Create & Resonate
The Stephanie McBride series follows a driven cybercrime detective as she confronts increasingly complex and dangerous cases, while battling personal demons. In The Ghost at the Table, Stephanie is introduced as a skilled but somewhat solitary figure in the cyber world, battling a past betrayal and facing a new, seemingly impossible case. She learns to rely on others, forming a crucial working relationship with Logan. In Cold, Stephanie faces a more complex international threat involving money laundering, and must confront her past losses. She pushes herself relentlessly, blurring...
info_outline 001 - DeepDive and 'Understanding AuDHD - 2nd edition'Create & Resonate
Lee Hopkins's Understanding AuDHD is a book exploring the intersection of autism and ADHD (AuDHD). It traces the historical understanding of autism and ADHD, highlighting key research and diagnostic shifts. The book then examines the complexities of AuDHD diagnosis, focusing on challenges such as co-occurring mental health conditions and societal biases. Finally, it explores the lived experiences of AuDHD individuals, emphasising their strengths and advocating for a more inclusive society that values neurodiversity. The book also offers self-management strategies and discusses various...
info_outlineLee Hopkins's Understanding AuDHD is a book exploring the intersection of autism and ADHD (AuDHD). It traces the historical understanding of autism and ADHD, highlighting key research and diagnostic shifts. The book then examines the complexities of AuDHD diagnosis, focusing on challenges such as co-occurring mental health conditions and societal biases. Finally, it explores the lived experiences of AuDHD individuals, emphasising their strengths and advocating for a more inclusive society that values neurodiversity. The book also offers self-management strategies and discusses various treatment options.