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06: Astrology of Donald Trump and the Future of America

Histrology with Wendy Hornung

Release Date: 06/07/2019

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Histrology with Wendy Hornung

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Histrology with Wendy Hornung

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06: Astrology of Donald Trump and the Future of America show art 06: Astrology of Donald Trump and the Future of America

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If you have ever question the validity of astrology before, I can tell you that in this episode when I look at Donald Trump's chart and how it connects to the chart of America it's no accident.


America was in a huge cycle of change before the election and Donald Trump is the catalyst that brings every flaw of our system to the surface.


When we look at Astrological Charts, it's really important to think about how the person is utilizing their gifts. I approach discussing Donald Trump's chart and the chart of America this way, since I don't know Donald Trump and I've never had a session with him. I did a lot of research and I pulled different clips from the media that just illustrate what I'm observing in terms of Donald Trump’s Astrology.


Trump was born a Gemini and his Sun is in the 10th house which means he loves being in the public and with his Sun is also conjunct (with) the planet Uranus which is about being a maverick or revolutionary that's unpredictable. The planet Uranus also connects to broadcasting and a wider audience so right away we know this is a guy that enjoys being in the public light.


He also has Leo Rising with the planet Mars there which means he loves to be noticed. He wants to be admired, thrives on competition and he also loves to win.


Example: Opening Sound Track “the Apprentice”


He enjoys not following the rules and his personality likes to rev people up and get a reaction.


Megan Kelly & Trump interview clip:

“One of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don't use a politician's filter. However that is not without its downsides. In particular when it comes to women You've called women you don't like fat pigs dogs and bees fast and disgusting animals.”


Trump replies, “Only Rosie O'Donnell.”


Donald Trump's chart is definitely not designed for an inherent sensitivity towards others. He's driven to do things that make him feel good and gets him what he wants.


Donald Trump sound bite on Political Correctness:

“ I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. I've been. I've been challenged by so many people and I don't frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you this country doesn't have time either”


in his case the planet Mercury is in Cancer which makes him very sensitive and impressionable. He doesn't overthink his answers, he more responds with his feelings and is likely to be unclear with others and is susceptible to deception.


I'm not just saying that because he uses the line fake news a lot. He is wired to look at things in a way that supports what he believes to be true.


In this interview with Matt Lauer, you can hear Trump take a position on an issue, and change it to suit himself.


Matt Lauer says, But the things you've said about President Obama and that he

is not doing so well and yet when referring to a comment that Putin made about you, I think he called you, “a brilliant leader.” You said it's always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his country and beyond.”


Trump responded, Well he does have an 82 percent approval rating according to the different pollsters. “

The reason I'm putting these clips in is so that you can actually hear how Trump is using his chart. And so when he describes something as though it's fact when in actuality it isn't a fact.


Nina Bolivia, a political science researcher from Moscow University explains the reality of Putin’s popularity.


Where do these 84 percent really exist? I put up that question and the mystery is a

key word, because the regime creates the numbers, which all authoritarian regimes do. They try to show to the world that they are supported by people. I want to prove that there are no 84 percent majority support Putin.”


Trump’s chart shows he loves a good fight, and leading up to his presidency, he was sued over thirty six hundred times, over the course of 30 years. (USA today, 2016)

That is one lawsuit every other day for 30 years. You have to ask yourself why and how is it, that the only way you can come to some agreement or work something out is to get sued?


Remember the planet Mars rules lawsuits in his chart and it's on his ascendant, which is how he presents his personality to the world. Fighting doesn't wear him out at all, it just fuels his energy to fight more and try to get his way.


The big irony is that as the elected President, he took an oath to uphold the laws, not ignore them.  In order to learn more about how Trump is impacting America, we need to understand America's chart. America's birthdate is July 4th 1776. America is a Cancer country, She’s the motherland blessed with a lot of resources of our own, and a lot that are shared with others. This is indicated with America’s Sun and Mercury in the 8th house.


Another key quality described in America’s chart is that we have been tasked with being the pillar of good ideas that stand for something in the world. The planet Saturn is about structure and authority and in the sign of Libra in the 10th house, means that justice, fairness, and a certain objectivity is something that we strive for and act as an example.


Our relationships with allies are not always smooth, but there is a sense that there is some security and good intentions behind the relationships. America’s role in standing for something, actually has served as an anchor to help guide and be a rudder for our relationships in the world.


