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Freedom - What Does It Look Like?

Walking Life Together

Release Date: 07/04/2023

Do We Look Like His Disciples? show art Do We Look Like His Disciples?

Walking Life Together

Hey friends! Thank you so much for joining me in this last episode. Well, last episode for now at least. If the Lord calls me back, Iā€™ll be back. šŸ˜Š But for now, I know a break is needed to focus on other things Godā€™s called me to.  So, I spent some time thinking and praying about what to say in this episode, and I came away with this ā€¦ I will speak about love. Iā€™ll speak about how the Lord calls us to walk ā€¦ which is with love for others. In John 13:34-35 we read this: ā€œA new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this...

My Desire To Be Successful show art My Desire To Be Successful

Walking Life Together

Where does your mind go when you hear the word success? Do you immediately think of how much $ one makes, or maybe how big of a home someone has, or maybe itā€™s the type of work one does and the rank of their position within a company? I can tell you, a quick few clicks on the web will show you that most people seem to define success in one of these ways. As of lately, my mind has been soaking on this question ā€¦ ā€œWhat is the measure of success?ā€ Or maybe I should say, ā€œHow does Heather Gibson see success?ā€ This is an important question that we should all ponder. In this episode, I...

Endings and New Beginnings show art Endings and New Beginnings

Walking Life Together

Happy New Year, amazing Walking Life Together friends! I consider it a privilege that you would join me at the start of this new year! I pray at the end of 2023 you were able to see the good things that came from the year ā€¦ even if you had to sift through some challenging and painful situations to locate the goodā€¦ to find the blessings. Sometimes thatā€™s life, isnā€™t it? But I can tell you, the good is there. šŸ˜Š Itā€™s always there! The situations we walk through donā€™t have to define us or our day, but our reaction to the situations certainly does ā€¦ and our reaction is always our...

Gifts Can Bring Joy, Laughter, and Sometimes Confusion  :) show art Gifts Can Bring Joy, Laughter, and Sometimes Confusion :)

Walking Life Together

The joy of gifts ... well, and sometimes the laughter they bring ... or in some cases, the confusion, which was the case with the bike pedals I received one year for Christmas! šŸ˜‚ In this episode I share stories of gifts I've received as well as stories shared with me by some dear friends of gifts they've received. Some of the stories are funny, while some are sweet. I pray they all give you a chuckle or warm your heart in this Christmas season. It would bless me greatly if you decide to listen in and join me on this journey! I would love to connect with you as well! Here are a few ways we...

Giving is a True Blessing show art Giving is a True Blessing

Walking Life Together

In Acts 20:35, we can read something from Paulā€™s farewell letter to the Ephesian elders. He said, ā€œIn everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ā€˜It is more blessed to give than to receive.ā€™ ā€ I couldnā€™t agree with that statement more ā€¦ it is more blessed to give than to receive! Giving produces such joy! To be able to bless someone else ā€¦ thereā€™s nothing like it. When I think of the times others have blessed me by giving - whether it was a gift, a kind & encouraging word,...

Thankful ... for the Hard Times (Part 2) show art Thankful ... for the Hard Times (Part 2)

Walking Life Together

The perfect life. Well, no one has had that and no one ever will. That said, I do think itā€™s important to watch our perspective on life. While itā€™s not perfect, we certainly can make the best of it and learn to be thankful in all things. In this episode, I talk about different times in my life and some of the hard things I walked through. We all have these times. Our stories might be alike ā€¦ or maybe theyā€™re different, but I believe we are similar in that weā€™ve all faced hard times and we all have a choice about how we respond. Not only will I share the hard time but Iā€™ll also...

Thankful ... for the Good Times (Part 1) show art Thankful ... for the Good Times (Part 1)

Walking Life Together

November and thankfulness go together like peanut butter and jelly ... so I had to take the month of November to share some good times in my life that I'm thankful for! From kid haircuts to crashing a bike into the side of a house ... yes, these stories that bring laughter are something I'm thankful for. As you go about this month, take time to reflect on your life. I know life can be hard but I believe we all have some good times we can be thankful for. ā¤ļø So please join me and let's share our thankfulness together! I would love to connect with you! Here are a few ways we can talk: ...

