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Marketing in a Post 2020 World

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia

Release Date: 07/21/2023

How To Turn The Trauma Response of Freezing Into Gold show art How To Turn The Trauma Response of Freezing Into Gold

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia

πŸŽ™In this episode of The Gold Standard Podcast, Mother Malia dives into how the freeze trauma response can hinder your business growth and limit your income.   Here are the key takeaways: Understanding the Freeze Response: Freezing is a common trauma response to a perceived threat. When we freeze, we become unable to take action or move forward. This can show up in business as procrastination, avoidance, or a general feeling of being stuck. The Impact of Freeze on Business: The freeze response can hold you back from taking essential actions to grow your business. This can include...

How To Turn The Trauma Response of Fawning Into Gold show art How To Turn The Trauma Response of Fawning Into Gold

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia

πŸŽ™This episode, part of the ongoing trauma series on The Gold Standard:Making Millions with Mother Malia, explores how the trauma response of fawning can impact your business and offers steps to overcome it. Key Points: Fawners are experts at keeping people happy, often at their own expense. This people-pleasing behavior can stem from childhood abuse and a need to avoid upsetting caregivers. In business, fawning can lead to burnout, resentment, and difficulty attracting ideal clients. Fawners may struggle to set boundaries or charge premium rates. How Fawn Trauma Shows Up in Your...

How To Turn The Trauma Response of Flight Into Gold show art How To Turn The Trauma Response of Flight Into Gold

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia

πŸŽ™This episode of The Gold Standard Podcast dives into the concept of  flight trauma and how it can  impede your business growth.   Mother Malia explains that past traumas, like difficult childhood experiences, can lead to a  "flight response" where you subconsciously  disassociate from your body. This disassociation can manifest in several ways that hold you back in business, including: Analysis Paralysis: Overthinking and getting stuck in the planning stages to avoid taking action. Inconsistent Presence: Being physically present but mentally elsewhere,...

How To Turn The Trauma Response of Fight Into Gold show art How To Turn The Trauma Response of Fight Into Gold

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia

πŸŽ™In this episode of The Gold Standard Podcast, Mother Malia dives deep into the ongoing trauma series, focusing on how to transform the fight response into financial abundance. Fight, a Necessary Response, But Potentially Limiting The fight response, a natural trauma response, can fuel your drive and determination. It can be the very reason you push hard and achieve great things in your business.  However, this same fight response can also become a barrier to even greater success. Mother Malia explores how this fight response can manifest in your business: Constant Battling: Feeling...

How To Turn Being Raised By A Physically Or Emotionally Distant Parent Into Gold show art How To Turn Being Raised By A Physically Or Emotionally Distant Parent Into Gold

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia

πŸŽ™ This episode explores the surprising connection between childhood trauma and your ability to make millions. Mother Malia explores how being raised by a physically or emotionally distant parent can show up in your business as: Feeling like a burden to clients Difficulty attracting ideal clients Hesitation to make sales or promote yourself A constant feeling of "being behind" Struggling to reach the next income level You'll learn: How your childhood experiences can unconsciously impact your business decisions The hidden ways you might be pushing away money and success ...

How To Turn Being Raised By A Controlling Parent Into Gold show art How To Turn Being Raised By A Controlling Parent Into Gold

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia

πŸŽ™ In this episode, Mother Malia dives into the surprising ways being raised by a controlling parent can impact your ability to make millions. Learn how to identify these hidden patterns, break free from self-preservation, and finally turn your wounds into gold. Key Points: Uncover how a controlling upbringing can manifest in struggles with attracting clients, receiving money, and building a sustainable business. Discover the hidden ways your trauma might be playing out in your business decisions and client interactions. Stop attracting the wrong clients! Learn how to break the cycle...

How To Turn Childhood Bullying Into Gold show art How To Turn Childhood Bullying Into Gold

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia

πŸŽ™ This episode explores the hidden impact of childhood trauma, particularly bullying, on your business success. Mother Malia and I discuss how these experiences can limit your earning potential and share strategies to overcome them.   Key Points: How childhood traumas can manifest as roadblocks in your business life. Understanding the "golden thread" - the core issue holding you back from financial abundance. The impact of trauma on your nervous system and its effect on achieving your goals. Limiting beliefs formed from past experiences and how to overcome them.   This...

Becoming Mother Malia - 6 Month Reunion show art Becoming Mother Malia - 6 Month Reunion

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia

πŸŽ™ Get ready to celebrate! This episode marks Mother Malia's 6-month birthday, a milestone since her transformation at the Sedona retreat. Mother Malia reflects on her incredible journey,  the invaluable lessons learned, and the immense growth she's experienced in just half a year.  Mother Malia also expresses her gratitude to the amazing group who supported her - her "Mother Malia midwives" - including Christina Rice, Alyse Bacine, Andrea Donnelly, Linda Satterfield, Robyn McKay, Jia Dafu, Jennifer Peek, and Carol Szuky. Mother Malia: Feeling Like I'm Just Getting Started Get...

How To Turn Being Raised By An Alcoholic Into Gold show art How To Turn Being Raised By An Alcoholic Into Gold

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia

πŸŽ™ This episode dives into how your past, specifically being raised by an alcoholic parent, can influence your present business reality. Mother Malia and I discuss the potential "gold" and challenges that can come from this experience, including: Hypervigilance and Business Acumen: Due to a strong sense of duty of care developed early on, these folks may be very aware and skilled at making money. Over-responsibility and Attracting Clients Who Need Parentified: The same experiences can lead to a tendency to take on too much and attract clients who expect them to handle everything, acting...

How To Turn Being Raised By A Narcissist Into Gold show art How To Turn Being Raised By A Narcissist Into Gold

The Gold Standard: Making Millions with Mother Malia

πŸŽ™ In this episode, Mother Malia discusses the surprising upsides and downsides of having a narcissistic parent, and how it can impact your business journey. Key Points: Being raised by a narcissist can make you a master at anticipating people's needs, which is a goldmine in the business world. ([2:58]) Trauma from childhood can surface when you're trying to grow your business. ([5:08]) People who were raised by narcissists may struggle to feel safe enough to receive abundance. ([3:15]) Business can be a great healer, bringing up past traumas to be addressed. ([3:17]) Symptoms of...

More Episodes

Today, we have a special focus on the ever-evolving world of marketing.

As thought leaders, innovators, and change-makers, we are here to share insights and strategies that are currently proving effective, as well as shed light on areas where we've observed challenges. The online landscape has undergone significant changes, with the rise of artificial intelligence and the recent introduction of the Threads platform, which, at the time of this recording, is merely a week old.

Regardless of the tools and platforms we use, we understand the importance of reaching and serving a wide audience. Sometimes, despite our best efforts in marketing, we encounter unexpected roadblocks or setbacks. There can be various reasons for this, such as outdated tactics that no longer align with our business models, offers, or target audiences. That's why I've assembled this extraordinary panel of accomplished and successful businesswomen. Together, we aim to provide you with invaluable insights and guidance to help you overcome such obstacles.

Learn more:

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