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How To (Skillfully) Love Food – In Session with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Release Date: 07/10/2024

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The Psychology of Eating Podcast

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How To (Skillfully) Love Food  – In Session with Marc David show art How To (Skillfully) Love Food – In Session with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

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Many of us struggle with emotional eating. And that’s because food is a reliable way to manage our unwanted emotions. Think: Bored. Stressed. Lonely. Angry. Anxious. 

When we’re experiencing difficult emotions, it’s natural to turn to food. 

But here’s something that’s also common: some of us label ourselves as emotional eaters, when that’s not actually the case. 

For some of us, something else altogether is going on:

We just LOVE food. A lot.

The truth is, some of us love food so much that we don’t know how to contain ourselves. 

We overdo it because we love it so much. In the midst of our food love affair, it seems we can lose our ability to manage how much food we eat. 

So it’s not so much that we have a “problem” with food – instead, we love it so much that we can easily go overboard.

If this sounds familiar, this episode will really hit home.

Marc David coaches 35-year old guest client, Romana, who has long assumed that she’s an emotional eater. In an effort to put an end to her ‘emotional eating,’ Romana wonders: how can she only eat when she’s hungry? What does she need to do to control herself? And why does she go against her own wishes when it comes to how much she eats?

But in the course of their session, Marc helps Romana recognize that her challenge is a bit different from what she imagines it to be. 

What Romana believes is her “food issue” is actually just a deep love and excitement for food.  

So how does Romana and the rest of us love food, without overdoing it? 

By owning, honoring, and embracing that love.

And also learning that loving food in a good way – in a way that supports our body, mind, and soul – means we must cultivate some real SKILL. The truth is, most of us who struggle with emotional eating and overeating simply haven’t learned key skills around eating and pleasure.

So in this episode, you’ll hear Marc explore:

💟 Why embracing our inner Hedonist archetype is hard for so many of us to do – but why it’s so important to overcome emotional eating & overeating.

💟 How to experience pleasure wisely.

💟 Learning to “embody” with food – and recognize the signs of “checking out” when eating.

💟 How to slow down with food and allow your nervous system to register pleasure.

💟 Transforming excitement with food into fulfillment with food.

💟 How to ground yourself when you eat.

This positive and uplifting episode is a powerful reminder that our love for food is both natural and beautiful. Through embracing that love, we can find the nourishment and connection with food that is our human birthright. 


Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/ 

Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/

Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.

Follow us on social: 

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