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Preparing For Transition

Kingdom Chats with Teph

Release Date: 11/26/2022

He gave it, you got it show art He gave it, you got it

Kingdom Chats with Teph

Then the Lord said to Moses, 2 “See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, 3 and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills - Exodus 31:1-3 If you've ever gotten an assignment from God and then felt overwhelmed with how you were going to complete that assignment, this is for you. Sometimes we think we have to grow, change and evolve on our own but here God shows us that not only does He have a promise for us, He also has a plan to get us there. Now lets Chat about it!

Little By Little show art Little By Little

Kingdom Chats with Teph

"But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land" - Exodus 23:29-30 Have you ever wanted God to take out all the things you struggle with, and all of your enemies all at once?  Have you ever felt like you want to do the thing He created you to do but first you need to clean yourself up? Let's talk about stepping in to your promise before you are perfected. Follow on instagram: For more...

A Beautiful Ending show art A Beautiful Ending

Kingdom Chats with Teph

" Behold I am about to do something new.  It is beginning to happen even now.  Don't you see it coming?  I am going to make a way for you to go through the desert.  I will make streams of water in the dry and empty land." Isaiah 43:19 It's a new year and often we focus our minds on all the things we want to accomplish, our new goals and resolutions but did you ever stop to think about all the ways that those new beginnings are attached to old endings? How good are you at ending things?  Let's have a Kingdom Chat about it! After listing Join the conversation over at...

After This show art After This

Kingdom Chats with Teph

“After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you” (1 Peter 5:10). At times it's hard to imagine that after what you're dealing with currently there will be anything greater.  At times we forget that what we are experiencing is temporary.  Sometimes we need a reminder to trust in the Lord, and after we suffer for a little while, there will be glory.  Lets talk about it!

There is a cloud show art There is a cloud

Kingdom Chats with Teph

1 King 18:44 The seventh time the servant reported , "A cloud as small as a man's hand is rising from the sea."... It's coming.  It may seem small or maybe it seems non existent right now, but its coming. The season is changing but there are some things you will need as you prepare for your dry season to be over. Lets talk about it!  Follow on Instagram:  


Kingdom Chats with Teph

It's a New Year and God is trying to do a new thing! Will you let Him? We always talk about the importance of letting go, but do you know how to allow the good things come to replace all you lost? This episode is all about letting the seasons change, and receiving everything God has for you! Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com/xo_teph

Preparing For Transition show art Preparing For Transition

Kingdom Chats with Teph

One thing that no one can escape is change. We are in a constant state of transition, and although transition can feel uncertain and scary God wants us  to know just how to prepare. Join me in this special episode where I let you in on a sermon I preached recently.  Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and Share! 

God, Where are you? show art God, Where are you?

Kingdom Chats with Teph

Have you ever felt like you couldn't feel God anymore?  Like you were praying, and seeking Him but still felt like you were going through something alone?  This message is for you. Make sure you share the message and follow on instagram! www.Instagram.com/xo_teph

Not what it looks like [ Grow part 2] show art Not what it looks like [ Grow part 2]

Kingdom Chats with Teph

What do we do with the flaw, the imperfections, and all the things traits and things we think are holding us back?  Let them grow too! Keep growing and let God sort it out.  Make sure you check out the "Unlock your gift" workshop. Reach out on Instagram for more info IG: Subscribe to the podcast and share! 

Let it Grow show art Let it Grow

Kingdom Chats with Teph

Matthew 13:24-30 We're all trying to grow in some area of our lives, but did you ever notice that sometimes, as the good things grow in one area of our lives so does the dysfunction in other areas? Lets chat about why that is and how we can overcome that. Make sure to subcribe, share, and leave a review!  Follow on instagram: www.instagram.com/xo_teph

More Episodes

One thing that no one can escape is change. We are in a constant state of transition, and although transition can feel uncertain and scary God wants us 
to know just how to prepare.

Join me in this special episode where I let you in on a sermon I preached recently. 

Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and Share!