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Getting a good night’s sleep: Make lifestyle changes a priority

Living Better, Living Longer

Release Date: 05/20/2020

Thoughts on COVID-19 during this year's flu season show art Thoughts on COVID-19 during this year's flu season

Living Better, Living Longer

With the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing, and the annual flu season fast approaching, what can people expect when these two illnesses collide? Are we at greater risk for getting either virus? And could this encounter change how we approach health care now and in the future? Matthew Solan, executive editor of the , talks to Dr. Amy Sherman, an infectious disease expert with Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, about what we may expect when COVID and the flu season meet. To learn more check out our Harvard Medical School Guide,

Heat-related illness: A danger even as summer ends  show art Heat-related illness: A danger even as summer ends

Living Better, Living Longer

Recent record temperatures in the U.S. suggest that heat-related illness isn’t confined to the dog days of summer. Dr. Aaron Bernstein, the interim director of the  at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, describes the symptoms to watch out for, particularly if you have a chronic condition like heart disease or diabetes, and explains what safety steps to take. He also tells Francesca Coltrera, editor of the , who bears the brunt of potentially life-threatening heat-related illness and how local actions can help reverse this growing health threat.  

Taking a Tour of the Male Genitourinary System show art Taking a Tour of the Male Genitourinary System

Living Better, Living Longer

Right up there on the list of unpleasant medical topics best avoided includes problems that can befall the male genitourinary system. Despite its prosaic purpose, the machinery associated with eliminating waste and fostering procreation possesses a certain artfulness. Usually it can be safely ignored, functioning faithfully in the background…until something goes awry and this delicate plumbing gets our undivided attention. We asked Dr. Marc Garnick to take us on a tour of the system that voids waste and engages in reproduction. He’s the Gorman Brothers Clinical Professor of Medicine at...

Are You Taking Too Many Medications? show art Are You Taking Too Many Medications?

Living Better, Living Longer

Your daily dose of prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, or supplements can add up quickly. But as you take more pills, you increase your risk for potential problems.  Executive Editor Heidi Godman spoke with pharmacist Joanne Doyle Petrongolo from Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital for advice about ways to reduce your pill burden. For more information, check out our Harvard Special Health Report .

Shortcuts to improve your concentration show art Shortcuts to improve your concentration

Living Better, Living Longer

Information overload, aging, underlying conditions—they can all cause your concentration to become fragmented. And if you’re wondering how to focus enough to get through your work or chores, we have the answers.  Executive Editor Heidi Godman spoke with neurologist Kirk Daffner and neuropsychologist Kim Willment, both of Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital, to find out about easy ways to boost your focus. For more information, check out our Harvard Medical School Guide .

Back to School: It’s Never Been More Complicated show art Back to School: It’s Never Been More Complicated

Living Better, Living Longer

Sending kids back to school in the fall is always a hopeful time in America. For most families, school is a vital part of the community. With the surge in coronavirus in many areas of the country, getting kids back in the classroom safely will require a major re-evaluation to reduce transmission rates that can impact people of all ages. We talked to Alan Geller, a senior lecturer in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at . Like it or not, for school teachers and administrators, things are going to be different. Don’t expect the traditional

Walking for health: Doing it right means thinking it through show art Walking for health: Doing it right means thinking it through

Living Better, Living Longer

If you thought creating a good walking program was as easy as slipping on your sneakers, think again. Sure we’ve all been walking since toddlerhood, but taking advantage of walking’s lifelong health benefits also means thinking about fall prevention, dressing in layers as the weather changes, even considering different walking techniques and styles. Harvard Fitness Advisor Michele Stanten, author of the Harvard Health Publishing special health report on , describes how to get the most out this easy, fundamental exercise routine.

Coronavirus Update: We’re facing the start of a second wave show art Coronavirus Update: We’re facing the start of a second wave

Living Better, Living Longer

, head of the , offers information on where we are where we’re going with the COVID-19 outbreak. Some take-aways: Communications missteps by the WHO regarding asymptomatic transmission have been quickly corrected. Yes, you can catch COVID-19 from people who are not showing symptoms. A second wave has begun, particularly in the south and Midwest. And calculations show we’ll reach more than 200,000 COVID-19 related deaths by September. Jha offers advice for parents, teachers and administrators on workable back-to-school scenarios. We know you don’t want to hear it, but COVID-19 will be a...

Curious about Tai Chi? This basic Q&A will get you started show art Curious about Tai Chi? This basic Q&A will get you started

Living Better, Living Longer

The slow, steady, coordinated movements associated with the ancient Chinese practice of Tai Chi provides a remarkable mind-body exercise for people of any age. Harvard’s Dr. Peter Wayne has studied Tai Chi’s myriad benefits, particularly how a regular practice of Tai Chi can help prevent falls, ease stress, or lower blood pressure. He’s the faculty editor of the Harvard special health report i.

Getting a good night’s sleep: Make lifestyle changes a priority show art Getting a good night’s sleep: Make lifestyle changes a priority

Living Better, Living Longer

Sooner or later, most of us have difficulty getting to sleep and staying asleep. If that sounds like you, rest assured there are ways of meeting the challenge if you make sleep a priority and make lifestyle adjustments that improve what the experts call your “sleep hygiene.” We consulted Harvard sleep specialist Dr. Lawrence Epstein and learned there are myriad tools available in your sleep toolbox. Dr. Epstein is the faculty editor for the Harvard Health Publishing special health report  .

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Sooner or later, most of us have difficulty getting to sleep and staying asleep. If that sounds like you, rest assured there are ways of meeting the challenge if you make sleep a priority and make lifestyle adjustments that improve what the experts call your “sleep hygiene.” We consulted Harvard sleep specialist Dr. Lawrence Epstein and learned there are myriad tools available in your sleep toolbox. Dr. Epstein is the faculty editor for the Harvard Health Publishing special health report  Improving Sleep.