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Kagro in the Morning - May 17, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

Release Date: 05/17/2024

Kagro in the Morning - June 17, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 17, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are here to make your Monday…   in and convicted felon Donald Trump is, from … Other than for maybe the law, Donald has an  , aided by an and lineup of , , and . For example,” —   somehow packed into . Ace KITM Correspondent Rosalyn MacGregor tells us that if people are indeed interested in, they should look up Joe Biden. MAGA, of course, and you can’t tell them anything. However, Joe’s , with , advertising that Trump is “”. Sure, , but that once everyone else...

Kagro in the Morning - June 14, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 14, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

On today’s KITM, David Waldman celebrates making it to the weekend on, while I celebrate publishing over 2,000 entries obviously not since 2015. . The Supreme Court ruled on . 9-0 because it lacked standing, 3-6 that the lawsuit was , and  to SCOTUS level, and 6-3 looking forward to. Oops! Clarence Thomas  a his old billionaire buddy Harlan Crow gave him. Don’t worry, Clarence will never  The House Gop had its “” yesterday, which many in the media call.  just hold their  to , I . And yet, maybe not every Republican. Felon...

Kagro in the Morning - June 13, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 13, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin hauled in for us, but the big news surfaced while we were on the air.  was decided by SCOTUS to. It was mostly , so Southern Baptists They better pick up the pace on their traditional fertilizing, if they don’t want . For now, they butter the Gop’s bread, so Republicans to. In their spare time, while not , Republicans  by holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt. Dave Joyce was not. God is on Israel’s side, and also on the Gazans’, which is. The is to give God a little time off the...

Kagro in the Morning - June 12, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 12, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin haul in the humongous hump day™ Today is the that Donald Trump has been It’s the  for ,  how probably  with . Another Wednesday means !, Nancy Mace. Sherrod Brown in reddening Ohio, where Democrats , . Ohio, not taking any chances, purged . Overall, President Joe Biden, which is almost as good as. Most Americans won’t vote for anyone , unless they are lied to, or prior to voting.  double haters . If only Joe  the  to people Perhaps will snap those voters . Has Sam...

Kagro in the Morning - June 11, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 11, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

Some unexpected international headline news today: Dr. Saulos Chilima, the Vice President of Malawi . Closer to home, Congress was returning for another routine work week… if you can call mere routine! But I’ll tell you what is becoming routine. And that’s becoming an unmanageable boor. Donald Trump, of course, is already an unmanageable boor, and a bore. So he decided to liven things up with about… electric boats, maybe? And sharks. And how you would definitely die in an electric boat, because science tells you that boats will sink if you put heavy things on them, like batteries....

Kagro in the Morning - June 10, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 10, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin had today, and not many at this time, so they decided to throw us a pleasant little KITM: TFFG is forever a convicted felon, . Today’s perfect meeting with a probation officer. So far Donald has himself out of a urine test. Oh the wonders they’ll find in. It’s the  and still . Marine Le Pen, so he  by calling for, which might not be. In Israel, , so Bibi Netanyahueft to save him. On the other hand, in Hungary, and actual bombs have been proven effective in. In the US,  hate hearing . Trump voters love...

Kagro in the Morning Kagro in the Morning "Encore Performance" - June 5, 2020, airing June 7, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman just didn't have the voice left to finish out the week. So today, once again, KITM stands for Kagro in a Time Machine. It's another look back, and another opportunity to convince yourself that yes, you are better today than you were four years ago. Way better! Take a look at how bad it really was: Donald Trump , the news is so beautiful. We’re in the money! Employment has dived to . Trump says he couldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for  Trump’s , where the plan is to make the . ACORN rerouted to Indiana, loading 250 super-soldiers to each bus for a raid on Chicago,...

Kagro in the Morning - June 6, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 6, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

Today, David Waldman and Greg Dworkin observe the , along with , plus their usual gallimaufry of insight and foresight. You got to love ! Joe Biden could hold the White House if only a tiny number of voters swing his way, and as luck would have it, .  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. also has who might become Everyone is because the job just doesn’t pay enough for . The can tell you  Today, they can tell you . So, how many of those can tell you ? How many voters remember what he said about Wall Street Journal reporter  in 2023? The answer is, Trump ... ,...

Kagro in the Morning - June 5, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 5, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin celebrate since TFFG earned his 34 Fs. Donald is .  President Joe Biden Trump’s  Kevin McCarthy, Mike Johnson and the Wall Street Journal predict at during their upcoming rap battle. “?” is the question many undecided voters need answered before  this November. Tony  some. The Proud Boys are . They will have competition from the many mom and pop. Clevelanders are split between those afraid of, and those who say they deserve it. Trump said that  now that she’s not running Trump says he . He’ll just...

Kagro in the Morning - June 4, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 4, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

Tuesday! Apricate in sagacious David Waldman’s perspicacious eunoia, or something. Look that up in your . Is Donald Trump ? ? Does this mean there’s still time to get into the financially rewarding career of ? Nothing compares to though. Get yourself some of that, like bottomless shrimp cocktails, warm towels, free cable… I don’t know, I clearly  Whatever they get, it seems to kill , and probably a few citizens as well. Donald Trump has been for about a decade, but he was   Donald would be the last person you’d pick to portray a , and...

More Episodes

Why not start a Friday with weird sports news? But not just any weird sports news. Political sports news!

A guy who is a genuine NFL player, albeit a kicker, has said some things. They were meant to be pretty conservative, especially with regard to gender roles, and he thought his views would be at home at a Catholic college. But nuns actually work for a living.

We may never know who’s right about this dust-up as between the cops and a top pro golfer. But then again, not every story has a right side, you know? What’re you gonna do?

Justice Alito would, for some reason, like you to think he has nothing whatsoever to do with flying the flag outside of his home. Oh, also, flying it upside-down. Anyway, his wife totally did it, he says. And because journalists love to tell you why things matter, here are some other reasons why that matters.

Have you ever wondered what you would see if you could beam into a Trumpified future? Well, how about seeing the present in Israel and the West Bank? Granted, it could take you a long time to take it all in. But what if you could get the critical points in just a few minutes? Why, then you’d really have a distressing lens through which to view the crumbling of Western-style democracy!

Not sure if that’s actually what you’re viewing? Well, what if American proto-fascists just started pardoning pro-fascist murderers?

House Republicans are so eager to come to the NYC courthouse and kiss the ring that they’re leaving their “majority” unguarded. But they managed to cobble one together in time for a futile gesture toward Israel. Meanwhile, their Very Strong Leader is already looking to get out of the debates he bragged about agreeing to yesterday.

Do you know about New Caledonia? You do now.

On the good news side of the ledger: Hooray for the CFPB and active governance! And for scales falling from eyes!