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How to Create Equity in Your Relationship, with Zach Watson

Journey Forward with Joree Rose

Release Date: 09/18/2023

How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser, with Dr. John Schinnerer show art How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser, with Dr. John Schinnerer

Journey Forward with Joree Rose

Anyone who has ever been a people-pleaser can know how hard it is to be in relationships that don’t have reciprocity. It can feel like we give and give and give, and just because we are connected in the relationship, can think it’s enough, when in reality, we end up feeling depleted and resentful. In this joint episode, with my partner in life and love, Dr. John Schinnerer, we talk about 6 areas that people-pleasers can get stuck in or struggle with, along with some of the context that may lead you to becoming a people-pleaser. The 6 areas that we go in depth into are: difficulty drawing...

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In this conversation with one of my soul sisters, Shari Teigman, we talk about the journey of self-discovery, the courage to create change in the face of the unknown, how to stop believing the story you tightly hold on to, and how to forge your path using inner wisdom, trust and faith. As a former people pleaser, Shari got lost in a life that wasn’t her, and having always been an out of the box thinker, she used her intuitive skills to embody her own wild woman inside, and now guides others in doing the same. As a performance mentor and creative strategist, Shari’s passion is helping you...

The Anxious-Avoidant Trap, with Dr. John Schinnerer show art The Anxious-Avoidant Trap, with Dr. John Schinnerer

Journey Forward with Joree Rose

One of the most common struggles many couples face is what’s known as the anxious-avoidant dance; it looks like this: one partner has an anxious attachment style and gets triggered by her partner needing a time out during an argument, or threatening to leave. The other partner has an avoidant attachment style and gets emotionally flooded during disagreements. During these challenging moments, the anxious partner seeks to turn towards their partner, needing to reconnect in order to calm their physiology. The avoidant person turns away from the relationship, seeking time and space to calm...

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Journey Forward with Joree Rose

As trauma affects millions of people around the world, the search for how to heal is ongoing. We are now in the beginning of what’s considered to be the psychedelic renaissance as there has been a re-emergence of using psychedelics for healing; the research behind it is not only amazing and abundant, but it’s showing that psychedelics are more effective than any pharmaceutical tool in a psychiatrist’s toolbox. This is a thrilling evolution in the field of psychotherapy and many psychedelics are on the verge of being legalized or therapeutic use. The first time that Matt Zemon went on a...

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Journey Forward with Joree Rose

For many women, making decisions on the direction of their life isn’t easy. What divorce lawyer and author of the new book She Who Wins, Renee Bauer has discovered is that at the root of these challenges is often worthiness issues, the fear of being uncomfortable, especially in the unknown, and being in the habit of being a people pleaser. Renee has identified that many women are stuck in a “good girl complex” in which they were socialized to smile, be polite and not disappoint, which has not only prevented authenticity but leads to an inability to expand themselves and their lives. In...

Argue Effectively with Your Partner, with Dr. John Schinnerer show art Argue Effectively with Your Partner, with Dr. John Schinnerer

Journey Forward with Joree Rose

To get a handout from today’s episode, To join our monthly relationship Master Class series: Let’s face it: couples argue. Disagreements are inevitable. Arguing is not a problem; in fact, there’s a lot of authenticity & freedom in being able to express yourself fully, even when you’re angry. The problem is when arguing is ineffective & anger & insults damage the safety & security of your relationship. However, there are proven ways that you can argue better; ways that actually benefit your partnership. In this episode, you’ll learn the scientifically-proven rules to...

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Journey Forward with Joree Rose

As a therapist, Mary Beth is passionate about guiding millennials in modern mental health, which she defines as support that is accessible and relatable so that there is an increase in healing. A main focus of her practice is helping teens and young adults understand how to navigate boundaries and individuation if they are in an enmeshed family system. Enmeshment occurs when there is a lack of boundaries, often rooted in a parent (often the mother) getting her emotional needs met by her children, rather than from a partner or friends. This dynamic prevents young adults from easily voicing...

Master Class on Romantic Relationships, with Dr. John Schinnerer show art Master Class on Romantic Relationships, with Dr. John Schinnerer

Journey Forward with Joree Rose

To join our year long monthly Master Classes series please visit   One of the most important pillars of a happy, thriving life is your relationship with your partner. Yet, so many of us struggle in this area.  What do you need to be more satisfied in your relationship? How do you get your needs met? How do you put an end to having the same frikkin’ arguments over and over? How do you get a handle on your anger so your partner feels safe and secure in the relationship? Listen in on the first Master Class on Relationships and find out!  This is the overview of all the skills...

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Journey Forward with Joree Rose

Who doesn’t love love? But loving love and wanting to bring love into your life does not always mean that you’re ready for the love you want to experience. In this conversation with Real Love Ready founder Robin Ducharme, we talk about all things love, specifically on the ways we strive to be better in relationships. Building relationship skills, being more vulnerable and understanding our partners from an aware place helps us to navigate the changing seasons of our own lives while also trying to see our partners from an emotionally aware place. Sometimes this is easier said than done,...

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Journey Forward with Joree Rose

Join John and I in our new monthly Master Class series:   And join us in Costa Rica Sept 28-Oct. 5, 2024:   In this joint episode with my partner Dr. John Schinnerer, we talk with esteemed therapists, Charlie and Linda Bloom, who were an integral part of our healing after our breakup. Married for over 54 years, they have been doing joint couples work for over 40 years, leading workshops and courses all over the world, and are the authors of 5 books; the most recent is An End To Arguing, which we talk about in this episode. Charlie and Linda share valuable, insightful and practical...

More Episodes

Anyone who is in a relationship knows how difficult it can be to divide up the household and child responsibilities. Too often, inequity in partnership can lead to great frustration, build resentment and affect the quality of connection. In this episode, I talk with Zach Watson who is a content creator on the topic of fair play, which is equitable mental and emotional load, along with the benefit of sharing domestic responsibilities. He shares the factors that laid the foundation for an ease of sharing the responsibilities with his wife, including being raised by a mom who taught him to respect women, along with having an inherent interest and desire for personal growth and effective communication. Zach shares in detail the shifts he made when his wife was pregnant, including giving up drinking and wearing a weighted belt so that he could fully embrace and emulate her pregnancy experience, making it their joint pregnancy experience. This is an example of how a small inconvenience can lead to an increase in equity. If you are in a partnership that feels more like one partner is the project manager and the other is the employee, versus you both being like co-founders, and you’d like 


inspiration and tools to create a redistribution of workload and mental load, then this episode is for you.


About Zach:

Zach Watson is an Educational and personal Content creator on mental load and sharing domestic responsibilities

Tiktok: @zachthinkshare

IG: @realzachthinkshare