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1/4 Genesis 4* - The Way of Cain / The Way of the World

Key Chapters of the Bible

Release Date: 01/04/2025

3/14 1st Samuel 13 - The Sin of Impatience show art 3/14 1st Samuel 13 - The Sin of Impatience

Key Chapters of the Bible

Life does not always go according to our schedule. Today we’ll look at an account from King Saul’s life where he took matters into his own hands, and ultimately was lost his kingdom because of it. Join us in a challenging reminder to trust God and wait on Him. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    How was Saul’s army chosen in verse 2? What kind of pressure with the support on Saul to have victory in these early battles? 2.    What was the size of the Philistine army in verse 5? How does this compare to Israel’s army back in verse 2? 3.    What were the...

3/13 1st Samuel 10 - The Fearful King show art 3/13 1st Samuel 10 - The Fearful King

Key Chapters of the Bible

God calls all of us to trust Him and step out in faith. Today we read the account of when Saul was chosen to be king. We’ll build upon the principles yesterday (regarding Saul’s reluctance) and see that his reluctance was really about a lack of faith and trust in the Lord. Join us!  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    What were the circumstances from 1st Samuel 9 that led to the events of 1st Samuel 10?  2.    What did Samuel do to Saul in verse 1? What did this signify?  3.    In verses 2-7, what were the signs that Saul would see? What were...

3/12 1st Samuel 9 - The Reluctant King show art 3/12 1st Samuel 9 - The Reluctant King

Key Chapters of the Bible

Life has a way of not going exactly has we planned. Today we'll look at 1st Samuel 9 and see that a simple search for some farm animals brought Saul to a divine appointment, and it ended up completely changing his life. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    In verse 1, what tribe was Saul from? What tribe did the Lord say would produce the kings back in Genesis 49:10? 2.    What was Saul’s father like, according to verses 1 & 2? How might this have influenced the people to want Saul to be their king? 3.    In verses 3 to 17, how did the Lord prepare...

3/11 1st Samuel 8 - Trying to Copy the World show art 3/11 1st Samuel 8 - Trying to Copy the World

Key Chapters of the Bible

There are times when the world seems to have all the glitz & glamor and we can be tempted to follow their ways. Today we’ll see that this attitude motivated the Israelites to seek a king. Although the Lord gave them their request, it was not without stern warning.  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    The podcast opens with the social context of this chapter. How might the Philistine’s success have tempted the Israelites to copy the ways of the nations?  2.    How old was Samuel at this point? What was his plan for the succession of authority after him?...

3/10 1st Samuel 4 - Rabbit's Foot Theology show art 3/10 1st Samuel 4 - Rabbit's Foot Theology

Key Chapters of the Bible

Sometimes people try to manufacture good luck through some kind of “rabbit’s foot” thinking. It might be through an actual item or perhaps some ritual or deed. Today we’ll see that when the Israelites treated God like a “rabbit’s foot”, it didn’t go so well. Join us!  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Who were the Israelites battling in verse 1? How did their battle go in verse 2? How is that different from their previous battles that we’ve looked at over the past several months? 2.    What did the people decide to do in verse 3? What did this...

3/9 1st Samuel 3 - The Call of God show art 3/9 1st Samuel 3 - The Call of God

Key Chapters of the Bible

What kind of heart is God’s servant supposed to have? Today as we study 1st Samuel 3, we’ll read about God’s call of Samuel and we’ll look at how Samuel responds. Join us!  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    What did we learn yesterday in our study of 1st Samuel 2, about Eli and his sons? How do you think that contributed to the spiritual condition of Israel during this time? 2.    What was Samuel doing in verses 2 & 3? Why was he doing that?  3.    Who spoke to Samuel in verse 4? Was this an audible voice? Why didn’t Samuel recognize...

