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Episode 12 - Shenadoah (Repost)

The Historian's Movie Review

Release Date: 05/03/2015


Note: The audio quality in this episode has been fixed.

Warning: This episodes contains plot spoilers and your host doing a terrible impression of Jimmy Stewart.

In this week's episode of the Historian's Movie Review I wrap up Civil War Month with a look at the 1965 Jimmy Stewart film Shenandoah.

Topics discussed include Jimmy Stewart's film career and service in World War II, Southern Antebellum Society, and the 1865 draft riots in New York.

If you are interested in composing intro music contact me @histmovie and [email protected]

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Shenandoah, IMDB

Jimmy Stewart: A Biography, Marc Elliot

Jimmy Stewart, Bomber Pilot, Starr Smith

Intro and Outro Music - "Old Western Firefight" - Cullah

Jimmy Stewart Interview for Shenandoah, 1965

Jimmy Stewart, Interview on the Tonight Show, 1989 - In this interview, he discusses his early film career and time as a pilot in World War II.