Key Chapters of the Bible
Anyone who has read much of Leviticus knows that it has a lot to say about "blood". Although it's kind of an unusual topic in our day and age, it was central to the Old Testament system of worship. Today, as we study Leviticus 17, we find out why. We also find that it's in the context of God's prohibitions about homemade, made-up worship. So join us in another study in another Key Chapter of the Bible! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. What did verses 3 & 4 prohibit? In light of what we learned from Leviticus 10, what principles were driving this instruction? How might a...
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Leviticus 16 is one of the most important chapters in the entire Old Testament because it tells us how a person is made holy enough to be in God's holy presence. Today in our study of Leviticus 16, we'll explain the details to see how they ultimately point to Jesus Christ. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. The podcast asserted that Leviticus 16 is the most important chapter in the book of Leviticus, and one of the most important chapters in the entire Bible. Why did the podcast suggest this? 2. The podcast mentioned that Leviticus 16 answers the...
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Far too often, we make up our own ideas of what constitutes true worship. Today, we'll discuss the difficult passage of Leviticus 10 when Nadab and Abihu are killed by God for offering strange fire. We'll look at this passage, understand it in its context, and see how it still can guide us to true worship. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. What was the background of the Levites and how did that relate to their role among the Children of Israel? Why was this role necessary? 2. What did Nadab and Abihu do that was wrong? Why should they have known...
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The Sacrifices in the book of Leviticus can be confusing. However, unraveling their message yields key truths that are foundational to the rest of our understanding of the Word of God. Today we'll look at both Leviticus 5 and 6 and see how critical the Guilt Offering is to our relationship with the Lord. Join us for this important study! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. Now that we’ve talked about sin offerings for two days, how important was it for the person to identify with the animal that was about to be sacrificed? How would the person identify with that animal? How...
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When we sin, how do we make things right with God? Well, the answer might surprise us, because as we look at Leviticus 4, we'll see that not every sin could be forgiven through the sacrificial system; which will underscore just how important it is that Jesus died for all of our sins. Join us in this important study on this challenging passage! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. Leviticus 4 talks about what to do when specific people within the community sin, specifically the anointed priests in verse 3, the entire community in verse 13, a leader in verse 22, and the common...
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As we continue to make sense of the Sacrificial system of the Book of Leviticus, today we turn to Leviticus 3 to unpack the idea of Peace Offerings and we'll see that these are extremely relevant to our lives today. Peace offerings point us to the fellowship we have with God once atonement and consecration has occurred, and although we may not still offer these sacrifices to the Lord, these still teach us spiritual principles in that go into walking in peace with God. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. What was the “nutshell” description of a peace offering that was...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
The Levitical System of Offerings doesn't have to be confusing or complex; and today, as we study Leviticus 2 and grain offerings, we see that these simple offerings of "thanks" are directly relevant to our lives today. Join us in unpacking these important truths! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. In a general sense, what was the purpose of a grain offering? What was the worshipper “saying” to God? 2. According to Numbers 28:5, how often were the priests to offer a grain offering to the Lord? What does this tell us about the frequency of the praise we offer...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
Leviticus is one of the most daunting books in the Bible, but today we're going to start to unlock the gems that it has to offer... starting with the holy sacrifices of the burnt offering and what it means to be fully consecrated to the Lord. Join us as we see just how important and relevant this book is to our lives in Christ today. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. From this opening study of the book of Leviticus, would you describe it as a “worship manual”? Why or why not? 2. The book of Leviticus derives its name from the Levites. Who were the...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
It's common for us to hear people say things like, "Well, MY God isn't like that!" and what they mean is that they don't like the God of the Bible, and have tried to imagine God being more the way they'd like. That's dangerous and today we'll see it's also not new. So, join us in our study of Exodus 32 as we continue to dig into the powerful and relevant truths of God's Word. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. If a person hears the Bible’s teaching about God, and says something like, “Oh, my god isn’t like that!” How might that be an indication that that person is...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
Being "ransomed by the Lord" is a key truth we need to know and understand. Likewise, we need to understand why we need to be gathering with God's people in prayer. For that matter, we need to have a handle on everything in Exodus 30, so join us in another study in the Key Chapters of the Bible! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. Quick review… what was the dimensions of the Tabernacle? How many rooms did it have? What were the rooms called? 2. If you walked into the Tabernacle, you’d see three pieces of furniture. To the left was the golden lamp that...
info_outlineAs we continue to understand more about the message of God; we see that Abraham was called by God to establish a new nation that was to be unlike the world. Today, we see that this New Nation is also to have a relationship with God, that is unlike the world. Join us as we look at this important, but challenging topic!
1. Genesis 14 is a key chapter because of what it tells us about Melchizedek. However, Melchizedek does not arrive on the scene until verse 17. What events led up to his introduction?
2. Who were the two kings mentioned in verses 17 and 18? Given the city the king of Sodom presided over, what might we infer about this man?
3. How does this study explain Abram’s refusal to receive any of the spoils of victory in Genesis 14:23? What does this indicate about the foundation of this new nation of people who follow God? What does this show us about Abram’s faith?
4. According to the study, what does Genesis 14:18 mean when it says that Melchizedek was a priest of God Most High? What “time period” is the Melchizedekian Priesthood for? How are we in this time period today?
5. Melchizedek was a king from Salem, which is later renamed as “Jerusalem.” The name “Salem” means “peace.” What does this indicate about this “King of Peace”? What does this suggest about the nature of the Lord’s heavenly city?
6. The study cites Psalm 110:4 twice. Psalm 110:4 says, “The LORD has sworn and will not change His mind, ‘You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek.’” What insights did the study explain about this verse? Who is this verse addressing? How “long” will this priesthood last?
7. According to the study, what object lesson did the priesthood teach? As New Covenant believers, who is our priest? How does He reconcile us to God?
8. What did you think about the principle in the study that said sinful people can have fellowship with Satan, but not with a holy God? How might Satan seek to give people a semblance of spirituality as a way of keeping them from approaching God through Jesus, our only true High Priest?
9. According to the study, how does Jesus serve now, as our High Priest? In your personal times of prayer and worship, do you approach the Lord through the atonement of Jesus? Why or why not?
10. One of the most important takeaways from this passage is that Jesus is in the priesthood of Melchizedek. We see this also in Psalm 110:4 and later in Hebrews 7:17. Why is this vital to understanding the priesthood of the New Covenant, versus the priesthood of the Old Covenant?
11. Having taken this time to think about the priesthood, the Lord has only appointed two priesthoods, that of Aaron and Melchizedek. What does this indicate about the other priesthoods that man has created in this world? Why are they not necessary?
12. Before this study, did you understand your need for a priest to reconcile you to God? How will this study change your understanding of how you approach Him?
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Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music.