When we go back to Donald Trump, how does his chart affect America? Well you might have guessed that his abrupt unpredictable reactive personality probably doesn't work well, and it doesn't.


Trump’s Sun and Uranus sit in America’s seventh house which describes how we interact in our partnerships, in his case he is unpredictable and more interested in his own position. This is further complicated by the square his planets make with America’s Neptune in the 9th house which represents foreign land, foreign people, and international agreements.


Whenever Neptune is involved the potential for idealism, false hopes or deception is high. He might think he knows where he is in these agreements with foreign countries, but he doesn't understand the bigger picture. He might be hopeful that certain things are going to work out a certain way for him, but it is more likely they won’t.

In this 60 Minutes interview, Leslie Stahl asks questions, and as you hear Donald Trump talking, there's just something that sits strange.

“Do you agree that Vladimir Putin is involved in assassinations. In poisonings?”

Donald Trump responds, “Probably.”

Leslie Stahl, “Probably?”

Trump continues, “I mean probably, but I rely on them, it’s not in our culture.”

Leslie Stahl continues, “ Why not? They shouldn't do it. This is a terrible thing. They shouldn’t do it. Do you believe that the Russians interfered in the 2016 campaign election?”

Trump answers, “They meddled but I think China meddled, too.”

Stahl reacts, “But why don't you tell me, the Russians mettled?”

Trump again, “Because I think China mettled also.”


This is the way that Donald Trump is processing America. He seems confused or is just more aligned with what he believes to be true, even though the former speaker of the House Paul Ryan said this, Vladimir Putin does not share our interests. Vladimir Putin does not share our values. We just conducted a yearlong investigation into Russia's interference in our elections. They did interfere our elections. It's really clear there should be no doubt about that. “


Paul Ryan is part of the GOP so this isn't the Democrats going after Trump.

Trump’s astrology chart impacts America’s chart in a few different ways.


Trump's Moon connects with the public's emotional identity. His bombastic and reactive way of expressing his feelings confuses our allies because his reactions are based on the energy he feels in the moment. His planets stir up a cloud of chaos in the part of America's chart that describes what we stand for as a country philosophically, and how we uphold the law is the ninth house. This part of America's chart, also has to do with America's search for the truth and foreign relationships.


Unfortunately with Trump's big personality and his connection to the 9th house (which also connects to publicity), it opens the door for him to go on an American rebranding campaign. This is particularly mystifying to our allies, and possibly even connects to our enemies.


Our intelligence agencies have been sounding all the alarms, on more than election interference.

Former CIA Senior Intelligence Officer, Steve Hall expressed his concerns on CNN to Anderson Cooper.

You know before the Helsinki summit, I was not prepared to go to the darkest corner in the room, and say there is compromising information on Donald Trump. But then after I saw him together with Vladimir Putin and I saw Donald Trump treat him in a fashion that is just inexplicable. It made no sense. It's not as though Donald Trump has any problem being tough with people. The question is why. Why not be tough with a guy like Vladimir Putin. The only explanation that I can have is, is that he is concerned that the compromising information that that Putin has on him will get out.”


The last thing that I want to talk about as it relates to Trump's chart and America, is that where he's most sensitive, he's actually in the public eye. He's not really in control of how everybody sees him and that's where he feels most vulnerable. This might be why he’s susceptible to flattery from people that are not our allies. If they speak to this wound that he has, that is very dangerous.


If he feels threatened, his rebel rouser personality shows up and in America's chart. That part of him starts fights with our allies and it agitates our enemies. He deals with his own pain and insecurity, by stirring up and activating conflicts and other people


If people don't know how he's going to respond or what he's going to say or how he's going to react they aren't sure how to make a strategy to interact with him, and that's how he wants it.


In a weird way Donald Trump's combative style is his gift to all of us. His whole n “America First” campaign doesn't exactly incite harmony around the world.


In fact, Trump's aggressive style in problem solving is the antithesis of innovation. In our world of complex problems, we need people to think about things creatively, and self interest is the opposite.  


As things are very stirred up in our country, our states, our communities and sometimes even at our dinner tables at home, it really helps to try to focus in on what is the problem. Then be open to hearing solutions from different perspectives. This is how we begin to work together.


When people are emotionally charged, they can’t listen.The conversations become fights and usually they are not about the same specific problem.


If the gift of our times right now, with President Trump and America's cycles, is to have all of these different feelings and challenges brought to the surface so that we can understand them clearly, then our best hope is to listen and work to understand each other.


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