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11/26 2nd Thessalonians 1 - The Rise of Persecution

Key Chapters of the Bible

Release Date: 11/26/2024

1/15 Genesis 21 - The Miracle Child show art 1/15 Genesis 21 - The Miracle Child

Key Chapters of the Bible

The birth of Isaac was the fulfillment of a 25 years wait for Abraham and Sarah; and yet, this fulfillment of God's promises sets up several other key events in the Bible. So join us as we continue to explore God's Word and how its message fits together and even applies to our lives today!  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    What miracle happens in Genesis 21? Why does this miracle help us understand the message of Genesis 22 when God calls Abraham to offer up Isaac?  2.    What were God’s promises to Abraham in the preceding chapters and why was the birth of...

1/14 Genesis 19 - Sodom & Gomorrah show art 1/14 Genesis 19 - Sodom & Gomorrah

Key Chapters of the Bible

Genesis 19 is one of the most well-known and most unsettling passages in the entire Bible. Yet this is a key chapter with a key message that we need to understand. So, today in our study of God's Word, we'll look at God's judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah and how it is a message of warning for judgment on sin, but also a message of hope and salvation. Please join us as we continue our journey together through God's Word.  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Genesis 19 records God’s judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. In Genesis 18:20ff, how does the Lord describe the sins of...

1/13 Genesis 17 - Circumcision & the Old Covenant show art 1/13 Genesis 17 - Circumcision & the Old Covenant

Key Chapters of the Bible

Circumcision is an uncomfortable Bible topic that we truly need to know and understand...perhaps not the specifics but we do need to understand the profound reason for it. When we don't understand the spiritual principles that are interwoven into this ancient ritual, we'll miss how it truly demonstrates a parent's faith in God's covenant, even as they gave their son a constant reminder to be in covenant with God himself. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Read through Genesis 17 and circle every occurrence of the word “you.” What does this tell us about whose faith is...

1/12 Genesis 15* - God's Critical Covenant with Abraham  show art 1/12 Genesis 15* - God's Critical Covenant with Abraham

Key Chapters of the Bible

Genesis 15 contains some of the most important promises in the entire Bible. These are God's promises to Abraham (and ultimately to us) about the establishment of a nation of descendants who would follow God and walk with Him. And while these are promises to Abraham, we see that these are promises to anyone who will call upon God in faith. Join us for the study in Genesis 15! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    According to the study, how many years have passed since the Lord first met with Abram back in Genesis 12? How would that delay have impacted your faith in God’s promises?...

1/11 Genesis 14* - The Priesthood of Worship show art 1/11 Genesis 14* - The Priesthood of Worship

Key Chapters of the Bible

As we continue to understand more about the message of God; we see that Abraham was called by God to establish a new nation that was to be unlike the world. Today, we see that this New Nation is also to have a relationship with God, that is unlike the world. Join us as we look at this important, but challenging topic! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Genesis 14 is a key chapter because of what it tells us about Melchizedek. However, Melchizedek does not arrive on the scene until verse 17. What events led up to his introduction? 2.    Who were the two kings mentioned in...

1/10 Genesis 12* - A New Nation for God show art 1/10 Genesis 12* - A New Nation for God

Key Chapters of the Bible

Genesis 12 is one of the most important chapters in the Old Testament because it begins to show us God's plan for the world; as He calls Abraham to establish a new nation of people dedicated to Him. Chapter 12 lays the foundation for much of what unfolds through the rest of scripture. Join us for another key study in a key chapter of God's Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 12 1. Read over verses 1-3. What were the promises that God gave to Abram? In what sense were these unconditional promises? From what you can tell in these verses, how does the Lord expect Abram to respond to...

1/9 Genesis 11 - The Dark Backdrop of the Rest of Genesis show art 1/9 Genesis 11 - The Dark Backdrop of the Rest of Genesis

Key Chapters of the Bible

The Tower of Babel is one of those events that is incredibly important but often misunderstood. Today, we'll study Genesis 11 and see why this passage is in our Bibles and how it serves as a dark backdrop to the entire message of God's Word. Join us for a key study in the key chapters in God's Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 11 1. Read through Genesis 11 and place a box around any words or phrases that speak of man’s unity. Place a triangle around any words or phrases that speak of man’s disunity. How does man’s inability to communicate contribute to the disharmony among...

1/8 Genesis 9 - God's Covenant with Noah show art 1/8 Genesis 9 - God's Covenant with Noah

Key Chapters of the Bible

One of the most amazing (and often overlooked) truths about God is that He graciously makes promises to all mankind. Today, we'll look at this key chapter and this key promise and see God's kind loving care for all people. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 9 1.    Circle every occurrence of the word “covenant” in Genesis 9:1-17. How many times does this word occur? What are the specific stipulations of this covenant? 2.    In verse 1, what command did God give to Noah? How was this similar to the command He gave to Adam and Eve? What is the purpose of...

1/7 Genesis 8 - Waiting for the Lord show art 1/7 Genesis 8 - Waiting for the Lord

Key Chapters of the Bible

As we now turn to Genesis 8, we find Noah and his family still on the ark. In this episode, we'll think about what it would have been like to be on the ark for over a year, waiting for word from God. It wouldn't have been easy. And yet, as we look at Noah and his example, we find a man of faith who waited upon the Lord. Join us for our next study in the Key Chapters of God's Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: Genesis 8 1.    In Verse 1 God remembered Noah. How does the study explain what this phrase means? When we compare verse 1 with verse 15, how frequently did the study suggest...

1/6 Genesis 7 - God's Protection & Provision show art 1/6 Genesis 7 - God's Protection & Provision

Key Chapters of the Bible

People have a lot of questions about Noah's Ark and the flood; they also have a lot of misunderstandings! Today in our study of Genesis 7, we'll address some of the most common questions and misunderstandings of the flood and see that the biblical account clearly is possible. Join us!    DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    The study mentioned that Noah needed many decades to build the ark. Righteousness obeys over the long haul. Are there times when you obeyed God over a long period of time? Was that difficult? Why or why not? 2.    How does a biblical...

More Episodes

In the End Times, God's Word tells us that persecution of His people will increase but that the Lord will return and mete out justice. Today, in our study in 2nd Thessalonians 1, we're continuing to study the End Times & eschatology to understand God's plan for the ages. Join us! 

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

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YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music.