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EP. 5 - An Improbable Combination


Release Date: 10/29/2022

EP. 7 – In The Limelight show art EP. 7 – In The Limelight


In a race between life and death, a loving wife and mother uses her engineering skills to unravel the mystery of her husband’s mysterious disease. Guest: Nicole Bell, MIT Class of ’98, SM ’99, Course 3, Baker House and Ashdown. This episode is about undiagnosed Lyme disease. If you or a loved one are experiencing unresolved fatigue, cognitive decline, or mood swings, you’ll want to hear this story. Visit Nicole’s website to contact her and learn more about Alzheimer’s, Lyme disease, and other topics: Read her poignant : What Lurks in the Woods: Struggle and Hope in the...

EP. 6 - Coming Full Circle show art EP. 6 - Coming Full Circle


Host reunites with his Educational Counselor decades after graduation and discovers some surprises. Guest: Curtis Blaine, MIT Class of ’67, Course 15 and 21B, Baker House. What if I challenged you to start a software company and keep it cash flow positive 40 years later? There's a catch though. You are the only full-time employee and you can only hire teenage summer interns. Meet the MIT alumnus who accomplished this feat. I know because I was one of those interns. is a leading publisher of self-study tutorial software for Grades 6-12 math. Contact Curtis through his if you'd like to help...

EP. 5 - An Improbable Combination show art EP. 5 - An Improbable Combination


A sophomore solves an unsolved math problem and bonds with a legendary professor. Guest: Ross Lippert, MIT Class of ’93, PhD ’98, Course 6, 8, and 18, Senior House. How does the mind of a genius approach learning? Can we incorporate this in our own lives?   (click on View PDF at top of page): A Probabilistic Interpretation of the Hurwitz Zeta Function : The Riemann Hypothesis, Explained (16 min) : The Simplest Math Problem No One Can Solve – Collatz Conjecture (22 min) Follow the show on the and If you have a story suggestion related to MIT, please contact me at host [at]...

EP. 4 - Nontrivial Consequences show art EP. 4 - Nontrivial Consequences


An alumna is crowned champion on the Jeopardy! game show, only to realize that her well-being is in jeopardy. Guest: Lillian Chin, MIT Class of 2017, SM 2019, Course 6, Random Hall, and East Campus. This episode is about the unintended consequences of fame and one woman's attempt to contend with the dark forces of the internet. Follow the show on the and If you have a story suggestion related to MIT, please contact me at host [at] institrve [dot] com Copyright 2021 Institrve

EP. 3 - Resilience Personified, Part 2 show art EP. 3 - Resilience Personified, Part 2


Against all odds, a child Holocaust survivor finds his way to freedom and MIT. Part 2 continues with life under communism, a daring escape, and improbable journey to the Institute. Guest: Robert Ratonyi, MIT Class of 63, SM 64, Course 2, Sigma Alpha Mu, Graduate House, and Westgate. Learn more about Bob's incredible journey in his moving book . Follow the show on the and If you have a story suggestion related to MIT, please contact me at host [at] institrve [dot] com Copyright 2021 Institrve

EP. 2 - Resilience Personified, Part 1 show art EP. 2 - Resilience Personified, Part 1


Against all odds, a child Holocaust survivor finds his way to freedom and MIT. Part 1 is a World War II survival story. Guest: Robert Ratonyi, MIT Class of 63, SM 64, Course 2, Sigma Alpha Mu, Graduate House, and Westgate. Make sure to listen to Part 2 to allow light to emerge from darkness. Learn more about Bob's incredible journey in his moving book . Follow the show on the and If you have a story suggestion related to MIT, please contact me at host [at] institrve [dot] com Copyright 2021 Institrve

EP. 1 - Dutiful Son Turns Whistleblower show art EP. 1 - Dutiful Son Turns Whistleblower


Years after graduating, an alumnus confronts his father’s sordid past. Guest: Harvy Simkovits, MIT Class of 76, SM 77, Course 6, MacGregor House. Have you ever been pressured to do something against your will or compelled to look the other way? Was it instigated by a close family member? This story offers lessons on navigating this challenge and describes one man's journey of healing. This episode is just a small sampling of Harvy’s story. Learn more at his website: Or get a copy of his first book: Follow the show on If you'd like to dive deeper into the world of con artists, I highly...

EP. 0 - Welcome to Institrve! show art EP. 0 - Welcome to Institrve!


t = 0. It all begins somewhere. MIT is a bewildering place, synonymous with seemingly impossible innovations. Behind strokes of genius are human beings who had to confront their fears, overcome challenges, and ultimately find the courage to be themselves. This podcast explores the diversity of the human experience. By hearing the stories of others, we just may find a piece of ourselves and be inspired to transcend our own limitations. Episode notes and transcript: Follow the show on If you have a story suggestion related to MIT, please contact me at host [at] institrve [dot] com CREDITS...

More Episodes

A sophomore solves an unsolved math problem and bonds with a legendary professor. Guest: Ross Lippert, MIT Class of ’93, PhD ’98, Course 6, 8, and 18, Senior House.

How does the mind of a genius approach learning? Can we incorporate this in our own lives?  

Episode notes and transcript

Ross’ Solution (click on View PDF at top of page): A Probabilistic Interpretation of the Hurwitz Zeta Function
Video: The Riemann Hypothesis, Explained (16 min)
Video: The Simplest Math Problem No One Can Solve – Collatz Conjecture (22 min)

Follow the show on the LinkedIn and Twitter

If you have a story suggestion related to MIT, please contact me at host [at] institrve [dot] com

Copyright 2022 Institrve