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Womanifesto - Varsha Nair

Heartfulness Magazine

Release Date: 08/19/2023

5 Easy Tips for Mindful Parenting - KAJAL GUPTA show art 5 Easy Tips for Mindful Parenting - KAJAL GUPTA

Heartfulness Magazine

KAJAL GUPTA shares her experience of first-time parenting, and how it has opened her awareness and helped her grow.

Mental Well - Being and Ayurveda - ACHARYA SHREE VARMA show art Mental Well - Being and Ayurveda - ACHARYA SHREE VARMA

Heartfulness Magazine

ACHARYA SHREE VARMA, also known as DR. KRISHNA VARMA, comes from a lineage ofAyurvedic doctors who have been practicing for over four centuries. With a vision to share thiswisdom with the wider humanity, he founded the Shree Varma Organization in 2001.Here, heisinterviewed byMARION MARCEAUfrom the Heartfulness Yoga Academy about theAyurvedic approach to mental health.

Youth Are the Future. Guide Them, Don’ t Break Them THE WISDOM BRIDGE SERIES show art Youth Are the Future. Guide Them, Don’ t Break Them THE WISDOM BRIDGE SERIES

Heartfulness Magazine

In September 2022, DAAJI released his bestseller, The Wisdom Bridge, and throughout 2023 we are sharing highlights from the various chapters to give you a taste of the practical wisdom the book offers. This month the excerpt is from chapter 18 on Principle 7: Youth Are the Future. Guide Them, Don’t Break Them

From Clutter to Clarity: How Do You Connect With Your Belongings? - Thomas Stanley show art From Clutter to Clarity: How Do You Connect With Your Belongings? - Thomas Stanley

Heartfulness Magazine

THOMAS STANLEY is a psychology master’s student based in Bristol, UK. He shares his awakening to the value of decluttering and Shintoism, and what they teach us about taking better care of our planet Earth. 

Art, Healing, and Slowing Down - Siddhartha V. Shah show art Art, Healing, and Slowing Down - Siddhartha V. Shah

Heartfulness Magazine

SIDDHARTHAV. SHAH has been promoting art as a means of community engagement and social responsibility throughout his professional career. Recently he took up the role of Director of the Mead Art Museum, Amherst College, Massachusetts, and talks with VANESSA PATEL about how he is expanding his vision in this new college environment.   

ChatGPT: Gamechanger or Hype ? - Ravi Venkatesan show art ChatGPT: Gamechanger or Hype ? - Ravi Venkatesan

Heartfulness Magazine

RAVI VENKATESAN takes us on a journey through the world of AI, charting its history and developments, and also exploring where we are headed. 

Finding Purpose - Kaj Hammargren show art Finding Purpose - Kaj Hammargren

Heartfulness Magazine

KAJ HAMMARGREN is an athlete who has turned his life around from a very dark place in his twenties to serving others and bringing joy, all through a spiritual awakening and the practice of meditation. His story is an inspiring one!

Tune Into the Present Moment - Daaji show art Tune Into the Present Moment - Daaji

Heartfulness Magazine

DAAJI shares 4 simple practices to tune into the present moment and bring about a joyful, contented lifestyle. Doing these regularly will create sustainable peace.

Talking with My Grief - Ruby Carmen show art Talking with My Grief - Ruby Carmen

Heartfulness Magazine

RUBY CARMEN explores the often repressed emotion of grief, and shares some ways we can accept it, value the meaning behind it, and integrate it into our being as an expression of love.

The Perils of Being “ Too Smart The Perils of Being “ Too Smart" - Dr Ichak Adizes

Heartfulness Magazine

DR. ICHAK ADIZES challenges the notion that smarter is always better. What is able to surface when we move beyond the intellect?

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The Womanifesto collective came together in Bangkok in the late 1990s to fulfill the need for an inclusive, creative and open-ended art platform for artists from Southeast Asia. It was primarily set up as an independent project run by women, and is now a globally recognized entity,involving multiple art forms and artists from all over the world. One of the coordinators,VARSHA NAIR,shares her experience of this movement and its evolution with VANESSA PATEL