Season 2, Episode 2: “Disadvantaged by Digitization”: Technology, Big data, and Food Systems
Handpicked: Stories from the Field
Release Date: 07/26/2021
Handpicked: Stories from the Field
Season 4: Episode 6 – Handpicked Presents Voicing Change - Team Reflections on Podcasting for Social Change Featuring: In this episode of Handpicked: Stories from the Field, we present the last of this season featuring the Voicing Change podcast, in an episode called ‘Team Reflections on Podcasting for Social Change’ in which the whole Voicing Change team got together (virtually!) to reflect on some of the lessons learned in the process of co-developing a methodology for transnational and interdisciplinary podcasting. Responding to the question...
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Season 4, Episode 5– Handpicked Presents: Voicing Change – “Agroecology in Kenya” Contributors Co-Producers & Hosts: Olga Awuor, & Featuring: Clark Siaji, Caleb Omolo, Andres Kathunzi In this episode of Handpicked: Stories from the Field, we present an episode of the Voicing Change Podcast called, ‘Agroecology in Kenya'. Voicing Change team member and radio journalist Olga Millicent Awuor interviews two community leaders in agroecological and permacultural food production in the Migori County area. They consider alternative modes of...
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Season 4: Episode 3 – Handpicked Presents: Voicing Change – “Agroecology in Canada and Brazil” Featuring: Dr Andrew Spring, Dr Eve Nimmo, Dr Erin Nelson In this episode of Handpicked: Stories from the Field, we present an episode of the Voicing Change Podcast called, ‘Agroecology in Canada and Brazil’ in which we hear from three researchers investigating what agroecology means and looks like on the ground. Dr Erin Nelson describes her own discovery of agroecology in Cuba and Ontario and how she realized that it’s about more than just a set of techniques but...
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Season 4: Episode 3 – Handpicked Presents: Voicing Change - “Forests, Food, and People- Part 2” Featuring: Dr. Eve Nimmo, Dr. Jennifer Baltzer, Dr. Zach Ngalo, and Dr. Andre Lacerda In this episode of Handpicked: Stories from the Field, we present an episode of the Voicing Change Podcast called, “Forests, Food, and People – Part 2”. This is the second of a two part episode where Voicing Change team member Eve Nimmo interviews three forest researchers in Southern Brazil, Migori County, Kenya, and Northern Canada about relationships between forests, food and...
info_outlineHandpicked: Stories from the Field
Season 4: Episode 2 – Handpicked Presents: Voicing Change - “Forests, Food, and People- Part 1” Featuring: Dr. Eve Nimmo, Dr. Jennifer Baltzer, Dr. Zach Ngalo, and Dr. Andre Lacerda In this episode of Handpicked: Stories from the Field, we present an episode of the Voicing Change Podcast called, “Forests, Food, and People – Part 1”. This is the first of a two part episode where our guests will tell us about relationships between forests, food and people in different places. You’ll hear about the different types of forests that our guests...
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Season 4: Episode 1 – Handpicked Presents: Voicing Change - “Introducing Voicing Change” Featuring: Dr. Andrew Spring, Dr. Eve Nimmo, Enock Mac'Ouma In this episode of Handpicked: Stories from the Field, we present an episode of the Voicing Change Podcast called, “Introducing Voicing Change.” This episode introduces the project, "Voicing Change: Co-Creating Knowledge and Capacity for Sustainable Food Systems." The project connects community partners, researchers, and students from three regions—Northwest Territories; Migori County, Kenya; and Southern...
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Featuring: Naomi Robert In this episode of Handpicked: Stories from the Field, we speak with Naomi Robert, a Research & Extension Associate at the Institute for Sustainable Food Systems at Kwantlen Polytechnique University and a PhD candidate at Simon Fraser University on her new project called “Beyond GDP: Lessons for Redefining Progress in Canadian Food System Policy”. Naomi discusses the problematic history of GDP as a measure of well-being in our country and how we can move towards measures that more accurately depict the well-being of Canadians. ...
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Featuring Dr. Evelyn Nimmo In this episode of Handpicked: Stories from the Field, we sit down with Dr. Evelyn Nimmo, a Research Associate with the LCSFS and the President of the Center for the Development and Education of Traditional Erva-mate Systems (CEDErva) in Paraná, Brazil. Dr. Nimmo shares the ongoing process of applying for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) designation for the traditional agroforestry practices of growing erva-mate in Brazil. She shares the community-focused process, and how this...
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Featuring Dr. Erin Nelson, Dr. Sarah Larsen, Heather Newman, Brent Preston In this episode of Handpicked: Stories from the Field, Dr. Erin Nelson from the University of Guelph interviews some of her community partners. She speaks with Dr. Sarah Larsen, Research Director at the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario, and two participants in its farmer-led research program, Heather Newman and Brent Preston. The episode covers ecological farming and farmer-led research and shares important examples of what this looks like in the (quite literally) field. ...