3/8 1st Samuel 2 - Praying or Playing show art 3/8 1st Samuel 2 - Praying or Playing

Key Chapters of the Bible

One of the most common accusations against Christians is that they’re “hypocrites”. While this accusation is often not justified, sometimes it is. Today we will look at 1st Samuel 2, which is a study in contrasts. We’ll see the contrasts between a godly woman, hypocritical leaders, and a godly young man. Join us for another practical study in God’s Word. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    In our study, yesterday, of 1st Samuel 1, what did Hannah pray? What did she do with Samuel when the Lord answered her prayer? 2.    Verses 1 to 11 contains one of the longest...

3/7 1st Samuel 1 - Broken-Hearted Faith show art 3/7 1st Samuel 1 - Broken-Hearted Faith

Key Chapters of the Bible

There are times in life when God answers our prayers in ways that are slower than we’d like. Today, we’ll look at 1st Samuel 1, and see how Hannah trusted the Lord as she waited for Him to answer her prayers. Join us!  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    What did the podcast say about the religious stability of the people of 1st Samuel during these opening chapters? What led to this condition?  2.    In verse 2, Elkanah has two wives. Although this was technically permissible in the Old Testament, what kinds of problems did the podcast explain that these...

3/6 Judges 2 - Struggling to be Faithful show art 3/6 Judges 2 - Struggling to be Faithful

Key Chapters of the Bible

Sometimes we struggle in our faith, and today in our study of Judges 2, we will see that the people wavered in their faith and struggled in fellowship with God, and suffered the consequences for it. We’ll also see that their struggles lay out key principles for living a life of faith today. Join us for another key study in God’s Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Who is addressing the people in verse 1? What in verse 1 helps us decode who this is? Why is this important to understand?  2.    What did the people fail to do in verse 3? What was the Lord’s...

3/5 Joshua 6 - Walking in God's Promises show art 3/5 Joshua 6 - Walking in God's Promises

Key Chapters of the Bible

As we continue to walk with the Children of Israel, today we turn to Joshua 6 and the Fall of Jericho. While the events of this chapter are straightforward, the spiritual and practical gems of this chapter are rich and numerous. Join us as we mine out key principles of God’s Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Jericho was a well-fortified city on a hill. In normal conditions, it was safe and secure. However, what does verse 1 tell us about the state of the city? What does this show us about their perspective of the threat of the Jews? 2.    What did the Lord...

More Episodes

Genesis 4 gives us a challenging but important set of instruction regarding the kind of worship that God accepts. We'll look at the offering of Cain and Abel and see that there is a very real kind of worship that God is looking for. We'll also see, that Cain struggle for sincere worship was the overflow of a life out of fellowship with the Lord. Join us!  


Genesis 4 1.    Circle every reference to the name “Cain.” Looking back over this chapter, how many times does his name occur? What does this tell us about who this chapter is ultimately about?
2.    Underline every place where the Lord speaks. What kind of “tone” is in the Lord’s words? Why do you think the Lord speaks with this tone towards someone who is in outright rebellion to Him?
3.    In verse 2, what were Cain and Abel’s occupations? How did that influence the offerings they brought to the Lord? Do you think that mattered to God? Why or why not? 
4.    In verse 4, what does it mean that God “had regard” for Abel and his offering? How do Hebrews 11:4 and 1st John 3:12 help us understand why God had regard for Abel’s sacrifice and not Cain’s? 
5.    In verse 7, what was tempting Cain? What was Cain’s responsibility in dealing with that temptation? How did he handle it?
6.    In the New Testament, Jude 11 warns us about “the way of Cain.” What does this passage tell us about Cain’s self-made religion and self-made society? How has society today gone after the “way of Cain”? 
7.    According to the study, how does Genesis 5:4 answer the question, “Where did Cain get his wife”?
8.    As you prayerfully look into your own life, are there any places where you are following in the ways of the world and not the way of the Lord? What would it look like for you to follow the way of Abel and Seth? 
9.    If you’re seeing parts of your life out of fellowship with the way of the Lord, how about laying those items before the Lord so that His transforming grace might enable you to live in conformity with His instructions? 

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

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As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music.