6.208 LANGUAGE: Understand Words: Model directions when doing action
Release Date: 03/15/2020
The Interaction Coach
This activity gives your child a chance to play independently with markers or crayons in a controlled space.
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Painting is fun. It’s another way to practice holding a writing tool and using eye-hand coordination.
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At this level your child will develop a pincer grip with index finger and thumb, move arm across midline and scribble with a variety of writing tools.
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By the end of this level, your child should look at books with you for at least 5 minutes. They need to learn that time with books is pleasant. The trick is to be done before your child starts squirming away.
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Children at this level like to look at books on their own. If it’s one you’ve read with them, they will look for favorite pictures or turn pages back and forth. You might hear them talking out loud as if they are reading.
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Children at this level are not able to use all the speech sounds. We want your child to learn that their speech is effective. Don’t make them try to repeat the word “better.” Focusing on articulation is for later, after they are communicating more.
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Asking for information is an important function of communication. When you model the question and then the answer, they learn they can go to you to get information.
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When your child is interested in something, they are more likely to want to talk about it. They will be interested in the word you use to label it.
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Your child is learning how to coordinate their movements in more precise ways. For speech, they need to coordinate all the muscles from their chest up to their mouth. They need to control air flow from their lungs, turn their voice on and off, and move their tongue to many places in their mouth.
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When your child uses animal or car sounds, they’re expressing a meaning. You understand what they’re talking about. That’s communication.
info_outlineAs we begin the language domain, here’s a reminder that you shouldn’t neglect the other domains. They all build on each other.
At Level 6 your child will learn: respond to action cues, point to several people or objects when named, point to self in mirror, follow simple familiar directions, follow 2-part direction,
Your model of language use teaches your child all the different reasons we communicate, along with the words we use. Modeling AAC at this level helps your child build their understanding so later they can express themselves using the AAC.
Today’s activity: When you do something of interest to the child, model a direction they could use if they want you to do it. “Milk please” when you open the refrigerator, or “Go” when putting your coat on, “Get car” while pointing and holding out your hand.
Blog post that explains AAC. Blog post that discusses myths of AAC.
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