Hanging Up The Boots
Abby Seitz is an active duty Marine and currently serves as an Officer Selection Assistant, recruiting future USMC officer candidates. She is married to Scot Seitz, who has also been on the show. In this episode, we discussed the USMC recruitment apparatus in an attempt to demystify it and answer some common questions about military recruitment.
info_outline Episode 14 - Justin MingerHanging Up The Boots
Justin Minger was a Levantine linguist at 1st Radio Battalion with me. He is currently working in logistics management and is moving into a sales position, and in our conversation he detailed growing up patriotic, the importance of discipline, and the fact that sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.
info_outline Episode 13 - Scot SeitzHanging Up The Boots
Scot Seitz is an active duty Marine and was my team leader for most of the workup leading up to the 13th MEU deployment. He is currently at The Basic School as he was recently commissioned to 2nd Lieutenant through the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program.
info_outline Episode 12 - Brittaney BartsHanging Up The Boots
Brittaney Barts is a former Marine and the wife of my best friend, Cam Barts (Episode 10, check it out). She is from Virginia, served with MALS 39 at Camp Pendleton, and was medically separated after a severe, enduring hip injury. We talked about her time in the military and her experiences with her command, her injury, her ongoing mental health and raising a baby during the military transition.
info_outline Tracy Wein Part 1Hanging Up The Boots
Tracy Wein was a SIGINT operator and linguist from my battalion and did two consecutive deployments to Afghanistan. After the Marine Corps he worked as a chef and is now pursuing a career in IT. In this episode we got a chance to drink some beers and talk about our former battalion, publicly pooping while under fire, and being lucky to live in the USA. Part 2 coming soon!
info_outline Episode 10 - Cameron BartsHanging Up The Boots
Cameron is my best friend and deployed on the 13th MEU with me. He is a talented programmer, video game aficionado and father. In this episode we discussed his military career, his path toward discovering his talents and the struggle with trying to address emotional turmoil with logic.
info_outline Episode 9 - Nick Crash Part 2Hanging Up The Boots
Part 2 with Nick Crash, a former Law Enforcement Marine who deployed on the 13th MEU with me. In this episode we talked about the aftermath of the deployment, finding yourself within a relationship and how finding or rediscovering your faith can impact your worldview.
info_outline Episode 8 - Nick Crash Part 1Hanging Up The Boots
Nick Crash is a Marine who deployed on the USS Boxer during the 13th MEU. He was a field MP attached to the command element, and has had a wild and tumultuous life before, during, and after his service. He is a trans individual from an Evangelical Christian family and in this episode we discussed his journey of self realization, the duties that accompany manhood, and the beauty of karma.
info_outline Episode 7 - Cooper WestermanHanging Up The Boots
Cooper Westerman deployed with me and was a talented, versatile Marine and SIGINT operator. He had an unusual and difficult route through our battalion, and has now turned his creative passion from music to the visual arts and is an exhibited photographer.
info_outline Episode 6 - Phillip RiosHanging Up The Boots
Phil Rios is one of my best friends and has been since we attended DLI together. He is currently studying jazz trombone at the Melbourne Conservatory of Music in Australia. We talked about coffee, the pros and cons of being in a small unit, and how sometimes a change of scenery is all you need.
info_outlineAbby Seitz is an active duty Marine and currently serves as an Officer Selection Assistant, recruiting future USMC officer candidates. She is married to Scot Seitz, who has also been on the show. In this episode, we discussed the USMC recruitment apparatus in an attempt to demystify it and answer some common questions about military recruitment.