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006: Would You Like To Build A Better Relationship With Jesus?

Have You Heard The Good News?

Release Date: 07/18/2019

010 Relax and Reflect on Who You Are in Christ show art 010 Relax and Reflect on Who You Are in Christ

Have You Heard The Good News?

In this episode read 70 scriptures on our identity in Christ with piano music in the background.  So relax and reflect on your true identity in Christ.  I also share a few minutes first before I start speaking the scriptures so I if you would like to start with the scripture reading to piano music go into the 6-minute mark and about 45 seconds in.. I have read these verses to myself 2x or 3x a day for a couple of years now and it has been so healing to hear the truth of what God says about me. 

009: Is Gideon Seen As An Overcomer by God? Are You? show art 009: Is Gideon Seen As An Overcomer by God? Are You?

Have You Heard The Good News?

Episode 9 is a short "paraphrased" story of Gideon out of the Book of Judges. Does God see Gideon as an overcomer? Do you see yourself as an overcomer?  Listen to find out...

008: Learn How to Be Courageous From a Big Chicken show art 008: Learn How to Be Courageous From a Big Chicken

Have You Heard The Good News?

Listen to hear how Jesus helps us be courageous.

007: What Is Your Salvation Story, Interview With Jeremy and Carolina Horton 7:17:19 show art 007: What Is Your Salvation Story, Interview With Jeremy and Carolina Horton 7:17:19

Have You Heard The Good News?

Interview about our 3 salvation stories. What is your salvation story like?

006: Would You Like To Build A Better Relationship With Jesus? show art 006: Would You Like To Build A Better Relationship With Jesus?

Have You Heard The Good News?

Three different ways to look at your relationship with Jesus to make it more special.

005: Ask For Your Miracle Nancy Ann Johnson show art 005: Ask For Your Miracle Nancy Ann Johnson

Have You Heard The Good News?

Episode 5 is an interview with Nancy Ann Johnson about her new book Ask For Your Miracle. Get to meet the author in a fun way as she shares some tidbits from her book. Visit her at her website at engagingjesus.com

004: Triune God Comes to Visit show art 004: Triune God Comes to Visit

Have You Heard The Good News?

Over 6,000 God the Father, Jesus the Son, and Holy Spirit have come to fellowship with us.

Love Of The Father Part One - Episode 002 show art Love Of The Father Part One - Episode 002

Have You Heard The Good News?

Love of the Father Part One The Prodigal Son Parable       Jesus demonstrates who His Daddy Is: Why Jesus tells this story   I love the story that Jesus tells us about the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. So many times when we hear this story taught we think it's all about the son. I see it as a beautiful story of Jesus showing us who His Father is. In the process, we learn about two boys, not just the prodigal son. Both are opposite of each other and represent two people groups. The Jews and Gentiles. I believe the older son represents the Jews and the younger son represents...

003: Love Of The Father Part Two show art 003: Love Of The Father Part Two

Have You Heard The Good News?

Love of the Father Part Two continues with more on the story in Luke 15:11-32 Also deals with things that are common today that we deal with as Christians. Thank you for coming and please subscribe to the show for more to come:)

002: Love Of The Father Part One show art 002: Love Of The Father Part One

Have You Heard The Good News?

Love of the Father Part One is based on the story Jesus tells us in Luke 15:11-32 It is a beautiful story Jesus shares with us about His Father and their love for us.

More Episodes

Learn three different ways to look at your relationship with Jesus that I experienced and discover some new truths to building a better walk with Jesus.

Hey, everyone, this is Pastor Cindy saying thank you for coming to today's podcast, where we'll be talking about building a better relationship with the Jesus, we are continuously growing and learning more about our friends and family and getting closer and building a deeper relationship. So it only makes sense that we would do that with God too, and, and getting to know them better and continue building that relationship and learning more about him, knowing who we are to him, and who he is to us. And I've also discovered over the years that salvation is truly the greatest miracle. So it only makes sense that we would want to know more and grow in our relationship with Jesus, who is our Lord and Savior. One of the reasons I decided to do a series of episodes about salvation, is because, on July 17, 2019, I'm celebrating my 37th year of walking with Jesus. And I did some reflection and realized I could pretty much bring it into three different phases of my walk, and I want to share them with you. So I'm hoping as I share these three areas that some of them will be relatable to you, and maybe bring some understanding to your walk with God in three areas that I realized two of them, I did not have my understanding and perspective on who Jesus was and what he had done

