hellagreg REDACTED
We talking Olympic level cheating and some deflategate.
info_outline Sports Strangeness pt.Ihellagreg REDACTED
Today we discuss the NBA of some of its more suspicious doings.
info_outline Bohemian Grovehellagreg REDACTED
We discuss Bohemian Grove and freestyle a little bit at the end.
info_outline Mandela Effecthellagreg REDACTED
This week I get lost on some Mandela Effects.
info_outline 9/11hellagreg REDACTED
I've got a lot of disjointed thoughts about the 9/11 conspiracies.
info_outline Scientologyhellagreg REDACTED
This week we discuss Scientology in broad strokes, and I make my case for why The Church of Hella is better.
info_outline Gangstalking and Targeted Individualshellagreg REDACTED
We are all over the place this week, but we try to focus on Gangstalking and Targeted Individuals.
info_outline Project MKULTRAhellagreg REDACTED
This week I rant about government mind control experiments.
info_outline Numbers Stationshellagreg REDACTED
This we we discuss the shortwave radio phenomenon known as Numbers Stations. We even play some of their greatest hits.
info_outline JFKhellagreg REDACTED
This week I go off the rails a bit, and yell about JFK. Jesse manages to keep a level head, and I'm not sure if we're any closer to an answer.
info_outlineI've got a lot of disjointed thoughts about the 9/11 conspiracies.