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Kagro in the Morning - June 5, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

Release Date: 06/05/2024

Kagro in the Morning - June 25, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 25, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

It’s Tuesday, so David Waldman and Joan McCarter are at it again, here to say , and always in a timely and relevant fashion. Donald Trump will commence his fifth week as a convicted felon at this Thursday’s debate. He will probably take to plead the fifth on his debate questions, especially if they are , such as questions about , what , or . to Donald’s right to and his handlers want to take away . even remain ? A ? There would for Trump to do besides that  of his. Of course, if the announced that on Thursday morning, that could . We’ll for for the next...

Kagro in the Morning - June 24, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 24, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

Monday, and Greg Dworkin is on assignment, or perhaps, but we did find his Raft O’ Stories™ beached.  Don’t worry, David Waldman can take it from here. Remember when a guy could just shoot his wife when she got out of line and no one ever gave him any guff about it? don’t… or at least they 250 years ago or so would take the offender aside and say “O gentle son, upon the heat and flame of thy distemper sprinkle cool patience”, or whatever they said to let him keep the gun, as that was always ,. Naomi Wolf discovered that Victorians for...

Kagro in the Morning - June 21, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 21, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman reminds us that  of Donald Trump being a convicted felon before the election, and of Donald Trump being a convicted felon before the first debate, but of Donald Trump being a convicted felon before the weekend! The first debate is the moment we’ve all been… dreading, to be honest. , but. President Joe Biden’s removed half ofs, which might be why Trump is stealing. Or he might be aiming to look like” to con underinformed undecideds for  to make a first and last impression. Duping the rubes remains of course in Trump’s Vice Presidential picks. ...

Kagro in the Morning - June 20, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 20, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

Happy Solstice! KITM is the source for a few minutes worth of hesitant  discussion! We may already have said this yesterday, but this — about Juneteenth — . Greg Dworkin kickstarts a demographics and polling-oriented segment today with views . But about growing Latino power at the polls, a strength . Still, there’s  things just  for Trump, and . Maybe  beyond the crazy-ass base. So  is what you’re gonna get. Even the  wants to be crazy. And, sometimes Greg takes one for the team, and reads  so you don’t have to. The guy who looks to...

Kagro in the Morning - June 19, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 19, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

It’s Wednesday and David Waldman invites us to the  Juneteenth  one of those holidays, while also there.  , including Greg Dworkin, reflect upon the influence that the 'Say Hey Kid', Willie Mays,  The FAA is investigating , , or titanium discovered in Boeing and Airbus jets, nuances hopefully independent from how quickly one finds the landscape is approaching. It’s in Virginia Congressional District 5, and Gop Bob Good as TFFG tries to  as well. The Republican political machine  in New Jersey. Donald Trump will...

Kagro in the Morning - June 18, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 18, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

It is Tuesday! , one of many for the inculpable David Waldman and Joan McCarter. Donald Trump. If you aren’t with him, you're against him. Even if you are with him, if , . Because, Donald’s a , and . Republicans are just toys for, therefore Gops will if from Trump another day... although there are a couple left who hope that . They’ll learn. Mike Johnson , and has placed Trump stooges as moles onto the key Intelligence Committee. Florida Gop Anna Paulina Luna must have  old  and discovered “”, which Democrats were afraid to...

Kagro in the Morning - June 17, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 17, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are here to make your Monday…   in and convicted felon Donald Trump is, from … Other than for maybe the law, Donald has an  , aided by an and lineup of , , and . For example,” —   somehow packed into . Ace KITM Correspondent Rosalyn MacGregor tells us that if people are indeed interested in, they should look up Joe Biden. MAGA, of course, and you can’t tell them anything. However, Joe’s , with , advertising that Trump is “”. Sure, , but that once everyone else...

Kagro in the Morning - June 14, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 14, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

On today’s KITM, David Waldman celebrates making it to the weekend on, while I celebrate publishing over 2,000 entries obviously not since 2015. . The Supreme Court ruled on . 9-0 because it lacked standing, 3-6 that the lawsuit was , and  to SCOTUS level, and 6-3 looking forward to. Oops! Clarence Thomas  a his old billionaire buddy Harlan Crow gave him. Don’t worry, Clarence will never  The House Gop had its “” yesterday, which many in the media call.  just hold their  to , I . And yet, maybe not every Republican. Felon...

Kagro in the Morning - June 13, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 13, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin hauled in for us, but the big news surfaced while we were on the air.  was decided by SCOTUS to. It was mostly , so Southern Baptists They better pick up the pace on their traditional fertilizing, if they don’t want . For now, they butter the Gop’s bread, so Republicans to. In their spare time, while not , Republicans  by holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt. Dave Joyce was not. God is on Israel’s side, and also on the Gazans’, which is. The is to give God a little time off the...

Kagro in the Morning - June 12, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - June 12, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin haul in the humongous hump day™ Today is the that Donald Trump has been It’s the  for ,  how probably  with . Another Wednesday means !, Nancy Mace. Sherrod Brown in reddening Ohio, where Democrats , . Ohio, not taking any chances, purged . Overall, President Joe Biden, which is almost as good as. Most Americans won’t vote for anyone , unless they are lied to, or prior to voting.  double haters . If only Joe  the  to people Perhaps will snap those voters . Has Sam...

More Episodes

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin celebrate the first Wednesday since TFFG earned his 34 Fs.

Donald is a felony factory.  President Joe Biden finally acknowledged Trump’s rising street cred. Kevin McCarthy, Mike Johnson and the Wall Street Journal predict Joe won’t spit rhymes at the level of Ice Turd during their upcoming rap battle.

What porn star would Joe Biden smash?” is the question many undecided voters need answered before picking their Tony Soprano this November. Tony could provide some insight into MAGA.

The Proud Boys are rebuilding their protection racket. They will have competition from the many mom and pop gangster startups across the nation. Clevelanders are split between those afraid of having their Biden signs shot up, and those who say they deserve it.

Trump said that Clinton shouldn't run under investigation, now that she’s not running Trump says he doesn’t need investigations anymore. He’ll just throw her into jail with the rest of them.

Wisconsin charges The Cheese! Keneth Chesebro was the head cheese of the cheeseheads attempting to overthrow the 2020 election. Leave it to the Canadian, Mike Roman to not crime it right.

So all this craziness has got to swing a few votes toward sanity, right? Right! Well, maybe.  The New Jersey primaries yesterday didn’t go great for Trump, with Trump’s candidate not winning, but of course that means the Democratic candidate won’t be running against Trump’s candidate.