for me correctly. And then the last one is when I got my understanding correct about Jesus, and what he had done for me, and how everything changed after that. The first one that I want to talk about is the timeframe that I dealt with, probably 20 years, or more, which I'll call law. And I don't mean like the law of the United States are breaking the law here in the States, I'm talking biblical law. And in the Old Testament, it talks about there were 613 laws and the 10 commandments. But what happens is, when you are under that mindset of operating in the law, one way you can know, if you're dealing with that is if you always have this thought of doing good, get good, do bad, get bad from God. I don't know how many times I felt like if I let God down or did something wrong, he was going to strike lightning at me. And now it's just like, you know, I know how loving he is. And I knew he was loving back then. But I could even love him with all my heart. And I loved having a relationship with him. But it was just a struggle in how close I felt to him because I felt very distant from him. And that I found out was not on his end, that was all on my end because I had a misunderstanding. And that that was where the whole problem was, is I just had a misunderstanding of who God is. And didn't know how much he loved me. And it took me 19 years of my 37-year walk to really, really believe that he truly loved me just the way I was in all my mess. And once that happened, things started to change. But then I entered a new phase. The next phase is what I call the religious mindset. And in that one, it's you have to have this, do this, do this to become this, or do this and then do this again. But don't do this. To become this didn't keep me from loving God. I just thought this is the way it was.

And I thought everybody did this. And now I'm happy to say that I entered the righteousness phase. I cried and cried. And yes, it was a happy cry, not a sad cry. I was so happy that I finally got it I finally understood righteousness. Yes, that one word made a big difference. In everything that how, I saw how I saw God, how I saw Jesus, how I saw myself and how he I kind of started seeing how he saw me. And it was so much better. So because it's so much better, I'd like to reiterate the differences between the three, law does good, get good, or do bad, get bad from God. religion says you need to achieve this, you need to do this, you need to do more. You need to do this again. But don't do this, to become this. And then God will bless you. Then righteousness says that you have already become because of what Jesus did on the cross. Religion gets you focused on your obedience, your actions, and your self. Righteousness gets you focused on Jesus and his obedience going to the cross to make us righteous. If we stay occupied, occupied on him by beholding him and what he did for us, things will change for the better. Now I'd like to read some of my favorite passages from the Bible that have really helped me. The first one is Colossians 1: 19 through 23. In the New Living Translation, for God in all His fullness was pleased to live in Christ. And through him, God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ blood on the cross. This includes you who were once far away from God, you were his enemies separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. Yet now he has reconciled us to himself through the death of Christ in His physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless, as you stand before him

without a single fault. But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in don't drift away from the assurance you've received when you heard the good news. The good news has been preached all over the world. And I Paul had been appointed as God's servant to proclaim it. I love that verse. And it just says everything it says pretty much everything in a nutshell. But there are so many more verses that share about this. And so back 1500 years before Jesus came, God had, through Moses installed the law, the whole system of the law, and before that with Abraham, and before that there was like 2500 years, that was done with grace. But during the

1500 years of law, there was 613 laws and 10 commandments that were put in place by God for the Israel people. And in James 2:10, Paul, or James tells us that if you broke one of the laws, you broke them all, it was no different. So it basically was impossible to keep all the laws and not ever fail. And God did that with several intentions. But one of them was for people to realize that they would need a savior and that they couldn't do it on their own, and they couldn't perform and save themselves. And so that's why he would do that. So that when Jesus did come, they go Yeah, we want to save you because this is just too hard to do this on our own. During those 1500 years of law, if they sin, they had to make a sacrifice that with an animal, and the blood of that animal covered their sin, but it didn't remove the condemnation. And it didn't permanently remove, but it just covered it enough that it was in the way God said to do it. So because God said to do the sacrifice that way, he still continued to bless them after they made that sacrifice even though they had sinned. While Jesus in the book of Hebrews, it tells us that Jesus came and he only did it once he was on the cross once and shed his blood once. And not only did it do more than cover our sins, it removed them. And in Romans four, eight, it also tells us that the punishment was taken off of us because

