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Plan for the Future, But Also Live Fully Now

Journey to Jupiter: Discover the Life You'll Create

Release Date: 05/13/2022

In Search of Making an Impact: A Journey from Law to Business Consulting with Anitra Deen show art In Search of Making an Impact: A Journey from Law to Business Consulting with Anitra Deen

Journey to Jupiter: Discover the Life You'll Create

Anitra Deen is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Anitra Deen Consulting. She serves her clients as a fractional Chief Operating Officer (COO) and strategic planner to organize her clients' operations, plans, and processes for their business growth. She’s on a mission to support women entrepreneurs and small business owners to move from being stuck and disorganized to having the clarity, structure, and momentum to take that next, first step.   She earned a Bachelor of Business Administration at Mercer University and a Masters of Education at James Madison University....

The Journey of a Podcast Producer & Animator: Meet Casby Bias show art The Journey of a Podcast Producer & Animator: Meet Casby Bias

Journey to Jupiter: Discover the Life You'll Create

Originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Casby Bias earned a at Marquette University and a at Syracuse University. She is currently a podcast producer for iHeartMedia as well as the podcast animator, Executive Producer and host of “,” a podcast that teaches young professionals how to survive the life-after-college transition.   In this episode, Casby shares:   The challenges she encountered upon moving out to California to pursue her dream of making it in Hollywood as an animator   How she pivoted from pursuing a career as a creative to working in corporate...

A Journey from the Military to Film & Television: Meet Brian McLaughlin show art A Journey from the Military to Film & Television: Meet Brian McLaughlin

Journey to Jupiter: Discover the Life You'll Create

Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, Brian McLaughlin earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Business Administration from Boston University. He was also an Army major who commanded a paratrooper unit, served in Afghanistan in special operations, and later returned as the media production advisor to General Petraeus and produced documentary short films with an Afghan crew around Afghanistan.   Today, he is a producer and co-president of Emerald Elephant Entertainment where he’s produced four feature films – all...

How to Prepare for Your Next Job Before You Need It show art How to Prepare for Your Next Job Before You Need It

Journey to Jupiter: Discover the Life You'll Create

Today, we build upon our discussion from episode 106, “Certainty is Rare: How to Prepare Beyond Job Outlook.” While having a holistic approach to life and career planning is important, having concrete steps to take to provide security for our futures is also important as well. In this episode, we look at three steps to take to prepare for your next job before you need it.   Mentioned in this episode: - Certainty is Rare: How to Prepare Beyond Job Outlook   - The Journey of a Chemist: Meet Dr. Kristin Cederquist   Journey to Jupiter: Discover the Life You’ll Create ...

Certainty is Rare: How to Prepare Beyond Job Outlook show art Certainty is Rare: How to Prepare Beyond Job Outlook

Journey to Jupiter: Discover the Life You'll Create

When considering careers or preparing for a career change, we oftentimes want to be as certain as possible we're pursuing a field that'll offer strong opportunities for employment as well as opportunities for growth and promotion into new positions with greater pay. Even when we do our research and choose a career with strong indicators of continuous growth, however, this still doesn't mean that our success is guaranteed. In today's episode we review a couple of examples in which industries traditionally known for their security have actually had to lay employees off due to unforeseen...

Planning the Year Ahead with Intention: Introducing YearCompass show art Planning the Year Ahead with Intention: Introducing YearCompass

Journey to Jupiter: Discover the Life You'll Create

Happy New Year everyone! In this first episode of 2023, we take a look at a tool called that helps you close 2022 with deep reflection on all you experienced and plan the year ahead with intention. There are many helpful tools to help plan your future, but this tool is different in that it gives you space to consider your past experiences so you can refine your goals and tweak your approach to accomplishing them in the new year. Also mentioned in this episode: The 8 principles to the art of mastering oneself in entitled "What's More Important Than College in Your Life Journey?" ----- for...

Tips for Success in College show art Tips for Success in College

Journey to Jupiter: Discover the Life You'll Create

In our last episode, our guest Nicholas Sapp shared his college journey that included taking a leave of absence after having withdrawn from one too many classes. He highlighted the fact that there’s much conversation about the importance of going to college while there’s less discussion about what it takes to actually be successful in college. Today, we review four things to consider before dropping or withdrawing from classes as well as some tips for college success. Mentioned in this episode: with Nicholas Sapp ----- for my contact list to be the first to know about new offerings and...

How Taking a Leave of Absence Led to a Career in Student Affairs: Meet Nicholas Sapp show art How Taking a Leave of Absence Led to a Career in Student Affairs: Meet Nicholas Sapp

Journey to Jupiter: Discover the Life You'll Create

Born and raised in Atlanta, GA, Nicholas Sapp grew up in the city’s Cascade neighborhood. He graduated from the with a major in Comparative Human Development. While on a leave of absence from his undergraduate studies, Nicholas’ interest in Student Affairs was sparked by the programming offered by Georgia State University’s . Currently, he spends his 4th year working at Emory University with the goal of providing similar programming opportunities to its student population. Outside of work, Nicholas is passionate about Black American street dances and is...

Maximizing Your Life by Maximizing Your Time: What is Time Management? show art Maximizing Your Life by Maximizing Your Time: What is Time Management?

Journey to Jupiter: Discover the Life You'll Create

You may have heard the saying that we all have the same 24 hours in a day. Yet, we know that some seem to get a lot done while others seem to get very little done in this same amount of time. A critical factor in getting the most from our time is practicing good time management. In today’s episode, we discuss:   What is time management? What is it important? How do you practice good time management?   Also mentioned in this episode: Episode 100: Episode 38: (Values & S.M.A.R.T. Goals) “ by Mindtools.com   --- for my contact list to be the first to know about new...

In Pursuit of Extending His Family’s Legacy in Education: Meet Sean Whitten show art In Pursuit of Extending His Family’s Legacy in Education: Meet Sean Whitten

Journey to Jupiter: Discover the Life You'll Create

Raised in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sean currently works as Director of Enrollment Analytics for in Charlotte, NC. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in History from in Iowa and a Master of Arts in Higher Education from Ashford University. Sean’s career journey was fueled with an unrelenting ambition to do the heart work and honor his family’s legacy as educators. Unfortunately, he oftentimes pursued this journey at the expense of his personal identity and those around him. After suffering from multiple mental health challenges, he sought help, refocused his priorities and purpose. All of this...

More Episodes

Along with graduation season comes excitement and anticipation of the adventures and success that lie ahead. We just can’t help but think about what’s next. While looking to the future is a generally good practice, there is also great importance in taking the time to live in the moment.

In this episode, we discuss Alan Watt’s 1959 speech "Live Fully Now" and why making space for some balance in our lives is just as critical as planning for the future.

Mentioned or referenced in this episode:






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Edited by Ken Inge of Dead End Hip Hop