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14. Pagan Wedding Traditions

The Hamingja Podcast

Release Date: 05/14/2024

14. Pagan Wedding Traditions show art 14. Pagan Wedding Traditions

The Hamingja Podcast

Celebrate an authentic Indo-European pagan wedding!  What does a honeymoon really mean? Would you let six of your relatives watch you & your spouse consummate the marriage? Why mustn't you see the bride before the wedding ceremony? This highly requested episode dives deep into genuine Indo-European pagan wedding & marriage traditions so you can avoid the new-age social media make-belief & get married honoring native pagan customs.

13. Slavic paganism the authentic way show art 13. Slavic paganism the authentic way

The Hamingja Podcast

Slavic paganism is perhaps the least well-known of the Indo-European spiritual branches. It is unfortunately also heavily distorted by new-age and other modern influences. This episode will remedy that! A great resource for those who seek their native Slavic roots and for those who want an even broader understanding of Indo-European culture and spirituality.

How Thor changed a young man's life – #paganjourney show art How Thor changed a young man's life – #paganjourney

The Hamingja Podcast

Hear the story about how Thor the Striker changed this young British man’s life at young age. Are you new to paganism? Young? Lost in life? We continue our pagan journey, our portraits of how some of our members found their ancestral spirituality and their true nature. That's exactly what us at Hamingja help people do – finding and practicing their Indo-European spirituality in an authentic way.  Here we meet Elliot, a young man from the UK telling his story about how he came to Indo-European paganism, how Thor changed his life and about the importance of finding one’s way back up...

Pagan morning ritual – 9 step practical guide show art Pagan morning ritual – 9 step practical guide

The Hamingja Podcast

We help people find their true Indo-European spirituality, nature & purpose. We often see people who really want to deepen their Indo-European pagan spirituality, but don’t get going since they feel they don’t know where to start, how to do things in an authentic way and that they lack words. We’ll do something about that now. This is a guide to an authentic and well-attested morning prayer ritual aligned with Indo-European paganism. This is a bonus episode where I go through an authentic Indo-European morning ritual step by step. It’s so important that we don’t just talk about...

Important message from a young pagan – #paganjourney show art Important message from a young pagan – #paganjourney

The Hamingja Podcast

Young? New to paganism? Lost in life? Here's a very important message from a young Swedish pagan. Everywhere around us we see the decline of the west and the purposeless, rootless and lost people living there. But there’s hope for the future, not the least with youth like this. In the first episode of our new series of portraits of a #paganjourney you get to meet one of the members of the Hamingja Foundation – Niilo – who has a very important message to young people, new pagans and to those searching for purpose and direction in life. Leave the Empire of Nothing and start connecting to...

12. The Sacred Drink show art 12. The Sacred Drink

The Hamingja Podcast

Pagans drink mead, celebrate Odin for sacrificing an eye to drink from the Well, and pour libations in rituals. But why? Why did the sacred drink become integral to the religious beliefs and practices of Indo-European peoples? It is one of the most enigmatic mysteries and at the same time perhaps the most central phenomenon in Indo-European myth and spirituality. This episode takes a deep sip of the sacred drink of our ancestors – the elixir that keeps the gods immortal and conveys divine insight, inspiration and fertility.

Winter Solstice poem show art Winter Solstice poem

The Hamingja Podcast

Happy Solstice & God Jul to all our listeners! Here's a winter solstice poem written by our founder Björn Ekdahl. The Hamingja Foundation works hard to make sure that people who want to practice Indo-European spirituality won't lack words. Text: In the heart of winter's chill, When shadows cloak the land so still, Amidst the longest, darkest night, We seek the glow of inner light. Oh, radiant sun, your golden rays, Chase away the night's hidden maze. Illuminate our hearts, shine ever bright, Banish darkness with your warming light. In the quiet of the longest night, Where shadows...

Bonus: Prayer to river goddess Dā́nu show art Bonus: Prayer to river goddess Dā́nu

The Hamingja Podcast

Listen to the prayer to river goddess Dā́nu! (By Björn Ekdahl) Few things are as Indo-European as Dā́nu. She is one of the oldest Indo-European deities there is. In fact, the term Danu or Danava (plural of Danu) appears to form the very substratum of Indo-European identity per se. Note how Homer continuously refers to his ’Greek’ people as Danaans in the Iliad and Odyssey. Those who know the Celtic mythology know that Tuatha Dé Danann (the people/tribe of Danu) is what the Celts called the original mythical race they were children of. The construction Don- or Dan- is an...

11. Pagan poetry & Dawn goddess show art 11. Pagan poetry & Dawn goddess

The Hamingja Podcast

The importance of poetry, hymns, prayers, mantras and chants within Indo-European paganism can't be overestimated. It’s possibly the most important spiritual expression – to all the divine kindreds. The Indo-European love for beauty manifests itself in poetry and songs – words for ritual, stories of the works of the ancestors, for feasts and meetings, all passed down in an oral tradition. To us pagans, singing and chanting has always been associated with spiritual practice and with the connection to nature and its spirits. This episode is about pagan poetry, the high social status of the...

10. Pagan Sacred Space show art 10. Pagan Sacred Space

The Hamingja Podcast

Groves, temples, frithyards, wells, stafgardr, vé. Pagan rituals and worship take place within sacred space. But what do they really mean? Why are they used? And do they have to be these magnificent, pompous halls and walls?  Learn more about pagan sacred space in this episode of the Hamingja Podcast.

More Episodes

Celebrate an authentic Indo-European pagan wedding! 

What does a honeymoon really mean? Would you let six of your relatives watch you & your spouse consummate the marriage? Why mustn't you see the bride before the wedding ceremony? This highly requested episode dives deep into genuine Indo-European pagan wedding & marriage traditions so you can avoid the new-age social media make-belief & get married honoring native pagan customs.