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Reflecting on 2020- Finding the Silver Lining

Inspire & Thrive Podcast

Release Date: 12/23/2020

How Sugar Wreaks Havoc on the Body with Dr. Jacoby show art How Sugar Wreaks Havoc on the Body with Dr. Jacoby

Inspire & Thrive Podcast

Sugar! The one thing we love so much is destroying and wreaking havoc on our health, bodies and our futures. 

Mindset Shifts & Putting Yourself First show art Mindset Shifts & Putting Yourself First

Inspire & Thrive Podcast

In this episode, Dr. Lisa Gadd gives us her tips and tricks on how to put yourself first, all things mental and physical health and how to get your mindset back on track even when the unexpected derails you.

The Toxic Beauty Industry show art The Toxic Beauty Industry

Inspire & Thrive Podcast

Holistic Skin Care Expert, Danny Neifert is going to blow your mind on this episode! She will teach us all about the toxic beauty industry, how the conventional anti-aging strategy actually accelerates aging, and why micro-violence harm to heal procedures are really hurting our skin long term. Say What!!!

Embracing Your Authentic Self show art Embracing Your Authentic Self

Inspire & Thrive Podcast

Remember when you were little and you did everything to fit in and NOT be different? It's probably established a mindset for you as you grew up and now it's set patterns into your adulthood.

Shifting From Hard to Easy with Your Well-Being show art Shifting From Hard to Easy with Your Well-Being

Inspire & Thrive Podcast

In this episode Elizabeth Tripp, Lifestyle Coach, National Speaker and Spiritual Teacher teaches us how to bridge the gap between the body and lifestyle you have to the one you desire.

Manifesting & Meditation show art Manifesting & Meditation

Inspire & Thrive Podcast

Ever wonder why it seems some people get everything they've ever asked for? How everything they set out to do seems to drop in their lap. It's all about planning, goal setting and manifesting.

6 Principles to Guide you Through your Journey in 2021 show art 6 Principles to Guide you Through your Journey in 2021

Inspire & Thrive Podcast

A new year brings new beginnings and opportunities to grow and thrive. In this episode we discuss the 6 Principles to guide you through your journey in 2021.

Reflecting on 2020- Finding the Silver Lining show art Reflecting on 2020- Finding the Silver Lining

Inspire & Thrive Podcast

This year has been a rough on everyone. We've all had to re-evaluate and change how we live every bit of our lives. But with all the frustration, despair, confusion and sadness, there is always a way to find the silver lining. If we dig deeper we can find gratitude and what truly matters.

Creativity, Authenticity & Wellness with Artist Annie Moran show art Creativity, Authenticity & Wellness with Artist Annie Moran

Inspire & Thrive Podcast

Annie Moran is an amazing artist from New Orleans. Her authentic and inspiring work has gotten her national acclaims. Her love of nature, wildlife and flowers come through her beautiful work.

Relationship Fulfillment with Psychiatrist & Sexologist Dr. Stephanie Bathurst show art Relationship Fulfillment with Psychiatrist & Sexologist Dr. Stephanie Bathurst

Inspire & Thrive Podcast

Psychiatrist and Sexologist Dr. Stephanie Bathurst breaks down all the things in our interview to help you find communication, heal your relationship, repair your marriage intimately and sexually. 

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This year has been a rough on everyone. We've all had to re-evaluate and change how we live every bit of our lives. From being  confined to our homes and feeling isolated to constantly wearing masks and readjusting even how and when we spend time with our loved ones.

But with all the frustration, despair, confusion and sadness, there is always a way to find the silver lining when things don't go the way we plan. If we dig deeper into the smaller things, we can find gratitude and possibly find the sweeter things in life come in smaller packages and start to notice them more.

On this episode we reflect on the things we learned, what happened and what changed us in 2020. Also learn 8 things you should do before the year ends and you are guaranteed to find the silver linings and move into 2021 with a more open heart, mind and looking to a more prosperous new year.