Episode 5: A Recovery Curriculum #5 - Martin McKenna (Palmerston School & Foxfield School)
Release Date: 06/04/2020
This episode is a recording of an online conference on Well Being held on 29/06/2021.It contains presentations from national leaders in the field of mental health, well being, trauma informed practice & psychology inc Prof Barry Carpenter CBE, Dr Tina Rae, Sharon Gray OBE & Laura Purser, as well as 5 school based practitioners from a wide range of settings - Alison Wheeler, Alex Tomkins, Jeanette Scull, Jonah Stancombe & Tom Thatcher. Visit episode webpage to watch full video of the event & presentations
In this episode, Prof Barry Carpenter CBE OBE discusses the topic of Active Recovery with a panel of guests including Vicci Wells, Ali Erskine, Vicci Wells, Jon White, Nathan Nwenwu, Shona McCann, Alistair Crawford and Billy Ellerington (a student). They discuss the presentation provided in Part 1 of this series - Episode #22. It is highly recommended that you listen to the first part (Episode #22) before listening to this episode. Visit episode webpage for this & video slideshow.
In this episode, Prof Barry Carpenter CBE OBE introduces Vicci Wells who is the National Manager at the Youth Sport Trust, as well as an ex-teacher. At a time of much debate as to how we support our children & young people to recover from the impact of the pandemic, Active recovery is a positive approach to rebuilding the mental well-being & emotional resilience of our children. Particular interventions described are Sports & Sensory Sanctuaries. Visit episode webpage for the video slideshow & resources.
In this episode, Prof Barry Carpenter CBE OBE discusses the topic of Family Centred Practice with a panel of guests including Vijita Patel, Jo Williams, Maria Schultz & Sadia Mahmud-Marshall. They discuss & explore how schools can work with families of children & young people with SEND to create a genuine bridge for family centred practice. There are a number of accompanying resources on the episode webpage, including videos, presentations, articles and guides. Visit episode webpage to access these.
Alex Revens combines the pedagogy of Engagement with the assessment processes offered through the Evidence for Learning app.His rich insights show how the combination of both reach out to the child w/ complex needs & meet them at their point of learning need;wrap around the child as active learner;capture their attainment;celebrate their achievement.His systematic & deductive approaches generate a high quality curriculum, with some significant outcomes.Visit episode webpage for video slideshow & articles
In this episode, Prof Barry Carpenter CBE OBE discusses the topic of Engagement with a panel of guests including Vijita Patel, Cheryl Gaughan, Vicci Wells, Ali Erskine, Gemma Alldritt, Martin McKenna. They discuss the presentation provided in Part 1 of this podcast series - Episode #17. It is highly recommended that you listen to the first part (Episode #17) before listening to this episode. Visit episode webpage for this & video slideshow
In this episode, Prof Barry Carpenter CBE OBE and Bev Cockbill discuss the topic of Engagement with a panel of guests including Vijita Patel, Cheryl Gaughan, Vicci Wells, Ali Erskine, Gemma Alldritt, Martin McKenna. They share & discuss innovative ways in which they’ve each applied & incorporated the use of Engagement into practice within their own settings.It's highly recommended that you listen to the first 2 parts (Episode #17 & #18) before listening to this episode. Visit episode webpage for resources
In this episode, Prof Barry Carpenter CBE OBE and Bev Cockbill explore the genesis of Engagement, its relevance and application to vulnerable children with a whole range of learning needs... asking the question, of all children, of all ages and abilities, “how does this child learn?” They look at the research evidence for Engagement, and its contribution as a fundamental building block in child development; to pedagogy and to assessment. Visit episode webpage for the video slideshow and articles
This episode is a recording of the online conference & webinar that was held on 15th July 2020. The event & this recording contains presentations & talks from Prof. Barry Carpenter & Dr Tina Rae, as well as a 65 min discussion and Q&A session with a panel of educational leaders from a wide range of settings & contexts. Panellists: Sharon Gray OBE, Vijita Patel, Sally Apps, Martin McKenna, Ali Erskine, Polly McMeeking plus Dr Tina Rae. Visit episode webpage to watch full video of the event & presentations
Alex Tomkins raises some challenging questions in this exploration of teacher led inquiry in Social Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH). SEMH is now a key part of curriculum for children with SEN, yet we do have a strong background in this area. It’s certainly not a strong pedagogy. Alex also considers the opportunities presented by current circumstances to reflect on how inquiry can become a more significant & ubiquitous feature of formative assessment systems.Visit episode webpage for this & video slidesho
info_outlineWe hear from a leader in Special Education, Martin McKenna, currently Deputy Head of Palmerston School in Liverpool, and about to take up the Headship of Foxfield School on the Wirral.
