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9 Ways to Make Money

Money Management Made Simple

Release Date: 04/26/2022

How To Make Money During A Recession - Part 1 show art How To Make Money During A Recession - Part 1

Money Management Made Simple

The threat of a recession can be scary! You might wonder how you make money if you lose your job or the stock market crashes. Fortunately, you have ways to make money during a recession - it just requires some thinking outside of the box.

What Are The Effects Of A Recession On Families? show art What Are The Effects Of A Recession On Families?

Money Management Made Simple

Unemployment is the biggest risk families face during a recession - but it isn't the ONLY risk! Unfortunately, the effects on families during a recession often go unnoticed because the media focuses on unemployment. Understanding how families are affected can help you determine how to protect yourself best. 

Preparing Your College Student For Financial Success show art Preparing Your College Student For Financial Success

Money Management Made Simple

Preparing your child for success in college means many things. Not only must your child learn to live on their own, but they must also know how to handle their finances. In the first part of the series, we talked about setting your child up with a student checking account. We'll talk today about your student's financial success, and teaching your child how to budget. This is one of the most important things you can teach your college student, and the spend-save-give method is the easiest way to teach them.

Student Checking Account Edition show art Student Checking Account Edition

Money Management Made Simple

Back to school is just around the corner, and parents of college students are preparing their kids to be away from home. While you talk about the ins and the outs of living on their own - ensure you're prepping your child financially, too! Now is perfect if they've never handled their own money, or owned a checking account. A student checking account is a great way to set your child up for success. A student checking account is affordable and helps your child learn how to manage money quickly. It can be scary to send them off on their own, but giving them the right tools is much easier for...

Is Your Cost Of Living Too High? show art Is Your Cost Of Living Too High?

Money Management Made Simple

We're going to ask the famous question - is your cost of living too high? Your cost of living is an opportunity cost for saving or investing in the future. The MORE it costs you to live, the LESS you can save. While everyone has daily costs of living, you might be paying more than you realize. Here's how to tell if your cost of living is too high, and how to fix it.

It's Time For A Financial Check-Up show art It's Time For A Financial Check-Up

Money Management Made Simple

It's that time of the year again! Tax time is over and we're midway through the year. Now is a great time to check in on your financial planning and goals. Reassess where you stand, and how close you are to reaching your goals. This is a great time to make changes, or pat yourself on the back for a job well done because you are on track. Here's how to check in with yourself mid-year.

Inflation: What Is It And How Does It Happen? show art Inflation: What Is It And How Does It Happen?

Money Management Made Simple

What is inflation and how does it happen? You've probably felt the effects of inflation by now - at the gas pump, grocery store, or even at your local restaurants. Prices everywhere are increasing due to inflation, or the increase in the cost of living. Suddenly it is more expensive for us to do things we do on a normal basis. While it is frustrating and possibly even scary, knowing what it is and how it happens can help you get a better understanding.

How to Plan for Unexpected Expenses show art How to Plan for Unexpected Expenses

Money Management Made Simple

Unexpected expenses pop up at the worst time. When they aren't handled right, they can ruin your business model. But, when you plan for them - even though they are unexpected - you can work around the issue and keep your business on track. Unexpected business expenses happen at the worst times - but that doesn't mean you can't look forward. Instead, assume what you MIGHT face, and create a plan to tackle them. We're going to talk about some quick ways to prepare yourself for these unexpected expenses.

How to Set Financial Goals show art How to Set Financial Goals

Money Management Made Simple

We all have something we imagine for our future. Whether it be a down payment for a home, paying off student debt, or simply wanting a cruise to the Bahamas for some R&R. These can all be too expensive to pay for out-of-pocket. Setting financial goals can help you do the impossible - but how do you go about setting and accomplishing these goals?

How Much Should I Have In Savings? show art How Much Should I Have In Savings?

Money Management Made Simple

Everybody knows and understands they're supposed to save - but, they always want to know how much. It may be difficult to develop a saving habit with the way expenses are thrown at us. There's always a bill to pay - whether or not it is in the budget. As a result, attempting to save as a habit may prove challenging. There are many different saving strategies. The general rule, however, is to have the ability to realistically benchmark what your savings are - in relation to your earnings. Your budgeting and spending habits have a significant impact on your savings. Saving is more than just...

More Episodes

If you’ve been thinking of how to make some extra cash while living your best life in this new year, then you’re in the right place. Ready? Let’s dive in! We’ve brought you nine amazing ways to smash your money goals and earn some extra cash without having to sell your stuff or earn another degree–(of course, they are all legit way).