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All Things Parenting: 6 Steps to Successfully Negotiate CoParenting Conflicts w/Rick and Diane Dierks

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

Release Date: 03/24/2023

Meet the Coaches: Founder, Karen McMahon's Story show art Meet the Coaches: Founder, Karen McMahon's Story

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

This episode is being shared from the Divorced People podcast which Karen McMahon was recently interviewed on.   Divorced People is a podcast about divorce, marriage, and relationships. The host, Nicole Quallen, a divorced person and collaborative divorce lawyer, speaks with story-tellers who have been through the difficult, beautiful, complicated, super-stigmatized institution and are brave and ready enough to share their experience with us all.   Here is Nicole's introduction to this episode: Karen McMahon is the founder of Journey Beyond Divorce, a podcast and divorce coaching...

All Things Parenting: Long Distant Parenting: The challenges, rewards and best practices with Carrie Norwood show art All Things Parenting: Long Distant Parenting: The challenges, rewards and best practices with Carrie Norwood

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

Distance parenting was a new term to me when I found today’s guest and given that I have been in the divorce field for over a dozen years, that surprised me.  So today we are discussing “Long Distance Parenting: The challenges, rewards and best practices.”   The term Distance Parenting refers to those who are parenting from afar…another state, region or country….physically very far away from their children.  Carrie has been a distance parent for over two decades.  She explains some of the circumstances that create this dynamic, addresses the stigma around it and...

JBD Team Talks: You’re Not Crazy Part III - Exploring the Voices in Your Head show art JBD Team Talks: You’re Not Crazy Part III - Exploring the Voices in Your Head

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

Part 3 of our series focuses on how to appreciate and benefit from the different voices in your head and their unique perspectives by using “The Brain Huddle” , a practice author Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD refers to as a “Power Tool for Peace”.  The four voices or characters generated by four different types of neural tissue in our brains are somewhat stereotypical in their behavioral patterns which means that the more that you are willing to observe their responses/reactions to circumstances the more freedom you (and they) will have  to work together to support you in a “whole...

All Things Parenting: Parallel Parenting: A Proven Approach to  Successful High Conflict Co Parenting with Brook Olsen show art All Things Parenting: Parallel Parenting: A Proven Approach to Successful High Conflict Co Parenting with Brook Olsen

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

Welcome to another episode of All Things Parenting.  You’re post divorce and survived the chaotic, complex, often times hostile and overwhelming divorce process. You thought you would be free, feel better, be less triggered and engaged with your ex. But you have kids together and somedays it feels like nothing has changed except you’re living under separate roofs!   How can you successfully co parent with a high conflict person when there is so much that continues to trigger you.  The answer lies in understanding and evolving YOUR behavior.  Today’s guest is one of...

JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part II - Exploring the Voices in Your Head show art JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part II - Exploring the Voices in Your Head

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

The neurons in our brains are not all alike.  Our brains think and feel in four different ways, every one of us.  We may be more aware of certain ways than others, and define ourselves by the ways of thinking that are habitual...which does not always serve us well, especially when navigating divorce and post divorce life.      In today’s show, Part 2 of You’re Not Crazy: Exploring the Voices in Your Head,  Lisa and Karen familiarize you with the four distinct thinking and feeling modes in your brain  introduced in Part 1.  With this knowledge...

Divorce Roadmap: International Divorce: What to Know and How to Proceed show art Divorce Roadmap: International Divorce: What to Know and How to Proceed

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

As if divorce is not overwhelming enough, those facing ‘international divorce’ complexities encounter an entirely unique and complex set of challenges which are even further intensified if there are children involved.     Join us as we speak to matrimonial attorneys Nicole Centracchio and Bryan Reed who specialize in international divorce.    They talk about the importance of strategically deciding when to make the decision to file for divorce and what to consider when choosing jurisdiction. Another key element is how to protect your children’s ability to have access...

Voices of Celebration: My Unexpected Unbelievable Life After Divorce and Cancer with Guest, Clare show art Voices of Celebration: My Unexpected Unbelievable Life After Divorce and Cancer with Guest, Clare

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

Clare was beaming when we began talking, so excited about her new lease on life. She had a marriage that had been dead for a while, with little communication or emotional support. She found herself more anxious and depressed, even praying for a way out of life...until one day, she got really sick and found herself facing death which ironically gave her a desire to live again!   The journey to health also led her to re-evaluate her life, decide what was important. Clare began reading and learning about presence, meditation and finding her zest for life. She has moved a thousands miles...

All Things Parenting: When Divorce Collides with Raising Complex Kids with Diane Dempster show art All Things Parenting: When Divorce Collides with Raising Complex Kids with Diane Dempster

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

Today we are discussing what happens when Divorce Collides with Raising Complex Kids. If you are raising a complex kid, you know the unique challenges you face. These difficulties may even have played a role in the dissolution of your marriage.     Today we’re joined by my dear friend and colleague, Diane Dempster. She walks us through what she means by ‘complex kid’ and what’s different about parenting one through divorce.  She highlights the likelihood that if you have a complex kid, either you and/or your co-parent may also be complex and discusses how this adds...

JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part I - Exploring the Voices in Your Head show art JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part I - Exploring the Voices in Your Head

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

It is an all too human tendency to react to stressful situations in counterproductive ways, to attack out of intense emotion without a clear purpose, to accommodate long after it's healthy to do so, or to avoid addressing situations that are destructive.  While these are rarely wise strategies, they are disastrous strategies prior to, in the midst of, and post divorce.      During this episode and the following two Team Talks, Karen McMahon and Lisa Brick discuss an alternative approach to attacking, accommodating, and avoiding, help you to understand what part of your...

Divorce Roadmap: Children and Divorce: When Special Needs Kids Are Involved show art Divorce Roadmap: Children and Divorce: When Special Needs Kids Are Involved

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast

Raising special needs children has a unique set of gifts and challenges.  When negotiating divorce, it is essential that you can advocate for the support they will continue to need.    Guest, Randi L. Karmel, PLLC, specializes in this area and discusses the pitfalls inherent and possibilities available through the negotiation process.   Randi shares negotiation danger signs to be aware of as well as resources, organizations and advocates ready to assist you, financial support available for schooling and what you need to do to receive it. This is a must listen show for...

More Episodes

After your divorce is finalized,  it is so important when stepping off the divorce battlefield, to put down your weapons, take off your coat of armor and begin the process of navigating your post divorce life.  When co parenting is a part of that life, it is so easy to slip back into old patterns of arguing, blame and accusation.  It can feel like nothing has changed except you are now under two roofs. 

Today’s guests have a brilliant 6 Step process for calming your reactivity, shifting your focus, gaining clarity on what is important and what your big picture goal is and entering your negotiation with a brilliantly empowering skill.   

Diane and Rick are cohosts of a wonderful podcast called Co-Parent Dilemmas.  Diane Dierks is also a licensed marriage and family therapist in Georgia and she is Executive Director of the Center for Navigating Family Change. Rick Voyles is CEO of the Center for Dispute Solutions and is a published author, mediator and anger management specialist.

Contact Diane and Rick