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Hosted by: Dr. Marylynn Steckley Produced in collaboration with: Dr. Sonia Wesche, Victoria Marchand, & Dr. Josh Steckley In this episode of Handpicked: Stories from the Field, we present an episode of the Indigenous Health and Food Systems Podcast called, “Environmental Dispossession, Land, and the Environment” This podcast is hosted by Dr. Marylynn Steckley from Carleton University and is produced in collaboration with Dr. Sonia Wesche and Victoria Marchand from the University of Ottawa and Dr. Josh Steckley from the University of Toronto,...
info_outlineIn this episode of Handpicked: Stories from the Field, guest producer Harrison Runtz talks with food systems experts Kelly Bronson, Irena Knezevic, and Carly Livingstone about how new digital technologies are changing the ways we grow and get food. They look at how big agri-businesses like John Deere create visions of a technological future of food, examine what Amazon’s entry into online food retailing has meant for small-scale and local food retailers, and argue for a more critical understanding about the impact of technological innovations on food systems. Together, they ask vital questions about who benefits and who doesn’t from new food technologies.
Guest-Producer & Host: Harrison Runtz
Co-Producers & Hosts: Amanda Di Battista & Laine Young
Sound Design, Research & Editing: Adedotun Babajide
Support & Funding
Wilfrid Laurier University
The Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems
Carleton Food and Media Hub
Balsillie School for International Affairs
Music Credits
Keenan Reimer-Watts
Moving Beyond Acknowledgments- LSPIRG
Whose Land
Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems
Farm Forward with John Deere
Farm Hack
Look twice at the digital agricultural revolution (Bronson and Knezevic)
From Online Cart to Plate: What Amazon's Retail Domination Means for the Future of Food (Livingstone and Knezevic)
Looking through a responsible innovation lens at uneven engagements with digital farming (Bronson)
See also the resources linked to the S1E6 episode of Handpicked, "We are all shepherds of the data": Food, tech and data sovereignty
Connect with Us:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @Handpickedpodc
Facebook: Handpicked Podcast
Glossary of Terms
Big Data
Large quantities of data gathered by digital platforms, such as Amazon or Facebook, and other technologies, such as remote sensing, etc. Big data can be sorted and analyzed in different ways to uncover important insights for decision making. For instance, big data can be used to understand consumer purchasing practices to inform marketing spending and business practices to increase profit margins.
Data Mining
Extracting patterns and key insights from big data sets, often using statistics and machine-learning technologies.
Data Sovereignty
The right of people to have access to and power over the data and information associated with their lives, work, or communities.
The increasing use of digital technologies across sectors to make decisions and enable practices. Digital technologies include (but are not limited to), local and remote sensing technologies, digital platforms, big data, cloud-based solutions, etc.
Farming 4.0
Also referred to as digital farming, smart farming, or precision agriculture, this type of farming makes use of sensing technology and sophisticated computing technologies to make decisions about all aspects of the farm including crop choice, inputs, irrigation, and harvesting.
Food Policy
Food policies are developed by governments at different scales to guide food-related decisions and actions. They inform and govern public, private, and non-profit sector actions related to improving food-related outcomes and can create opportunities for stakeholders to work together across sectors.
Food Security
Food security is the ability to access safe, nutritious, culturally appropriate, and sufficient food all year round. A person or community is food insecure when people cannot afford or have limited or no access to the food they need to nourish their bodies. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization state that “food insecurity can affect diet quality in different ways, potentially leading to undernutrition as well as. . . obesity.”
Food Sovereignty
"Food Sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems."
Open Source Data
A legal protection that ensures that data that is owned and available for use to everyone in a particular community. In the case of Open Food Network, all users have access to all code associated with the platform but must make any alterations or new code available to all other users.
Digital infrastructure or frameworks for different kinds of exchange. For example, Open Food Network is a platform that enables digital food hubs, shops, or farmers markets.
A food enterprise which makes, grows, bakes, cooks, or produces food which it can supply to other businesses for sale.
The use of machines to perform tasks previously completed by waged workers. In agriculture, robotics include picking and milking machines, tractors and other farming machines, and packing machines, among other technologies.
Supply Chain
All of the components of a system—including organizations, producers, suppliers, people, resources, activities, information, and infrastructures—that get a product to a consumer.
Sustainable Food System
Food systems that are “socially just, support local economies; are ecologically regenerative, and foster citizen engagement.”
Discussion Questions
- How are digital technologies changing food and farming
- How are privacy concerns around food and farming data similar to, or different from, more general digital privacy worries (e.g., social media, geo-tracking, etc.)?
- Why is concentrated power in digital food and farming an issue of social justice?
- What are some approaches that can ensure digital technologies equitably serve farmers and others who work in food?