Just One Thing
What is the Sasquatch? Is he a an invention of the imagination or a real live beast steeped in ancient legend? Although many strange tales surround this Cryptid, no one has been able to capture a Bigfoot alive. But maybe this is because, if the Bigfoot is a real thing, it may not be tangible beast at all, but a spiritual one. Please rate and review Just One Thing on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play store or any other podcast platform! Visit the website for comics and more information- Follow the podcast on twitter at- Or on Instagram at- If you enjoy video games and video game...
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What is Cryptozoology and is it a serious science? Are there really creatures left on earth that we haven’t discovered? Are they biological, supernatural, or extra terrestrial in nature? I start to look into these questions as I begin a series on un discovered creatures. Please rate and review Just One Thing on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play store or any other podcast platform! Visit the website for comics and more information- Follow the podcast on twitter at- Or on Instagram at- Also be sure to check out Daniel's other podcast about video gaming, Just One Thing:Gaming- As...
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So last week I talked about ancient ideas of Robots and how they’ve influenced the innovations of today. But what about the desires of the robots themselves? Will they want to overthrow us and take over the world? Perhaps how we approach artificial intelligence now will influence how AI will treat us for the rest of history. Please rate and review Just One Thing on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play store or any other podcast platform! Visit the website for comics and more information- Follow the podcast on twitter at- Or on Instagram at-
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Are robots the result of our society's modern and matured intellect? Or have they always been a fascination of world culture since before even recorded history? This week I discuss the roots of the desire and inspiration for our current ideas of what a robot actually is. It’s more magical than you might think. Please rate and review Just One Thing on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play store or any other podcast platform! Visit the website for comics and more information- Follow the podcast on twitter at- Or on Instagram at-
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Welcome to the beginning of Just One Thing’s Series two! I’m back from a short time travel trip. Also, what’s with all the time travel TV shows? Of course, time is magic and fun. So this week I dive deeper into this abstract concept and discover what makes it tick. …kind of. Please rate and review Just One Thing on iTunes or any other podcast platform! Visit the website for comics and more information- Follow the podcast on twitter at- Or on Instagram at-
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What are dreams made of? What is the mind doing while we sleep? Can dreams result in tangible genius ideas? Please rate and review Just One Thing on iTunes or any other podcast platform! Visit the website for comics and more information- Follow the podcast on twitter at- Or on Instagram at-
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Some scientists believe that water shows amazing traits that go beyond how we normally perceive it. Do we take for granted this substance that is essential to all life on earth? Should we be careful what we say or think when we are around it? Please rate and review Just One Thing on iTunes or any other podcast platform! Visit our website for comics and more information- Follow the podcast on twitter at- Or on Instagram at-
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In 1976 Bill Kaysing released a book claiming that the Apollo missions to the moon were all faked. Today 7% of American’s believe his claims. Is what Kaysing claimed correct? Or are his claims merely rooted in a mistrust of the American Government? Please rate and review Just One Thing on iTunes or any other podcast platform! Visit our website for comics and more information- Follow the podcast on twitter at- Or on Instagram at-
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Is our moon the result of a stray planet crashing into an early forming Earth? What other amazing facts does the moon hold? Perhaps we take for granted our orbiting little brother. This week I take a look at some amazing moon information. Please rate and review Just One Thing on iTunes or any other podcast platform! Visit our website for comics and more information- Follow the podcast on twitter at- Or on Instagram at-
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What is this weird creature called a Unicorn? Where did it come from? Why is it so loved? And what makes it so magical? Do Unicorn babies really kill their mothers while trying to nurse? Find out on this weeks episode of Just One Thing. Please rate and review Just One Thing on iTunes or any other podcast platform! Visit our website for comics and more information- Follow the podcast on twitter at- Or on Instagram at- For fans of Science, Pseudo-Science, Esoteric, Fairy Tales, Unicorns, Unicorn, Magic, Legend, Mythology, Myth, Narwhal, Ridley Scott, mystery, Rhinoceros,...
info_outlineIs our moon the result of a stray planet crashing into an early forming Earth? What other amazing facts does the moon hold? Perhaps we take for granted our orbiting little brother. This week I take a look at some amazing moon information.
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