When What Really Matters Is Revealed, What Are We Doing Then? show art When What Really Matters Is Revealed, What Are We Doing Then?

Walking Life Together

Storms shake up our lives. Sometimes what is revealed after the storm settles is a revelation we need. Do we learn from what we see and grow through it or after the dust settles, do we go back to the way things were? I'd like to say I learn all the time! LOL. But, that just isn't true. I usually gain a more clear perspective of what's important in life directly after a time of affliction or suffering, but I don't always hold on to that new (and often better) perspective. It slips away as life keeps on moving. Join me today as I discuss this topic. I'd also love to connect with you! Here are a...

After the Shaking, We Often See What Really Matters show art After the Shaking, We Often See What Really Matters

Walking Life Together

I walked into the ultrasound room for my normal check up ā€¦ or it was supposed to be a ā€œnormalā€ check up. The amazing woman who had provided the ultrasound on a few previous occasions placed the cold gel on my stomach and started rolling the ultrasound wand over my belly. I didnā€™t notice anything at first. Providing ultrasounds wasnā€™t my day job so nothing seemed out of the ordinary to me, plus it had been 10 years since Iā€™d had ultrasounds on a ā€œregular pregnancy basisā€ during my pregnancy with my son. So all seemed normal to me. Cindy, the ultrasound lady, asked a few...

There's a Reason For Our Suffering show art There's a Reason For Our Suffering

Walking Life Together

Today I will talk about suffering. Waitā€¦please don't click off this episode! I know, itā€™s not a fun or exciting topic but I believe thereā€™s a purpose for our suffering. So, hang with me for a short time! I promise it will be worth it! šŸ˜Š We'll look at a few verses and what the Bible says about suffering and I also share a short story I read recently that relates to suffering. (And, just a quick side note about stories that I need to share. Stories are so good! Take time to share stories with people. Stories bring us closer and make us relatable! Weā€™re more alike than we are...

More Episodes

Happy 4th of July beautiful people! I hope your celebrations have been fun! šŸ˜Š ā€¦ and safe. šŸ˜Š

In this episode, I want to touch on the topic of freedom. What is it? How do we view it? Are there different views or types of freedom? If so, is one valued more than another? Do we hold the correct view of freedom? What does it mean to us as Americans to be free? What about our Biblical view of freedom? Is there a difference in these 2 types of freedoms? Do we celebrate or maybe consider one type of freedom as more important than another? Lots of things to think about. The older I get, or maybe I should say, the more I come to know God and His word, the more I see my view on this topic may need to be adjusted some, It definitely has been adjusted some, but thereā€™s ALWAYS room to grow. šŸ˜Š

I am truly thankful for my freedom. ā€¦ for my freedom because I live in a free nation, and for my freedom found in Christ. Both are important to me. I believe at times though, we place one above the other, kind of getting things out of balance. Yes, my freedom of speech is important, my freedom from a tyrannical government is important, but my freedom in Christ comes above all else.

  • My freedom in Christ allows my joy to overflow NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCE.

  • My freedom in Christ provides a hope that goes beyond ANYTHING my government can offer.

  • My freedom in Christ cannot be taken from me no matter my physical location.

Do I desire the freedom I have because I live in a free nation? ABSOLUTELY! I LOVE MY FREEDOM and am so thankful I was born in America. MANY nations do not have the freedoms we do. And Iā€™m thankful for ALL who have fought for the freedoms I have. Some gave it all so that I could live free. Can words express the ā€œthanksā€ owed to them and their families? Probably not. "Thank you" seems like such a small response. We can honor and respect those who CHOOSE to serve. That is a good place to start. What a beautiful sacrifice they are willing to make. Standing up, protecting, fighting for people they donā€™t even know. Yes, I am thankful for my freedom provided by these men and women. 

Join me in this episode as I review the topic of freedom.

I would love to connect with you! Here are a few ways we can talk:

Mentioned in today's episode:



Be Blessed Friends!