Key Chapters of the Bible
Numbers 13 & 14 is one of those passages we just have to know. This passage explains why the Children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. It also helps us understand the necessity of faith and trust in God in all times. Finally, it shows us the tragic outcome when people are defeated by doubt. Join us for a powerful study in how faith and trust ultimately overcome doubt and despair. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. If someone asked you, “Why did the Israelites wander in the wilderness, before today’s study, what would you have said?” 2. What were some of...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
Whenever there is an authority structure, there is going to be friction among the people involved. Today we’re studying Numbers 16 which records one of the most infamous insurrections in scripture. This passage shows us the heart of the people against God’s appointed leaders; and it shows how the Lord handled their complaints. Join us for another sobering study of God’s Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. Verse 1 says that Korah was a “son of Levi” (as in a descendant of Levi). How might Korah’s heritage have influenced his view of himself and his worthiness...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
There are times when it seems like we've just been benched by God and we may not know why. Well, today, we’ll look at Numbers 12 and read about what God did to pull down Miriam and Aaron's influence among the people of God. We'll see that they were sidelined for pride. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. Have you ever heard someone who wanted to be involved in ministry, but just seemed to be stuck? Why do you think that was? 2. In verse 1, what was the surface reason that Aaron and Miriam were upset with Moses? What was the real reason for their complaint...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
There are times, in all of our lives, when we're tempted to grumble and complain. These times can discourage ourselves and others. Today, we'll study Numbers 11 and see how the Children of Israel's grumbling brought discouragement to Moses and judgment upon themselves. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. The podcast suggests that Numbers might be one of the hardest books of the Bible to read and understand. What books have you found difficult to work through? Why? 2. What does the people’s complaints indicate about their trust in the Lord? How is this a break...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
A common question that people have is "Is God judging me?" Today we're going to look at Leviticus 26 which unpacks the judgments of God and helps us understand why God might judge someone and what that judgment is supposed to accomplish. So join us in another study of the Key Chapters of the Bible! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. This passage contains familiar commands with unique emphases. How does verse 1 help us see clearly that the command to have no idols before God simply means to not bow down to worship anyone or anything but the Lord? 2. Verse 2 links...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
We might not realize just how amazing and profound the Jewish Feasts were, but today we'll see that not only were they times of great celebration, remembrance and consecration; but even more importantly, they specifically and directly pointed the entire nation of Israel to her Messiah. Join us in another key study of another key chapter of God's Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. According to the podcast, how was the Jewish calendar set? How might that produce fluidity for when the Jewish feasts would be held? 2. What was the Sabbath feast that’s...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
Leviticus 18 is a well-known passage for its long list of condemnation of various sexual sins. And while it may be overwhelming, it's still helpful for us to know what God thinks about the sins of our world. And, even more importantly, we need to understand the judgment that awaits those who flagrantly violate His commands. So, join us in this heavy chapter that guides us in what purity looks like in an impure world. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. The podcast mentioned that ancient rabbis supposedly said that the Book of Leviticus was one of the first books that should...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
Anyone who has read much of Leviticus knows that it has a lot to say about "blood". Although it's kind of an unusual topic in our day and age, it was central to the Old Testament system of worship. Today, as we study Leviticus 17, we find out why. We also find that it's in the context of God's prohibitions about homemade, made-up worship. So join us in another study in another Key Chapter of the Bible! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. What did verses 3 & 4 prohibit? In light of what we learned from Leviticus 10, what principles were driving this instruction? How might a...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
Leviticus 16 is one of the most important chapters in the entire Old Testament because it tells us how a person is made holy enough to be in God's holy presence. Today in our study of Leviticus 16, we'll explain the details to see how they ultimately point to Jesus Christ. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. The podcast asserted that Leviticus 16 is the most important chapter in the book of Leviticus, and one of the most important chapters in the entire Bible. Why did the podcast suggest this? 2. The podcast mentioned that Leviticus 16 answers the...
info_outlineKey Chapters of the Bible
Far too often, we make up our own ideas of what constitutes true worship. Today, we'll discuss the difficult passage of Leviticus 10 when Nadab and Abihu are killed by God for offering strange fire. We'll look at this passage, understand it in its context, and see how it still can guide us to true worship. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. What was the background of the Levites and how did that relate to their role among the Children of Israel? Why was this role necessary? 2. What did Nadab and Abihu do that was wrong? Why should they have known...
info_outlineGod will use all kinds of ways to get our attention, and today as we study Exodus 8, we'll see that God get's Pharaoh's attention through an total abundance of things they do not want, in order to show everyone, Jew and Egyptian, that there is no God but the Lord. There's a lot here, and it would be a privilege to have you listen in. Join us!
1. What did the podcast suggest were the reasons why God brought these miracles upon Egypt? What was their role for the Egyptians? What was their role for the Jews?
2. How does Ezekiel 20:5-8 shed light on the spiritual condition of the Jews at this time?
3. Likewise, how does Deuteronomy 4:37 help us understand why God still chooses to deliver these people? How does this help us understand God’s mercy and His love for His people even when they sin and rebel against Him?
4. In these passages, how did the so-called “gods” of the Egyptians respond? Why didn’t they respond more dramatically?
5. The podcast mentioned that the Egyptians didn’t worship frogs and snakes and all that stuff because they loved those things, but because they thought those animals represented the gods who provided wealth and prosperity. These days, we don’t look to frogs and snakes for prosperity. Instead, where do people look for these things, instead of the Lord?
6. The podcast mentioned that the goddess Heqet was the goddess of fertility and was represented by frogs. What did the piles of dead frogs show the Egyptians about the Lord’s power over life and fertility?
7. Verse 16 Aaron struck the ground and gnats came up. This took on an Egyptian god named “Geb”. Were the Egyptian magicians able to create a similar miracle? In verse 19, what did they say about this miracle that God performed through Aaron?
8. The podcast mentioned that the plague of the flies took on the god of creation and rebirth and rising sun named Khepri, who was represented by the face of a bug. What did God’s control of the flies show the people about their belief that Khepri controlled the daily cycle of life?
9. In all of this, what was the condition of Pharaoh’s heart in verse 32? How do people response similar today, despite seeing God’s handiwork all around them?
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Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music.