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The Story - Set Apart to Be a Blessing

Lake Highlands Church

Release Date: 05/04/2021

The Story – Melchizey… Who? show art The Story – Melchizey… Who?

Lake Highlands Church

Are we relating to our high priest the way Abram did?  Are we feasting on his presence?  Are we seeing life from His perspective?  Are we receiving His blessing?  Are we giving to Him out of the abundance that God has given us?  We need to recognize the glory of having a Melchizedekian priest.

The Story – This Will Be On The Test show art The Story – This Will Be On The Test

Lake Highlands Church

Is our growth academic or is it real? The problem that most of us face is that our growth is academic. We read our Bible, we go to church, we go to Bible studies; we’ve got it all up here, but we are unwilling to do what it takes to get it into our lives. If we want to see real growth in our lives, it’s going to happen through being tested.

The Story – Learning from Lot show art The Story – Learning from Lot

Lake Highlands Church

Lot had no personal relationship with God; he focused on the material things that the world could give him right now; he was led by his passions.  But Abraham knew God, and he focused on what God would give him later and eternally; Abe was led by those promises. Are we more like Lot or Abe?

The Story – Even Patriarchs Have Bad Days show art The Story – Even Patriarchs Have Bad Days

Lake Highlands Church

No failure is permanent. We can go back to the cross of Jesus Christ and receive the grace and mercy of God offered through him. And, by God’s grace, when we find ourselves in a situation where we are tempted again, if we hold on to God and His promises we can overcome. In times of testing, the question to ask is not, “How can I get out of this?” but rather “What can I get out of this?” God is at work building your faith.

The Story - Set Apart to Be a Blessing show art The Story - Set Apart to Be a Blessing

Lake Highlands Church

Scripture reading: Genesis 12:1-9

Lifegroup Sunday show art Lifegroup Sunday

Lake Highlands Church

The Story – A Tale of a Tower show art The Story – A Tale of a Tower

Lake Highlands Church

We can’t allow ourselves to be seduced by the world-building for ourselves, trying to make a name for ourselves. If we do, if we rebel (like Nimrod) trying to create our own gate to God, we too will be scattered. We must trust in the only One who is the way to God—Jesus.

The Story – When God Says Never show art The Story – When God Says Never

Lake Highlands Church

Only God has the ability to say “never” and live up to His word. God has provided a way to escape judgement: the way of sacrifice. And through that sacrifice—Jesus—God says, “whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst,”.

Easter Sunday 2021 show art Easter Sunday 2021

Lake Highlands Church

Why Lent? - Why Scripture? show art Why Lent? - Why Scripture?

Lake Highlands Church

The power of God's word through Scripture is his gift of revelation to us. It is crucial in helping us know him, to know ourselves, and to walk out a life of love in a broken world. 

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Scripture reading: Genesis 12:1-9