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47. The Right Heart

Leader, Draw Near

Release Date: 11/20/2020

53. He Will Be With You show art 53. He Will Be With You

Leader, Draw Near

Do you sense God calling you out, asking you to do something that is outside your comfort zone? What is your source of strength?

52. Rest Interrupted show art 52. Rest Interrupted

Leader, Draw Near

Interruptions can be opportunities to demonstrate compassion. Jesus’ compassion included serving the crowd a meal. How we respond when our plans get changed can add to or take away from our resilience.

51. Where Now is the Lord? show art 51. Where Now is the Lord?

Leader, Draw Near

When circumstances turn from desirable to undesirable or when the task ahead is greater than one’s resources, it is common to want to know our importance to God and whether He is with us in our labors.

50. Discouragement—I Have Had Enough! show art 50. Discouragement—I Have Had Enough!

Leader, Draw Near

Discouragement can place us at opposite ends of God’s intention requiring Him to correct us, turn us around, and put us back on His course. Don’t allow threats or the appearance of being the only one interested in what God is working halt your forward momentum and progress.

49. Character of a Leader—Holy? show art 49. Character of a Leader—Holy?

Leader, Draw Near

Take a minute and evaluate the presence of the fruit of the Spirit in your life. Which fruit is most abundant in your life right now? After reflecting on the abundance, think on the fruit you sense needs to be growing in you.

48. Daniel’s Wise Alternative show art 48. Daniel’s Wise Alternative

Leader, Draw Near

Discerning wisdom is not an overnight process. Spiritual wisdom accompanies the practice of spiritual disciplines, particularly when prayer and Bible study are hallmarks.

47. The Right Heart show art 47. The Right Heart

Leader, Draw Near

What is the condition of your heart? Being an effective leader is as much about having the right heart as following proven leadership practices.

46. Transformation: Clean the Root and Reinsert It show art 46. Transformation: Clean the Root and Reinsert It

Leader, Draw Near

How do we overcome the dueling natures, the struggle of the flesh to do evil and of the mind that knows to obey the commands of God? We clear away the debris and cultivate in our heart the mind of Christ.

45. Did You Ask? show art 45. Did You Ask?

Leader, Draw Near

From whom do you seek advice and in whom do you place your trust when it seems you are not receiving discernable direction from God? Asking counsel of wise people is a Scriptural response, and so is asking God to keep you from presumption.

44. Compassion show art 44. Compassion

Leader, Draw Near

What might cause you to be stingy with empathy or sympathy? Are you tempted to make your compassion for others conditional? Let us strive to find the right blend of Christ-filled compassion and Spirit-guided correction.

More Episodes

Today’s Scripture reading comes from Genesis 9:16, quoting from the NASB:

“When the bow is in the cloud, then I will look upon it, to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”

Not all covenants are unrestricted, but God’s covenant with Noah was unconditional. God keeps His covenant independent of man’s obedience. God will do what He says He will do—this covenant with man is, in fact, one-sided. After nearly twelve months of water completely covering the earth, God’s wrath was satisfied. He cleansed the earth and purged wicked man from it. Though God cleansed the earth of man, He did not cleanse man’s heart. Why?

God is after something here. Man’s free will love and obedience was his desire in the garden and in giving his commands to Israel through Moses. Loving obedience to God is within man’s reach. Noah found favor in God’s eyes, as one who was righteous and without blame.

Whatever motivated God’s covenanting with man must also inspire His love for man. When we choose God, He is pleased. God did not command Noah’s worship or his burnt offering upon returning to dry land, but God was pleased to receive his worship and was soothed by its pleasant aroma.

God desires our unprovoked worship and obedience. God absolutely loves it when we turn to Him and worship Him with a heart that says: “Not my will, but your will be done.” God initiates unqualified covenant because though the “intent of man’s heart is evil,” not everyone lives out the evil intent—though provoked. For ten righteous men God spares a city. God is pleased with the heart of a righteous person.

What is the condition of your heart? When all around you succumb to evil intent, do you hold to the narrow way and find God’s favor? Being an effective leader is as much about having the right heart as following proven leadership practices. God covenants with man and He always keeps His Word.


// Points to Ponder

Over the next week, here are 3 points to ponder during your personal time of reflection or with a small group or mentor.

  1. First, consider how you commit your ways to God.
  2. Second, how are you resisting when all around are caving to common cultural demands or political correctness?
  3. Third, keep doing the right thing, even when it is unpopular.


// About the Narrator

MAJ Marissa Dey serves in the United States Army.


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