all the punishment was put on Jesus when he was on that cross, along with our sins along with everything that he did on the cross. So for Romans 4:8 tells us that sin is not imputed to us, only on Jesus. And then in Hebrews 8:12 and 10:17. It says that God's telling us that he does not remember our sin anymore, which is absolutely amazing. To me, I really struggled with that one for years when I heard that it just how could God forget my sin, I certainly remember it. Even though I had asked Jesus to forgive me. And he had forgiven me and cleansed me. But I still had that either law mentality or religious mentality that affected the way I received his love and the way I received his forgiveness. You know that that's a huge statement right there, to receive His love, but also to receive His forgiveness, to receive what he did on the cross. And that work that he took all of that punishment. He was beaten, he was crucified on the cross, all for us. About a year into the timeframe that I started realizing that I was walking in righteousness and not condemnation in law, right religion anymore. I was in my concordance. And I just love looking up words in the concordance because it makes verses come more alive and get a better understanding. And it really helps my mind to see what the verse is trying to say. And one day I decided to look up the word salvation, both in the Greek and in the Hebrew. And I was amazed at what salvation means. It actually means five different things. It means saved, made well

delivered, prospered and protected. We receive all of that when we get saved and accepted Jesus as a relationship with Jesus. All of that is instantly ours in our spirit. I remember thinking before I found that out, that I knew that I had access to healing, and prosperity and protection because the Word of God told me, but again, I thought it was something I had to earn. It was something I thought I had to do this and do this to get to become that.

And here the whole time, I already had it. And it was at my disposal whenever needed. And I just didn't know it. This is why I'd like to encourage you to really do what you can to really start studying about your identity in Christ, and that you're a child of God and you're loved by God, and that you have a great savior that did everything for you. He took all the punishment of our sin on his body, so that we can have direct access with God again, we have dominion again, we have authority. And it's just amazing all that Jesus did for us on the cross. And it's really fascinating once you get into the word and start studying it. So if you haven't done it before, I'd really encourage you to do it. It's just an awesome journey. Another story in the Bible that I'd like to share about is back in Genesis 15. And it was God and Abraham and God had asked him to take three animals and two birds and cut the three animals in half. And he wanted to make a blood covenant with Abraham. So that Abraham knew that the promise of a son and land a new Promised Land was going to be his. And so if you read Genesis 15, especially verse 17, it says that God Himself became a flaming torch. And as an oven that was smoking from heaven, and passed between the pieces of the animals by himself and did not have Abraham do it with him. Most customary, it was, well actually traditional that if there were two people making a blood covenant with the animals that way that both people walked through, to seal the agreement. But God Himself wanted to make this agreement and not involve Abraham, because he wanted to show Abraham that he himself was going to keep this promise. And didn't matter what Abraham did, that Abraham wouldn't be able to mess it up. And, you know, I kind of see that with Jesus, that when Jesus came in, he came on the cross. He also by shedding his blood, was making a blood covenant with us, by himself, and not making us a part of that covenant having to do the blood part of it as well. He did it all on his own. And I just want to read a couple of verses that, that show this, there's actually about four of them that are just really good that I feel like I want to share

Matthew 26:28, for this is the blood that seals the New Covenant, it will be poured out for many for the complete forgiveness of sins. Mark 14:24, he said to them, Jesus said this to them. This is my blood, which seals the New Covenant poured out for many. Luke 22:20, after supper was over, he lifted up the cup again and said, This cup is my blood of the new covenant I make with you, and it will be poured out soon for all of you. And then in Hebrews 10:29, it says, How much more severely do you suppose a person deserves to be judged who has contempt for God's Son, and who's scorned the blood of the new covenant that made him holy, and who mocks the Spirit who gives us grace. And those were all read out of The Passion Translation. So like I said before, that blood covenant that Jesus sealed on the cross for us, gave us forgiveness of sins, made well delivered, prospered and protected. That's pretty amazing. And he also did it with himself as his

father did with Abraham, so that we couldn't mess it up. Because they know that we're fickle, they know that we do change their minds, they know that you know, we would have trouble understanding this. And so they wanted to make it simple, and all on themselves to keep their promises to us. The other word I looked up when I was looking up salvation is I looked up Savior, and in the Greek, it means we need a savior. And we cannot do this without him. And it said that he was the deliver

