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The flywheel for customer growth.

High Performance with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips

Release Date: 04/21/2024

When markets slow. show art When markets slow.

High Performance with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips

In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about what to do when the market's slow by bringing buyers and vendors together, managing vendors, finding and motivating buyers, and creating flow through the campaign.

The flywheel for customer growth. show art The flywheel for customer growth.

High Performance with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on the open for inspections flywheel, what makes it work, how it rapidly grows your database and your business, knowing the numbers you need, and how setting goals switches you on to do more.  

How you plan your calendar. show art How you plan your calendar.

High Performance with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips

In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss the power of routine for stress reduction and making your days easier, getting more done in less time, how to schedule your routines, and using the CAR method for planning.

Becoming number one in your chosen market. show art Becoming number one in your chosen market.

High Performance with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on becoming number one in your chosen market by choosing the right market for you, keeping yourself visible, using the data you've got, and staying consistent with the actions that win listings.

Power of a virtual boardroom. show art Power of a virtual boardroom.

High Performance with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips

In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about using the virtual boardroom concept to surround yourself with great role models, use comparison as inspiration, set high expectations, and become a phenomenal agent.

Consistency. show art Consistency.

High Performance with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on maintaining consistency through planning, scheduling and tracking, focusing on results first, setting a goal and breaking it down into daily tasks, and competing with yourself to gain momentum.

Skill growth. show art Skill growth.

High Performance with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips

In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss skill growth through experience, creating a foundation for learning, coaching on the job through feedback and advice, using a job scorecard, and knowing the skills you need your people to grow.

Working with co-agents. show art Working with co-agents.

High Performance with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on working with co-agents, setting parameters and commission structure, presenting a united front, matching skillsets and demographics to vendors, and teaming up with the right person to win the listing.  

Navigating April. show art Navigating April.

High Performance with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips

In today's podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about navigating April by making changes around buyer dynamics, timing and price points, narratives that boost buyer urgency, and planning campaigns around holidays a full year ahead.

Differentiators. show art Differentiators.

High Performance with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on differentiators that win listings by making people want to use you and pay more for the privilege, and creating a lifestyle that supports performance, consistency, and the drive to always get better.

More Episodes

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on the open for inspections flywheel, what makes it work, how it rapidly grows your database and your business, knowing the numbers you need, and how setting goals switches you on to do more.