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Tuesday Parshas Vayechi

Chitas for Kids Audio

Release Date: 01/07/2025

Wednesday Parshas Mishpatim show art Wednesday Parshas Mishpatim

Chitas for Kids Audio

Chof-Alef Shevat (22:59) πŸ’¬ We are each like a Machatzis Hashekel, like a half a shekel. Only when we come together with another Yid, do our two halves become whole! πŸ“„ πŸ†

Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #330 (for Wednesday) show art Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #330 (for Wednesday)

Chitas for Kids Audio

with Morah Nechama Dina

Tuesday Parshas Mishpatim show art Tuesday Parshas Mishpatim

Chitas for Kids Audio

Chof Shevat (22:54) πŸ’¬ When we are in a good mood and besimcha, it is much easier for us to win over our Yetzer Hara and do what Hashem wants! πŸ“„ πŸ†

Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #329 (for Tuesday) show art Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #329 (for Tuesday)

Chitas for Kids Audio

with Morah Nechama Dina

Monday Parshas Mishpatim show art Monday Parshas Mishpatim

Chitas for Kids Audio

Yud-Tes Shevat (21:44) πŸ’¬ Moshe Rabbeinu can help the rest of the Yidden to feel Hashem too, even though they can’t on their own! πŸ“„ πŸ†

Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #328 (for Monday) show art Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #328 (for Monday)

Chitas for Kids Audio

with Morah Nechama Dina

Sunday Parshas Mishpatim show art Sunday Parshas Mishpatim

Chitas for Kids Audio

Yud-Ches Shevat (20:39) πŸ’¬ Even though it looks like just one mitzvah when we do mivtzoyim, it is a mitzvah that makes this Yid one with Hashem β€” a connection that lasts forever! πŸ“„ πŸ†

Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #327 (for Sunday) show art Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #327 (for Sunday)

Chitas for Kids Audio

with Morah Nechama Dina

Shabbos Parshas Yisro show art Shabbos Parshas Yisro

Chitas for Kids Audio

Yud-Zayin Shevat (20:37) πŸ“„ πŸ†

Friday Parshas Yisro show art Friday Parshas Yisro

Chitas for Kids Audio

Tes-Zayin Shevat (23:18) πŸ’¬ Even if an aveira only takes a moment, that moment is the most embarrassing, awful moment that could possibly be. πŸ“„ πŸ†

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Zayin Teves (22:51)

πŸ’¬ Parents bentch their children to be like Efrayim and Menashe, because they were the first brothers to love each other without any machlokes. The greatest nachas for parents is to see their children living happily together!

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