Martin articulates his philosophy around interdisciplinary teamwork which has a shared focus on a personalised curriculum through a pedagogy rooted in Engagement. The Evidence for Learning app (EfL) is used to capture each pupil’s learning against their personalised goals.
EfL has been used during the period of lockdown to provide family activities that met the needs not only of their child with learning difficulties but all family members, who record the participation and family engagement, and share it back with the school.
Martin describes how they ‘share the script’ between each other, which is mutually empowering at this time of crisis. He feels this positive creativity militates against some of the negative consequences of lockdown in families who find themselves in difficult circumstances, and he endorses the Recovery Curriculum for its focus on teaching as a relationship-based profession, which enable teachers to deal with loss trauma and anxiety in the children.
He reflects how he will carry these values forward into his next school setting through communication, hope and endeavour. He sees that all children will need a time of healing to recalibrate as successful learners.
Video case studies from Palmerston School
Earlier in 2020, before the pandemic, we spent a day with the students and staff at Palmerston School recording some of the wonderful teaching, collaboration and learning that goes on in the Palmerston learning community every day.
\We spoke with the leadership team, teachers, support assistants, local authority staff, physios, multi-agency teams and parents and captured some wonderful and inspiring nuggets of practice and deep learning.
You can watch these videos in the EfL in Action page or on the EfL YouTube channel.
About Martin McKenna, Palmerston School & Foxfield School
Martin began his career into SEN in 2007 as a teacher in SEN at Palmerston school. Throughout his years as a teacher he has worked closely with staff both within Palmerston and in mainstream schools to ensure the curriculum is personalised and meets the needs of a range of pupils across ASC, PMLD, SLD and the MLD spectrum.
As part of his role he is responsible for developing, monitoring and training to improving the quality of teaching and learning within the school and supporting other schools as a Specialist Leader in Education.
In 2013 he became a member of the SLT and has helped to guide the school though the last two outstanding judgements in Ofsted.
In September he is moving to the Wirral to undertake his first headship in Foxfield school.
Palmerston School
Foxfield School
More info on the Recovery Curriculum
For information on the Recovery Curriculum, including the original Think Piece entitled “A Recovery Curriculum: Loss and Life for our children and schools post pandemic”, lectures, resources, reference materials and details of the online communities of practice, visit:
Join the conversation about The Recovery Curriculum:
Clearly any form of Recovery Curriculum will need to be unique to each and every school, contextualised to the ethos, culture and values of that school, as well as its existing curriculum and crucially reflecting and addressing the needs and aspirations of its unique population of learners.
We have created private groups in LinkedIn and Facebook where colleagues and peers can discuss and share thoughts, ideas, experiences, resources and learning in relation to education and provision post pandemic. The groups are also an opportunity to connect people and help you to build a network that can support you on your own important journey over the coming months.
Facebook Group: Recovery Curriculum
We’ve set up a private facebook group specifically for The Recovery Curriculum at:
or search for “recoverycurriculum” in Facebook.
Facebook: EfL SEND Community Group
Join us at:
or search for “eflSENDCommunity” in Facebook.
The purpose of the group is to provide a safe, closed space to seek out and share ideas, experience and resources that can help with any and all aspects of SEND provision. It’s also a community for practitioners and schools that use Evidence for Learning and Insights for Learning to share ideas, resources and support each other in using these apps. This is a peer-moderated and supported group.
Linkedin Group: The Recovery Curriculum
The group is called “A Recovery Curriculum for children & schools post-pandemic” and you can find it at: