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5/13 Psalm 42 & 43 - Hope Even When Pain Stays

Key Chapters of the Bible

Release Date: 05/13/2024

6/13 Isaiah 14 - A Passage about Satan? show art 6/13 Isaiah 14 - A Passage about Satan?

Key Chapters of the Bible

Isaiah 14 is a passage that is commonly said to be speaking of Satan. Yet, as we study this chapter together, we'll learn about Christ's kingdom and the enemy that will be ruling prior to our Lord's return. Join us!  Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: . Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links: Spotify: Itunes: YouTube: . As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from . Also for...

6/12 Isaiah 11* - The New Kingdom and Her King show art 6/12 Isaiah 11* - The New Kingdom and Her King

Key Chapters of the Bible

In this study through the Key Chapters of the Bible, we've seen that there are key chapters, and there are KEY chapters! Today, we're studying one of those Key-Key Chapters! Isaiah 11 explains God's plan for the redemption He is bringing into this world. Understanding this passage will help us unlock other passages throughout God's Word. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Have you heard of Christ’s millennial kingdom? What do you know about it?  2.    Verse 1 talks about a “shoot” and a “branch.” Who is this referring to?  3.    In...

6/11 Isaiah 9* - The Light of Christ show art 6/11 Isaiah 9* - The Light of Christ

Key Chapters of the Bible

Life can seem pretty dark at times; yet the darker things get, the more Christ's light will shine! Join us for today's study in Isaiah 9 where we'll look into prophecies of light in the midst of darkness and judgment.  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Isaiah 9 continues God’s message that began back in Chapter 8 of both judgment and restoration. Verse 1 introduces us to the person who will bring about their restoration. How will the lands of Zebulun and Naphtali be made glorious? According to the podcast, why do they play such an important role in that region? How does...

6/10 Isaiah 7 - The Prophesied Birth of Jesus show art 6/10 Isaiah 7 - The Prophesied Birth of Jesus

Key Chapters of the Bible

As we work through the Book of Isaiah, we are increasingly seeing Christ's kingdom come into focus. Today, we look at Isaiah 7, we're going to study a spectacular prophecy that we usually talk about the miraculous birth of Jesus and how we know that, indeed, Jesus is the long-awaited King of the Jews.  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Verse 1 mentions King Ahaz? What was he and what kind of king was he? 2.    In verses 1 & 2, what was the setting that was troubling Ahaz? What was Ahaz’s response in verse 2?  3.    What was the gist of the...

6/9 Isaiah 6 - Serving Faithfully in Difficulty show art 6/9 Isaiah 6 - Serving Faithfully in Difficulty

Key Chapters of the Bible

Sometimes being faithful to the Lord means finding difficulty rather than ease. Today as we discuss Isaiah 6, we look at the Lord's call for Isaiah and the warning that God's calling for Isaiah going to be rough. We can be encouraged that difficulties in life and service to the Lord may be part of the call God has for our life too! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    In your life, where are you serving the Lord? When times get difficult in that service, how do you tend to respond?  2.    Verse 1 contains Isaiah’s vision of the Lord. What (of the Lord) fills the...

6/8 Isaiah 2* - The New Kingdom show art 6/8 Isaiah 2* - The New Kingdom

Key Chapters of the Bible

The Book of Isaiah is filled with complex messages that combine warnings, prophecies and encouragements. Today's passage is foundational to understanding the Book of Isaiah and includes warnings about abandoning the Covenant with God and the Coming Day when He will establish a New Kingdom for His covenant people. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Isaiah 2 is looking far down the timeline of history. According to verse 1, when will these things take place?  2.    Verse 2 starts out talking about the “last days”. If you have time, glance at Ezekiel 38:16, Hosea...

6/7 Isaiah 1 - Repent & Return show art 6/7 Isaiah 1 - Repent & Return

Key Chapters of the Bible

Today we begin our study of Isaiah! Isaiah is an incredibly important book in the Bible and today we'll give a quick overview of the book of Isaiah and his message to us repentance and faithfulness to our faithful God. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    The name “Isaiah” means “The Lord is salvation”. According to the podcast, why is that a great summary of the Book of Isaiah? How does God’s covenant relate to the theme that the Lord is our salvation? 2.    Based on the podcast, what is a prophet? Likewise, what is the “office” of a prophet? Do you...