And the one saving, and the other part of the word that I forgot to tell you about salvation, it also says, the one being saved. So the Greek word for Savior is all about him being the one saving, and the Greek word for salvation is all about us being the one saved. And it goes even deeper. If you read Romans five, it talks about how there's a sin nature that came in. And when Adam and Eve fell, they caused sin nature to come in all of mankind. It's something we're born with. And it basically points to the fact that we're separated from God. But when we accept Jesus into our hearts, and start walking with a new relationship with Jesus, and salvation, then all of that changes, and we immediately have open access to God the Father again, and we have Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And they dwell inside of our spirit, and we're clean and we gained from the sin and all the penalty of sin, because Jesus took it all on his body. So I would encourage you to read Romans five, it's amazing, actually, the whole book of Romans is amazing. And maybe even start with chapters three and four, and then go into five and six. I mean, it's just, I don't know, I think three through chapter six are some of the most powerful in the whole Bible. Another scripture that I'd like to share is John 16, verses 7 through 12. And this is Jesus saying, nevertheless, I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away. For if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you. But if I depart, I will send him unto and when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment of sin, because they believe this sorry, of sin, because they believe not on me. And of righteousness, because I go to my father, and you see me no more of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. And I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. That is amazing. In a nutshell, he's basically saying, he, if he goes, then he'll send the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit. And in that process, the Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin. And the sin is not believing Jesus, and what Jesus was about to do on the cross. But the way I like to explain it is that the Holy Spirit will convict a person who doesn't know

Jesus, to draw them unto wanting to know Jesus, and wanting to repent of their sin and give their life to Jesus. But it's not condemnation. The Holy Spirit's very gentle. And he comes and he's like a gentleman. And he comes to each individual and draws them unto Jesus and let them feel his love. And then gives them the choice Yes, or now to want to accept Jesus or not. And let's say the individual might be 30 years old. Well, that doesn't mean if the Holy Spirit came once that he's not going to ever come again. He does it for a whole lifetime. He will always draw a person to want a relationship with Jesus, no matter how many times they've said, No, or no matter how many times they disregarded the idea of Jesus and who Jesus is and what he did. It doesn't matter. God is love. And he will always draw us unto him and almost like, like wooing, I said to

him, no matter what we say, because He created us he knew we were fickle, he knew that there'd be things we wouldn't understand. And so they just always are coming to us with that love, that they will never force themselves on us. They always want us to have that free choice

Another scripture that I'd like to read is Romans 3:24 to 28, in the New Living Translation, yet God and His grace freely makes us right in His sight. He did this through Jesus Christ when He freed us from the penalty of our sins. God presented Jesus as a sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past, for he was looking ahead and including them in what he would do in the present time. God did this to demonstrate His righteousness, for he himself is fair, and just, and he makes sinners right in His sight when they believe in Jesus. Can we boast then that we have done anything to be accepted by God? No, because our acquittal is not based on obeying the law. It is based on faith. So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law. I want to share a story that God laid on my heart the other night, while I was studying to put all these notes together, and he gave me a beautiful story, he says, What if I gave you a gift, gift of a white dress? And then he showed me that if it was a guy, he would give him a white suit, and beautiful material, it would be beautiful, and fancy and pretty. And you went to the park? Would it be hard to keep clean? Would you be wanting to maybe not sit on the park bench because you might get your brand new outfit from God dirty? Well, let's say you were walking along and somebody jumped in a big puddle and made a big stain on your pretty new white dress or white suit? Would you be able to clean it? Well, Jesus showed me that that stain was a representation of sin. And in 1 John 1:7, it says, if we walk in the light, as Jesus Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, who is God's Son cleanses us from all sin. And in the Greek, there's a Greek tense of the word cleanses. And that Greek tense says that it's continuously cleansing, present time,

continuously cleansing. So God was showing me that my dress or your white suit, will always be able to stay clean, because of the blood of Jesus that is continuously cleansing us from all sin. And all we have to do is thank Jesus for whatever sin we did. And just thank him for cleansing us and forgiving us with his blood and dying on the cross for us. Instead of begging him or going into condemnation, because you sinned again, and you just feel like you're farther away from God, but you're not. And he's showing us that he's continuously cleansing us from all our sin, as we come to Him, and He wants us to draw closer to Him. And salvation is a gift from God. It says that Ephesians 2:8. And it's done as a gift so that we can't boast. Because if we were trying to earn our salvation, then we could boast that we did it in our own strength. But if it's a gift, you can't do that. And so that's why they gave it to us as a gift. It's a beautiful love story. Thank you for coming today and learning how to better our relationship with Jesus by learning the goodness of God and all that they did for us on the cross, and even learning from a few of my mistakes. If this message spoke to you, would you consider leaving a review and some stars so others can find this podcast? I hope this message stirred your faith to know how loved by God you are. And always

you can always contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions, Have a great day!