2.1 | SCOTT DAVIS { what weighs more: a rainbow or a battleship? }
Release Date: 06/06/2018
Artists have a way of seeing the unseen. Especially what is unseen to majority of society. Audrey Assad & Brady Toops are two people who definitely see what most others don't. And they're no longer afraid of sharing what it is they see.
Artist & author Makoto Fujimura illuminates the relationship between faith & art like no other person I've met.
When it comes to leading worship, liturgist & writer Aaron Niequist likes to swim in the deep end.
With Daniel Henderson, the craic is always 90. That's Irish for "pretty great." Over the last few years, Daniel has become one of my closest friends. Legend has it he won the Irish Brewer's Cup & competed on the worldwide stage in Melbourne for World's Best Cup of coffee. He does make a pretty mean cup. A year later, that would lead Daniel set out with his friends to open up a cafe in Northern Ireland called "Lost & Found".
Traveling the world is one of the main things that has inspired my creativity & shaped my worldview. In this episode, I sit down with longtime friend & fellow globetrotter Jonathan Smyth (aka "Biscuet") to talk about living overseas, traveling to unlikely places, & how that's affected the way we see the world around us.
The practice of tea ceremonies is an ancient liturgy that dates back many centuries. More than a simple drink, tea has been used to welcome dignitaries, stop wars, & cloak Christians celebrating Communion in secret.
Live presentation on "visual liturgy."
Let's say you happen upon a burning bush, & a voice calls out from the flames, "Make Me a cup of coffee." What type of coffee would you prepare? Why? And what does this have to do with ANYTHING?!
Welcome back! This episode kicks off Season 2 with my story of moving to the City of Roses... Portland, Oregon!
Instrumental music moves me more than any other art form. It's always been my dream to work with composers & orchestras to create immersive environments that fuel the imagination.
info_outlineLet's say you happen upon a burning bush, & a voice calls out from the flames, "Make Me a cup of coffee." What type of coffee would you prepare? Why? And what does this have to do with ANYTHING?!
These are the kinds of conversations that I have with Scott Davis, the most interesting person in the world I have ever met.
For the past few years, Scott has run a (pseudo) members-only coffee shop in Nashville, TN. It feels more like a speakeasy than anything else. And if I really dig down into my imagination, then I would describe Scott's space like the rabbit hole in the timeless classic "Alice in Wonderland." And Scott would no doubt be the White Rabbit. Or the Mad Hatter. I can never decide.
So before I set out on my long road trip to Portland, I sat down with Scott in his space "Noteable Blends" one last time. I hope you enjoy.
Scott isn't on Twitter.
Or Instagram.
And he hates Facebook.
It took him years to finally cave in & buy an iPhone, but he still carries an old school flip-phone which he calls the "Bat Phone."
Noteable Blends is in a liminal space of transition, but if you want to "follow" Scott & taste his coffee, then you'll need to go to Nashville & visit "Davis Cookware" in Hillsboro Village. And if you're lucky, you'll spot the White Rabbit. Just be careful, if he hands you a cup & says "drink this!", be prepared to lose track of all space & time... at least for a few hours.