6/5 Proverbs 31 - Wise Women show art 6/5 Proverbs 31 - Wise Women

Key Chapters of the Bible

Proverbs 31 is known for its instruction for an Excellent Wife. Although this chapter can be intimidating, today, we'll discuss how God will give wisdom to anyone who desires to follow these wise words in their home. Join us!  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Verse 1 tells us that the proverbs in this chapter were the words of King Lemuel. According to the podcast, who might he be? Ultimately, do we need to know his identity?  2.    Proverbs 31 can be pretty intense. Yet, verse 1 tells us who first taught these principles to King Lemuel. Who was that? Does...

6/4 Proverbs 18 - Wise & Godly Words show art 6/4 Proverbs 18 - Wise & Godly Words

Key Chapters of the Bible

Most of us face conflict from time to time and God's Word tells us there IS a way to speak with wisdom, even in conflict. Today we'll work through Proverbs 18 and learn about how to work through conflict with God's wisdom. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Hopefully, you’ve already read Proverbs 18. Take a moment and make a note of which verses address godly speech. How many did you find? Why do you think godly speech is so important for having godly wisdom?  2.    In verse 1, why is it foolish to quarrel against wisdom? Why do people sometimes “stomp off”...

6/4 Proverbs 18 - Wise & Godly Words show art 6/4 Proverbs 18 - Wise & Godly Words

Key Chapters of the Bible

Most of us face conflict from time to time and God's Word tells us there IS a way to speak with wisdom, even in conflict. Today we'll work through Proverbs 18 and learn about how to work through conflict with God's wisdom. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Hopefully, you’ve already read Proverbs 18. Take a moment and make a note of which verses address godly speech. How many did you find? Why do you think godly speech is so important for having godly wisdom?  2.    In verse 1, why is it foolish to quarrel against wisdom? Why do people sometimes “stomp off”...

More Episodes

Is it possible to find hope in suffering? What if we're in a situation that is not likely to change, how do we find hope then? Join us as we study Psalm 42 and learn about how to walk with God in the midst of ongoing suffering.


1.    Psalms 42 & 43 are about finding hope in the Lord, even when our difficult circumstances aren’t getting better. Have you ever been in a situation where things don’t seem to improve? What did that do to your hope and trust in the Lord? Why do you think it has that kind of an impact? 
2.    Why do you think the author, in verse 1, starts out comparing his seeking God like a deer seeking water? What might he be saying about his own pursuit of the Lord? Have you ever sought the Lord with this kind of passion? 
3.    According to verse 2, how is his search going? 
4.    Although we don’t know the circumstances surrounding this psalm, if the psalmist is writing from exile (as suggested by the podcast) who are these people who are mocking him in verse 3? Why would they be mocking him? 
5.    If the author is writing from exile, and if he is not a young man, will his situation likely improve? Why or why not? How would that have been a difficult reality for him to work through? 
6.    Who (or what) is the author addressing in verse 5? What point is he making? How does this show us that we don’t have to listen to our emotions or let them lead us? 
7.    Verse 7 is giving us a deep, meaningful message that hopefully resonates within all of us. What do you think he’s communicating to us about difficult situations? 
8.    Verse 8 is filled with hope and trust. How does the psalmist describe his relationship with the Lord? Why would the psalmist still have this kind of a relationship with God, even if God wasn’t doing what he (the author) wanted? Is your trust in the Lord this steadfast? Why or why not? 
9.    Yet, verses 9 & 10 show that the author was having difficulty making sense of his situation. What kinds of difficulties might he have been facing? 
10.    Despite these difficulties, what does the author tell his soul in verse 11? Why is this difficult for us to do? What have you learned about how to have victory in these spiritual disciplines? 
11.    In Psalm 43:1, what is the author calling out for? 
12.    How is Psalm 43:2 similar to what we have just read in Psalm 42? 
13.    What is the psalmist asking for in verse 3? Why is he asking for them? 
14.    In verse 4, where is the psalmist seeking to go? What will he do if the Lord leads him there? 
15.    Verse 5 repeats similar wording that we saw back in Psalm 42:5 & 11. Why are these principles so vital to trusting God, even when our situation may not improve? 

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv

Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819

YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music.