 28, 20 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran

Two contradictory sources are brought regarding the prohibition to muzzle an animal while the animal is threshing trauma and maaser produce. One source suggests it's not prohibited, while another asserts it is. Various explanations attempt to reconcile this contradiction, suggesting differences in the type of truma/maaser or differing opinions. If the food on the threshing floor is causing the animal to be sick, is it still prohibited to muzzle - is the prohibition meant for the best interest of the animal or is it meant to not be cruel to the animal? Is it prohibited to tell a non-Jew to...

Bava Metzia 89 - May 27, 19 Iyar show art Bava Metzia 89 - May 27, 19 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran

Ravina adds an additional method to derive that a worker is permitted to eat while working with detached produce and that it is prohibited to muzzle an ox even from attached produce. Four tannaitic sources are cited that derive details of the laws regarding the employer allowing a worker to eat from the produce. Each source derives a different detail from the word "thresh" in the verse about the ox - that it refers to items that grow from the ground, at a stage that the produce is ready to be picked and until the stage that it is obligated in tithing or separating challa. A question is asked...

Bava Metzia 88 - Lag b'Omer - May 26, 18 Iyar show art Bava Metzia 88 - Lag b'Omer - May 26, 18 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran

This week’s learning is sponsored by Marcy Farrell in loving memory of her mother, Joan Behrmann, Yonina bat Shalom, on her shloshim. "We honor her memory with our collective learning." Various halachot concerning how a worker can eat in the field they're laboring in stem from the verse regarding harvesting in a vineyard. According to one derivation from this verse, a worker is considered akin to the owner and is not required to tithe the produce if consumed before "g'mar melakha," the stage at which the produce becomes obligated in tithes. Rabbi Yannai and Rabbi Yochanan hold differing...

Bava Metzia 88 - Lag b'Omer - May 26, 18 Iyar show art Bava Metzia 88 - Lag b'Omer - May 26, 18 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran

This week’s learning is sponsored by Marcy Farrell in loving memory of her mother, Joan Behrmann, Yonina bat Shalom, on her shloshim. "We honor her memory with our collective learning." Various halachot concerning how a worker can eat in the field they're laboring in stem from the verse regarding harvesting in a vineyard. According to one derivation from this verse, a worker is considered akin to the owner and is not required to tithe the produce if consumed before "g'mar melakha," the stage at which the produce becomes obligated in tithes. Rabbi Yannai and Rabbi Yochanan hold differing...

Bava Metzia 87 - Shabbat May 25, 17 Iyar show art Bava Metzia 87 - Shabbat May 25, 17 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran

In the expanded narrative of Avraham's encounter with the angels, numerous interpretations delve into the lessons embedded within his actions, offering insights into behaviors to emulate. Regarding the consumption of produce by a worker in the field where they toil, the Mishna lays out the conditions under which such consumption is permissible. What circumstances warrant this allowance? What are the boundaries to be observed? From where in the Torah are these laws derived?

More Episodes

If a worker is hired to do a job, such as irrigating a field, but circumstances change, like rainfall, rendering the job unnecessary, where does the responsibility rest, and what factors influence it? Rabbi Dosa and the rabbis hold differing views on whether a worker who backs out midway should receive full compensation for work already performed, or if the worker must reimburse the employer if the employer now incurs higher costs to complete the remaining task. Rav aligns with Rabbi Dosa's stance, although this contradicts another statement attributed to him. The Gemara proposes a solution to this contradiction but identifies two challenges with the proposed resolution, both of which are resolved. Within this discourse, a braita is cited regarding a seller or buyer reneging after the buyer has made a partial payment. Various segments of this braita are elucidated further.