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Monday Parshas Shemos

Chitas for Kids Audio

Release Date: 01/13/2025

Wednesday Parshas Mishpatim show art Wednesday Parshas Mishpatim

Chitas for Kids Audio

Chof-Alef Shevat (22:59) πŸ’¬ We are each like a Machatzis Hashekel, like a half a shekel. Only when we come together with another Yid, do our two halves become whole! πŸ“„ πŸ†

Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #330 (for Wednesday) show art Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #330 (for Wednesday)

Chitas for Kids Audio

with Morah Nechama Dina

Tuesday Parshas Mishpatim show art Tuesday Parshas Mishpatim

Chitas for Kids Audio

Chof Shevat (22:54) πŸ’¬ When we are in a good mood and besimcha, it is much easier for us to win over our Yetzer Hara and do what Hashem wants! πŸ“„ πŸ†

Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #329 (for Tuesday) show art Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #329 (for Tuesday)

Chitas for Kids Audio

with Morah Nechama Dina

Monday Parshas Mishpatim show art Monday Parshas Mishpatim

Chitas for Kids Audio

Yud-Tes Shevat (21:44) πŸ’¬ Moshe Rabbeinu can help the rest of the Yidden to feel Hashem too, even though they can’t on their own! πŸ“„ πŸ†

Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #328 (for Monday) show art Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #328 (for Monday)

Chitas for Kids Audio

with Morah Nechama Dina

Sunday Parshas Mishpatim show art Sunday Parshas Mishpatim

Chitas for Kids Audio

Yud-Ches Shevat (20:39) πŸ’¬ Even though it looks like just one mitzvah when we do mivtzoyim, it is a mitzvah that makes this Yid one with Hashem β€” a connection that lasts forever! πŸ“„ πŸ†

Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #327 (for Sunday) show art Sefer Hamitzvos - Shiur #327 (for Sunday)

Chitas for Kids Audio

with Morah Nechama Dina

Shabbos Parshas Yisro show art Shabbos Parshas Yisro

Chitas for Kids Audio

Yud-Zayin Shevat (20:37) πŸ“„ πŸ†

Friday Parshas Yisro show art Friday Parshas Yisro

Chitas for Kids Audio

Tes-Zayin Shevat (23:18) πŸ’¬ Even if an aveira only takes a moment, that moment is the most embarrassing, awful moment that could possibly be. πŸ“„ πŸ†

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Yud-Gimmel Teves (25:10)

πŸ’¬ If you put a lantern outside in the dark, people will gather around, because they like to be around light. If you are a β€œlantern” shining with Torah and Chassidus, people will want to come closer to you and to Yiddishkeit.

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